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  1. BCable

    New Forum Suggestion

    I try to stay away from here as much as I can. It's like getting dumped every time I read the latest news item. That's why I was unaware :/
  2. BCable

    New Forum Suggestion

    I noticed that there was a "Support" forum, but what about all of the people who haven't gotten it yet? I propose an "Emotional Support" forum. ...I only wish I was joking...
  3. BCable

    WiFi, tests and CircuitCo (2011-06-17)

    More ass working off, please. I heard "within a month" 2 months ago, and silly me, I actually believed it (again). I don't like reading "why" things are the way they are. That comforts some people, but it troubles me. Now I'm worried I'll get a defective one with all the problems I've heard...
  4. BCable

    Shipping date?

    Gotta hope that Operation Hell on the Earth doesn't continue, too!
  5. BCable

    Weird Moment

    You're not going to trick me into going "chilling with the bros".
  6. BCable

    We Have One Person To Thank

    I don't get it. </stupid_american> PS: How was this supposed to be interactive? I didn't interact at all... EDIT: OOOOoooh.. is it Craig or something? (I don't know much about the creators, I just sit and wait quietly forever and I don't stalk)
  7. BCable

    100 Hand Painted Special Edition Pandoras

    Who's defying whom?
  8. BCable

    Once I Get My Pandora I'm Gonna...

    Any ideas on what a good screen protector would be for the Pandora?
  9. BCable

    Once I Get My Pandora I'm Gonna...

    Don't worry. With our luck you'll drop dead before the Pandoras get made.
  10. BCable

    Have We Got A Tracking Number For The Cases?

    See I didn't even know about that delay since I wasn't paying attention for about a year. Someone should make a documentary about these delays. I'm serious.
  11. BCable

    Beta Appstore Testing (Again)

    *thumbs up*
  12. BCable

    Current Status Of All The Parts

    Just a thought, isn't micromanaging a company you are trying to get a product from just going to make things worse? I'd like to know the status of everything as well, but that requires time to sort through everything and make sure it is up to date... time that could be well spent building Pandoras.
  13. BCable

    The Real Business Case For Openpandora

    Yeah! I wanted a butterfly :(
  14. BCable

    Some Changes In Gp32Spain Wiz Contest

    Are you cheating on the Pandora with the Wiz? :(
  15. BCable

    Beta Appstore Testing (Again)

    I'm going to say what I have and if it overlaps then I'm sorry, I can't read massive threads, I don't have time :/ All of these are on Firefox. - You can sign up twice with the same email address. - This one I know was mentioned, but I figured it should be said again. The password needs to...
  16. BCable

    Beta Appstore Testing (Again)

    I'll do what I can :) -Brad Cable (were we wanting real names or something?)
  17. BCable


    Actually I didn't know. Now I feel stupid.
  18. BCable

    Wait What?

    No big deal, at this point I'm surprised a meteor hasn't hit them. The real news is: WE HAVE THE FRIGGIN PANDORA BOARDS!??!?!?!??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. BCable


    I know this information is out there, but searching came up with nothing and this forum is just plain ridiculous to keep up with anymore. I read somewhere that overclocking will void the warranty. It sounded serious, so I was surprised. We have warranties for these things?? (AWESOME if we...
  20. BCable


    When people talk about gloves when using a phone, I hardly think the first thing they think of is latex gloves. They are probably imagining winter gloves, like I was.