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  1. N

    usb issue

    hi everyone, i've been trying a lot of stuff with my pandora; but i find no way to connect any USB device, keyboard, cardreader, mp3 player, none of my stuff works i'm aware of the uab2 only limit, but i can't believe every periphal i go is usb1.1, i don't have a hub to make sure tho...
  2. N

    Post picks and first impressions of your shiny new Pandora here!

    hmmmm since i got mine too, i'll give my two cents :) nubs: interesting but WAYYYYYYY too sensitive :o and also they don't go back in the middle so much by themselves ABXY buttons: not great, not bad either but they lack feeling, they move a bit too much sideways and tend to rub against...
  3. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    anyway muito obrigato to you, i'd never have successed without you :)
  4. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    well it DID work upon reboot the problem now is: i don't know why, so i can't make it happen again if i flash the nand for example..... :blink: but the bluetooth manager's "disconnect" button is now active, and the network manager shows in the "wired" tab an "Ifupdown (bnep0)" device...
  5. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    still "connect script failed" ... if only it could say why it fails..... :angry:
  6. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    already edited:)
  7. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    well it'the one i copied from this thread: debug debug debug nodetach /dev/rfcomm0 115200 connect "/usr/sbin/chat -f /etc/ppp/3G" nomultilink defaultroute noipdefault ipcp-restart 7 ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote ipcp-max-configure 20 ipcp-max-failure 2 lcp-echo-interval 0...
  8. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    oh, seems that my hcid.conf tweaking finally solved the PIN issue, i am now able to get the "Connect script failed" without any PIN to enter anywhere :]
  9. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    about the networking thing, this works: but as the replying guy: vanishes upon restart.... [edit] that's pretty much what i tried from the link :)
  10. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    got a hint! hciconfig -a returns: services classes: capturing, telephony i believe there should be "networking", maybe that's why the bluetooth manager doesn't ask me if i want to use the device for networking?
  11. N

    it makes a noise?

    no, it's not the wifi, it's definately file access, the noise is quite related to the SD led blinking, and running something a bit heavy (i tried with fennec) allows you to hear the read blocks :P maybe i could hear the wifi as well but i'm not in a quiet environnment right now :D
  12. N

    it makes a noise?

    well if you have any doubt i can probably record it ;)
  13. N

    it makes a noise?

    i guess it happens, as i'm able to hear pretty high frequencies indeed :P (and no, i'm not having discussions with my power supply :D )
  14. N

    it makes a noise?

    i figured something strange about my pandora, everything looks ok, but id DOES make a parasite noise that seem related to the SD access, thru the speakers, not related to the speakers volume, and still there with the headphone plugged in could be some kind of condensator noise perhaps ? as...
  15. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    passket-agent : not found and /var/log/messages: not found thought about hints there: hcid.conf, but file is empty on the pandora , tried adding the passkey setting, no result ...
  16. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    tried commenting, nothing has changed :/ my phone asks for a pin, if i give anything then the pandora wants a pin, asked by the phone so it's like if the pppd commande makes the phone associate with the pandora, and not the other way around ?!
  17. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    if the phone is already paired, rfcomm bind command returns: "Can't create device: Address already in use" and rfcomm returns "closed" in the bluetooth preferences manager, the "disconnect" button is greyed out, only "remove" is available, wich solves the errors, but then leads to the...
  18. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    yes the phone has the pandora set to always allowed about the pppd call, no output, it's simply the moment where the phone asks for the number, after i cancel on the phone, the pandora just logically says "Connect script failed" edit: tried inputting a bogus number on the phone, then a...
  19. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    user and pass already removed, commands output are ok for everything, my only issue now actually is that bluetooth auth code that my phone asks me ... if i connect the phone first with the device manager , then i get errors as the device is already in use... do you want those errors...
  20. N

    [solved] bluetooth tethering?

    aha, maybe a part of my problem is there, i don't have any PANU thing here, all i have is #configuration file for the network service [general] #disable link encryption: default=false #disablesecurity=true and that's all, that is my whole file, how much is missing? [edit: filled...