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  1. sepulep

    Should Pyra have a Camera?

    this looks very convenient since you can snake it around which everway you hold the pyra and also point around - I would totally include in the order if ED where to offer it...
  2. sepulep

    SuperZaxxon v1.72 released

    okay, I can compile (lib)xwiimote. its a bit painful because it needs newer libudev (well not so new something about 2012-2013), thats part of systemd. Luckily its also available through eudev. In any case, I can confirm that you can connect a wiimote and the connection shows all moves :)...
  3. sepulep

    SuperZaxxon v1.72 released

    thats the adres returned by the hcitool scan command. at this point you should let the wiimote know it should try to pair (i think you must turnoff any nearby wii to be sure...) by pressing the button inside the batt compartement (or 1+2). it should flash the leds and hcitool should report the...
  4. sepulep

    SuperZaxxon v1.72 released

    to pair up the device: modprobe hid-wiimote hcitool scan [press little red button inside battery compartement of wiimote] hidd --connect <bdaddr> (as root) this pairs up the device and generates the devices in /dev, but does not make the wiimote functional,  still need some software to...
  5. sepulep

    Release Starcraft

    awesome..very grateful for the fullscreen scaling (somehow I am not very sensitive to distortion... :rolleyes: ) 
  6. sepulep

    SuperZaxxon v1.72 released

    ok. I think the package now is compiled with support (at least the binary matches 'wiimote' search string, as suggested by the wiki). Now its still not pairing with the gnome bluetooth applet (the version of the firmware of the gnome bluetooth applet does not allow to proceed w/o pairing).  The...
  7. sepulep

    The Tube app no longer working?

    I put a version with increased cache size on the repo (and the changed search bar behaviour). btw I noticed I had very severe slowdowns on my wifi (normally good for ~1MB/s) whenever another machine was pulling data (leading to stutter even with the increased cache). Downloads with pndmanager...
  8. sepulep

    SuperZaxxon v1.72 released

    just to be complete: what happens is that upon pairing it gives a pin and inmediately reports failure. I think the newest version should do pinless pairing...
  9. sepulep

    SuperZaxxon v1.72 released

    that was quick :)   still the same behaviour though with the new bluez. I read that you must enable it explicitly with --enable-wiimote at the configure (maybe also a bunch of other optional devices?) btw that was on the arch linux wiki btw2 a quick test shows that the new package is also...
  10. sepulep

    SuperZaxxon v1.72 released

    Hi Notaz,  great work - I got a question not really about the firmware update: is there a way to update bluez (or what would be the recommended way to compile it for distribution in a pnd) to 4.101. I noticed the current kernel has the hid-wiimote module, but I cannot yet pair up with one. I...
  11. sepulep

    Wii Remote Multiplayer

    What are the current options to connect a Wiimote?
  12. sepulep

    No prototypes for GamesCom, but a Wifi Chip and a Pyra in the dark!

    I am becoming more in favour for 5Ghz with the comments above, from this I get its maybe a good idea to make it a stretch goal dependent on the number of preorders..
  13. sepulep

    No prototypes for GamesCom, but a Wifi Chip and a Pyra in the dark!

    I am also slightly in favour of 5Ghz - although I have no super strong preference (the bluetooth interference argument would be a good reason).. would it also need a different  (more expensive?) antenna?
  14. sepulep

    New render of the Pyra

    aren't these just the pandora dimensions?  (or have they already been updated to the latest desgin?)
  15. sepulep

    New render of the Pyra

    nicenice :) btw..what are the dimensions of the case??
  16. sepulep

    The Tube app no longer working?

    ok, maybe there is something in the pndrun (/tmp/pndrun_thetube.out)??
  17. sepulep

    The Tube app no longer working?

    you can get help for the tube browser with "h" the actual player is mpv (a fork of mplayer). mplayer is also available but mpv should work best. You can find the controls on the web i guess but the most useful are: right, left: skip forward backward, 9,0: volume control, <,>: next prev movie...
  18. sepulep

    Keymat Layout - the Final Poll!

    I voted 7 and 10, the only thing I don't like is having F12 (or any other key) under <enter> since this seems a recipe for disaster, or at least a lot of unnecessary sweating anytime you need to hit the f12 when enter confirms a repartition of your harddrive :rolleyes:  
  19. sepulep

    How to get rotation working

    how bad is the tearing what is this "AntiTearing" system?? :)