Premodded Erricson Chatboards

I said I'd message when they were done; there was a shipping mishap and the chatboards aren't even here yet :(
If I could get a few of the Chat Boards and Connectors I could make them for people in the UK :D hehe...
I bet that with no response by now, most of you just think I was full of... myself.... Well, you were wrong, and the proof is here:
The above photo is the keyboard successfully running spiv's keyboard test program, and the photo below is the wiring. I tell you, I had one hell of a time; the first board just died, the connectors came off when I was taking off the original connector, the second board I finished and put the silicon rubber sealer up by the top of the case to hold the wires, and I find out later that two of the wires disconnected when I stripped the wires at the head, and that was irreprable because the rubber had hardened just enough to make it unworkable, the third was completed after more work, but I found that when I plugged it in, the flu on my unit turned off (switch still on) and it was as if the screen's gamma had been turned up (Thankfully, when I took it out, it returned to normal); turns out that the head diagram I was using had the pins labled backwards, so I had to resolder everything in reverse; that worked, but now the keyboard faced the back, so I turned it around and the green wire snapped near the keyboard just far enough up to make the wire too short, so I had to take it off and resolder a new one, but THAT time it all worked

That was after finding out that I needed to go out and buy nearly $100 of electronic equipment since mine had been damaged the earlier week -.-
How do you people plan to hold the GP32 and keyboard at the same time? It seems it would be rather akward. At least on PDAs the keyboard and PDA attach to each other and they become almost as 1 device. But here you will have to handle 2 devices.

The mod is quite cool though.
Okay, I cleaned up my work area and as it stands, I have 5 chatboards left, three connector heads in perfect condition, and two with 1 (out of four total) missing clip (The package was damaged during shipping); the missing clip shouldn't be a physical problem since I'll use adhesive, but I'd expect those to go for less. Since I only have 5 left to sell, and it cost me quite a bit more since I had to re-buy a bit of electronic equipment, I'll be putting them up on e-bay as soon as my debit card arrives, which should be 10 business days or less (I just set up a new account at the bank, and I don't have a credit card yet to activate my selling account on ebay -.-) The starting bid will be usd $10 and the shipping will only be the actual cost of shipping (carrier of your choice; UPS reccomended) as said before, but since there's quite a few of you interested and only 5 available, I'll have to do it the auction way. As soon as I put the first auction up, I'll add the news here. Also, I added the two pictures of the keyboard completely finished, they're the bottom twp pictures at the link above, or you can get them directly at and
are you going to make any more ?

i got the impression you were going to make a few, not 5

it's all very interesting ! would be great if stuff like Frodo or Sarien supported it...
Any chance I could put myself down for one if anymore come up (assuming you will ship to the UK or Steve-O gets some bits ;)).

I could look at supporting in ScummVM at some point then (if it is not to hard) and I have a few other ideas that could use a keyboard. I have a chatboard but I don't want to mod it as I still use it with my T68i all the time :D.
or Steve-O gets some bits ;))
Yea... All I need is the Bits :D hehe... I can get the Keyboards but not the Connectors :'( lol... I could probably make and Test more than 5 Keyboards every hour if I had all the connectors and keyboards to do it... If anyone knows where to get the Connectors could they let me know :D hehe THanks... I could also convert lots of GBA / GBC Wormlights to GP32 lights in a hour if I had the connectors :D

I bet that with no response by now, most of you just think I was full of... myself.... Well, you were wrong, and the proof is here:

Not the Neatest of solders are you hehe :D :p
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i want to get one too...
would be cool if some programs would support this (like scummvm saving :D) and those old pc emus like C64, atari st. etc
i would pay with shipping up to 20€ for this unit...
even more if there will be a linux that support this :D
I know what its like steve-o. i had a look for connectors to make my own and couldnt find them. I found the manufacturer but i dont think they sell them to the public. ;)
My newer one is much neater, I was actually still re-learning how to solder (Haven't done anything in years, espicially not something so small), but I am much better at it now. As for making more, I would if I could, I need to find a supplier that I could (hopefully) order 100 or so connectors from so I don't have to worry about running out any time soon, and if I can find the connectors, I can get more chatboards
i sent an email to the manufacturer inquirig about connectors but the postmaster sent it bak saying the address didnt work :blink:

edit: sebo2000 dusnt seem to be much help either

edit2: woo, i found a supplier, im thinking about making these up myself, im in the UK so if anyone would be interested i mite make some, id be looking at making around 40 as an initial stock, anyone interested?

also, how much would people be wiling to pay. i reckon i could sell them for £10-15
please let me know the site of the supplier :D I have PM'ed you :D

if you would tell me what i could use this Keyboard for (like those Homecomputer emus (C64, Speccy)), i would probably be interrested, if shipping to Germany isnt to expensive.