Premodded Ericsson chatboards.

hhhmm the anoying thing with the chat board is, is that its got a silly slightly rounded bottom so when you put it on a flat desk and try to type it rocks side to side hehe... they are quite small when you get them 4 inches long hehe... Im thinking of modding the Blue carry case that you get with them so the cable runs out the back of the case and keeps the chatboard stilll.....
ye the chatboards come with a case, when mine are reay the cases will be modded so you can still store your chatboard in them with the cable sticking out.
instead of connecting the Orange wire and tab 4 to the surface mounted resistor, I just soldered them both to Tab 1. Chat board works Perfectly :D but you get 2 different values when you press a button like "A".. hhhmmmm
yea I checked with multimeter and its a good point to solder to :D Safer than soldering to the Resistor (I actually think its a surface mounted Fuse now as my PSX has blown a Fuse and it looks the same as that... hhmmmm)
hey zenocha what's going on with your chatboard site? Seem it doesn't exist anymore :blink:

edit: site is still up, my bookmark was crappy :)