The State Of Gp32 Scene


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
always fun to watch this scene. I have jhad my GP32 over a year now and been watching the scene probably a good 6 months longer than that (after GPengine got released I knew I must have one!) Since I've got mine there's been huge advancements in Atari ST, Atari 2600/800, coleco emulation and of course the higher profile ones (Nes, SNES, GBC, fGen, the imminent Mame emu...)

(note.. the poor non-emu HB dev's they always get left out!! we love you guys too, don't worry!)

Anyway after Xmas - and the release of fGen and OSnes9X, things have been completely dried up around here. Not totally, but definitely a lot more of a lull then the half year before that. Even this past week people were starting to get all worked up as the Zodiac's been getting all the emu love lately. Anyway, as the pendulum swings, and things start heating up over here again, it's good to see it's "business as usual." Lots of people getting hyped about this emu(s) or that, Rlyeh comes out of nowhere with big announcements, anothewr 2 or 3 dev's get pretty chatty on the boards "gonna be putting this out soon.."

Honestly, it's more fun to watch the hubbub than to play the actual apps.. heh heh heh.. anyway, thanks everybody (developers and enthusiasts alike) - and keep it up. The "regular" PC emulation scene has been stale for years now, GP32 emulation scene is thriving and always fresh + interesting... more and more. We're very lucky!
ralp99 posted on Apr 17 2004 at 09:39 PM said:
Honestly, it's more fun to watch the hubbub than to play the actual apps.. heh heh heh.. anyway, thanks everybody (developers and enthusiasts alike) - and keep it up. The "regular" PC emulation scene has been stale for years now, GP32 emulation scene is thriving and always fresh + interesting... more and more. We're very lucky!
So true lol - these forums are great.

I love the emus, games, and everything else, but as so many people have said before, the thing that makes it so much fun is the community.

BTW: As a quick message to those who were saying at the end of January that the scene was probably about dead now - have you swallowed your tongues yet? :P lol
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To me the GP32 will never die.

Even if right now, all progress on every GP32 project just stopped, i'd still be happy with what our little system has been blessed with. :)

Though if there are any developers that have just read that, don't you dare discontinue your work or i'll slap you. :lol:
anyways, the scene didnt slow up much, just larger things were anounced and they take longer, but it did appear to be slow, but with the current state of GPFinalWar ( just made a huge breakthrough! but its a secret :P ) and the new genesis emu, and the scene looks kinds dry due to the fact everythin for to months ( well, not everything ) has been kept hush hush for one hell of a March 1st!

and these boards rock, more fun than the gba boards I am at
I am a highly know member there and Havnt been there for a while, and no one noticed!
here, yall notice stuff like that fast, its cool

@ Octavious - I know the feeling. Hence why i never sign up for most message boards at all, but this one's got a small, dedicated community. Not a fanbase of hundreds and hundreds of posters that don't know each other. :) Much better like this.
Well after xmas it was really quiet but now its crazy Genesis and Snes full speed on their way :D
ilarri posted on Apr 17 2004 at 10:48 PM said:
GP32 its the "linux" of the portable systems, so will never dies!!
:lol: He has a point.

GP32 = Linux
GBA = Windows

GP32 can partially emulate GBA. Linux can partially emulate Windows.

Nintendo = Microsoft? :blink:
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Twinbee posted on Apr 17 2004 at 04:02 PM said:
ilarri posted on Apr 17 2004 at 10:48 PM said:
GP32 its the "linux" of the portable systems, so will never dies!!
:lol: He has a point.

GP32 = Linux
GBA = Windows

GP32 can partially emulate GBA. Linux can partially emulate Windows.

Nintendo = Microsoft? :blink:
Then, Sony = Mac?
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ha ha octavious, I remember seeing you post ""What is GP32 all about? " in Gbatemp forums like 6 months ago or so. I would go in and post all about it ("Don't buy GP32 if you want commercial games!! yadda yadda yadda..") Glad you makde the jump over here, it ain't so bad now is it...

GBAtemp scene is not bad but wayyyyy flooded with little kiddies.. you see a coupel dart in and out of here from time to time, but it's never too bad really. a couple memorable moments though "_counter?"

had mine for 11 months now, and every week theres seems to be more stuff to download! Far more than when i first got it!

Big 'respect' to the developers out there :)
LOL its topics like this that made my keep my GP32 and not get an N-Gage :D


I have been into the GP32 since October when i took the plunge and have to say its the best handheld console i have owned, if only the NGPC emu could be sorted i would be mega happy, it was my NGPC collection that had to go to fund myself a GP32FLU and some trimmings.

I got into the NGPC at the right time and sold at the right time i paid out £100 on a console and 12 games and in the end i got jsut over £300 4 months later.

I owe a lot to the NGPC community as it was the guys there that told me to go and get a GP32, i still miss MOTM, Faselei, and Pocket Golf as aell as some others but the great games i have discovered more than make up for it.

I have gotten so much out of the GP32 and the community i wish i was able to put something back, but i am the worst peogrammer you will ever meet. It took me 2 days to learn how to type Hello World in Java.

Over the past 6 months is have not seen the GP32 community crumble like i was told would happen after Zodiac launched, i have seen the community get stronger and move the GP32 on with great emus and games.

I can't wait to see what is round the corner for the GP32 i just hope the Euro launch is not going to be as bigger flop that i feel it will be and we get some fresh blood onto the scene with even more tricks and great games/emus.
i got mine for my birthday in janurary
right after christmas the os9x pandamonium had seemed to have slowed down slightly when v.3 was delayed or whatever
Twinbee posted on Apr 17 2004 at 11:41 PM said:
My GP32 was a christmas present from my father. :)

Astonishia Story R boxed set.
did you get the asr firmware?

i havent even got my gp32 yet but this is the site i visit the most by far!
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