Gp32girl 1.0 Released


Active Member
Apr 16, 2003
"Give the public what it wants..."

I just release GP32Girl 1.0. GP32Girl is a GP32 player for VirtuaGirl1 animations. You can get it at

From the included GP32Girl.txt

What is it?

GP32Girl is a GP32 player for VirtuaGirl 1 files (not the 
newer VirtuaGirl2 files). VirtuaGirl 1 files can be 
recognized by there BK1, BK2 or BK3 extention.

What goes where on my GP32?

Put the GP32Girl.fxe file in your gpmm directory (with your
other FXE files) and create a directory gp32girl under your
GPMM directory so you get something like \gpmm\gp32girl.

Put all your VirtuaGirl 1 animations into the gp32girl

Start GP32Girl.

What keys do what?

While running GP32Girl press the SELECT key to see what
key does what.

For more info read the complete GP32Girl.txt


Some VirtuaGirl animations are very explicit.
Hmmmm... riiiiigggghhht....


How sad would you REALLY have to be to stick something like this on your GP32 to take around with you? :rolleyes:

Just wondering :blink:
I have no idea what it is, where to get Virtuagirl animations or whatever I would need it for, but hey, I'm a loadaholic. Gimme gimme gimme! Maybe somewhen I'll need... but probably not :P

Thanks anyway, VirtuaLeech. Whatever it is I just downloaded :lol:

Ah, google cleared it all up. Don't want to offend you, but whoever needs this, especially on a GP32...?
Axeman posted on Apr 12 2004 at 12:10 AM said:
Hmmmm... riiiiigggghhht....


How sad would you REALLY have to be to stick something like this on your GP32 to take around with you? :rolleyes:

Just wondering :blink:
Why the hostility?

First of all it was just an technical excersize (please forgive my spelling).

Second, when announcing VNS a lot of people got excited. But when it was released it turned out people didn´t want to do some actively, they just want to watch their GP32, preferably something Hentai (no I am not bitter, not al all <_< ). So if they rather watch (semi) naked ladies instead of doing something creative, why not give them what they want?

So no, I am not sad, and yes, I am also trying to make a (personal) statement with this release.
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Dude, after reading the txt file ("please mail me the name of the animation
and I will see if I have it in my collection") i have come to the conclusion that you really should get a real girl, little animations of women in thongs prancing around on your gp32? wots the point? wasnt it possible to watch porn on gp32 last time i checked?

sorry to burst ur bubble but it is kinda sad, how about a nice new emulator you could put your programming skills to? although im sure you did p;ut a lot of effort into this

OMG u s000 got 2 3mail me 1!!!!11!!1!!
Just kidding, good job by the way. But what's with the fullscreen mode, theres like peoples heads in the way thats kinda lame looking. You should make a fullscreen fullscreen mode.
VirtuaLeech posted on Apr 11 2004 at 10:40 PM said:
Axeman posted on Apr 12 2004 at 12:10 AM said:
Hmmmm... riiiiigggghhht....


How sad would you REALLY have to be to stick something like this on your GP32 to take around with you? :rolleyes:

Just wondering :blink:
Why the hostility?

First of all it was just an technical excersize (please forgive my spelling).

Second, when announcing VNS a lot of people got excited. But when it was released it turned out people didn´t want to do some actively, they just want to watch their GP32, preferably something Hentai (no I am not bitter, not al all <_< ). So if they rather watch (semi) naked ladies instead of doing something creative, why not give them what they want?

So no, I am not sad, and yes, I am also trying to make a (personal) statement with this release.
Hehe - was not meant as hostility - just a comment; what ran through my head when I first saw it :)

If people want it, then so be it! I've got no problem with that! I'm jealous of the fact that you have the knowledge to code something like this - even though I'd put that knowledge to a different use if I had it :D

Twas only meant in fun, please dont take offence!

Cheers :)
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erm... did no one actually read his second post? or will downloading it tell me something different, and if so if you all think it's so stupid then why did you download it? :blink:
chunk-e-munk-e posted on Apr 12 2004 at 12:47 AM said:
Dude at after reading the txt file ("please mail me the name of the animation
and I will see if I have it in my collection") i have come to the conclusion that you really should get a real girl, little animations of women in thongs prancing around on your gp32? wots the point? wasnt it possible to watch porn on gp32 last time i checked?

sorry to burst ur bubble but it is kinda sad, how about a nice new emulator you could put your programming skills to? although im sure you did p;ut a lot of effort into this

I think you are getting the point
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I wish I could choose you as president of my country virtualeech

btw, got any info on new vns stories? I did/do enjoy those stuff.

And for anyone out there that thinks im some kind of freak, i do have a gf :/
and she is not a .jpg nor a puppet :(
First VNS Hentai, and now this. I demand that VirtuaLeech's custom title be changed to 'GP32 Porn Merchant' :)

And yes, I do get what you're trying to do here, VL.
Pathetic how all goes "you should get a girlfriend!!" - amagad! :ph34r: Like i would tell everyone that plays BoR to get someone to kick the shit out.
Rico posted on Apr 12 2004 at 12:01 AM said:
And yes, I do get what you're trying to do here, VL.
It's not like you need a training in psychology to find out...
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Hey, some people didn't. I didn't want my joke to make me appear stupid; there are many other things that do the job already :)
Now I can take my gp32 out of my pocket, turn it on, and then put my hand back in my pocket :D
lol at the above and rico's av!
I have a girl, and shes non of the above, not even an .avi, shes on a high definition dvd with surround!
( that was a joke )
I am always glad to see that the comunity is getting more stuff, and look at it this way, it might make millions of little kidies go out and get gp32's with the BLU so they the dark, and gamepark gets lots of money and releases gp64 ahead of schedule, and gamepark takes over the handheld comunity!
