Vns Version 1.1 Is Out


Active Member
Apr 16, 2003

After some delay VNS version 1.1 is out. This version should work on all GP32s. Here is a list of what has changed:

New feature - New Keyword TEXTOWNER= for displaying a picture in the top left of the textbox.
New feature - New keyword PUSHSCENE and POPSCENE for create procedures in VNS stories.
New feature - When in 16bit mode you can now mix 8bit and 16bit graphics.
Enhancement - Faster loading of large story files.
Enhancement - Maximum number of lines in story file: 25000
Enhancement - Maximum number of scenes in story: 10000
Enhancement - Maximum number of variables in story: 1000 (including system vars)
Enhancement - New page in debug menu, contains next 20 scenes in story (+ byte index)
Enhancement - Ability to show the value of variables in text lines.
Enhancement - New system variable _availablemem.
Enhancement - New system variable _darkcolor.
Enhancement - Keyword STORYDIR no longer mandatory when all resources are in a ZIP file.
Bug fix - Variables did not reset when a story was restarted or a new story loaded.
Bug fix - Fixed speed setting bug on some GP32s.

Most of the above new features and enhancements are shown in the new demo story DEMOV11.VNS.

The complete installation containing the FXE file, manual and all demos (5681KB) can be found at

For people who already having installed VNS 1.0, or don't want the old demo's there is also a more compact download (658KB) including just the FXE file, manual and the new 1.1 demo. This version can be found here

To install VNS just unzip the whole to the gpmm dir on
the GP32 leaving the directory structure of the zipfile intact. More
info can be found in vnsguide.htm in the zip file.

Oops, just found out that the new speed setting can cause a lot of crackling noise on some mod files. To solve this make sure the keyword SOUNDFREQ is set to S44.
now this is really cool (previous version didn't work on my GP)! I'll try it at once.
I was wondering how difficult would you say developing in the VNS is for someone that pretty much knows jack squat about programing. While I'd love to crank out some shooters and platform games of my own for the GP (I just got mine today but I'm resisting the urge to do anything untill I get a SMC) but my brains oozes out of my ear every time I even look at C++. Being an artist, The concept of doing a simple VNS style game seems like the way to go but will I just be the victim of more oozing brains?
It's very simple.

First think up an idea, story.

Then make some grapics (simple BMP files, sounds WAV files converted to SEF or MOD files)

Then build the script.

Very straight forward. Just download the full version of VNS and look at the .VNS files. This are the scripts and they can be opened with a normal text editor. If you have any more questions just PM me or mail
Congrats Virtua Leech glad you finally released it :)

I think me and virtualeech will have t make some demo programs and do a tutorial on how to build games/novels :)

Soon my gp32 will be fixed by mr spiv and i will be able to dev on it again :)

but i think a site explaining the commands a bit more with demo's would be nice.

But the help file explains it all for u really so have a look at that if now we can help u with it :)

Brilliant. I couldn't get the previous version to work but this is great, as is the Japanese Love Story (not the hentai edition)

I am looking forward to creating some stuff with this.
Maybe its in the doc.s you provided but I probably missed it because I really wanteed to wait till my GP was ready to use but does the VNS support animated .gif files or is it all just .bmp?
For now just BMP. Animated gif files are on my animation wish list :D

Anybody know if there are already GP32 applications (preferrably with source) that support animated gifs?
Well i know of gif support for gp32 but its not animated

only animation i know of is FLC animation from chui's lib he ported (Can't remember the name)

But FLC is same as GIF basiclly and very simple to convert but the problem is the filesize most quick 1sec animations are 200-300kb

I am on the verge of getting a GP32 and beeing able to contribute with new games to the GP32 scene would be great!

How advaced is the VNS?
Can you make platformers or shot em ups?

I've done some games in flash with action script but don't know any real programming languages.
Gruel posted on Feb 27 2004 at 08:28 PM said:
Can you make platformers or shot em ups?
No :D

I's Virtua Novel System... You can make stories with it :) (Stories with decisions of course :P)
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