NEW! Tone dialer for GP32


Active Member
Apr 16, 2003
Got bored at work today so I completed my tone dialer for the GP32.

You can download the dialer here.
Just make sure your GP32 volume is turned up all the way.

From the included readme:


Use JOYPAD to move the arrow around. Use START or R to push button.

PAUSE=insert pause in number
DTMF=use DTMF tones
MF=use MF tones

ERASE=erase number on top of screen
DIAL=dial number on top of screen
INFO=who is responsible?

Oh, you can push SELECT to reset the GP32.

You can use your own background by putting a
320x240 16bit BMP named TONEDIAL.BMP in GP:\GPETC

Have fun.
woo, thank you much! :D I asked for this a few weeks ago, and all I got was "..why?" :P because man, just because you can. anyway. thanks.

EDIT: but the DL link is broken :(
If you don't mind me asking, what is the tone dialer used for???

Its not like I can dial my parents house using my GP32 using this program....soooo...ummm...whats it for?? Just curious
EDIT: but the DL link is broken
Should work again now.

Its not like I can dial my parents house using my GP32 using this program
Well, you can. Just key in the number, keep the microphone or your phone pressed to the speaker of the GP32 and press DIAL. If this seems pointless wait until the phonebook is implemented. Be sure to use DTMF as MF tones are only used internally.

Some phonesystems also use these tones to send commands So you never now what you might be able to do with these tones ;)
Type in the number, hold the GP32's speaker to the mouthpiece of your telephone, press Dial on the GP32, listen as the phone rings at the other end. Simple really. :)
In the old days you used to be able to use one of these to hack the phone system (Phreaking), but I think they are much to secure for that nowadays, so I'm not sure what exactly it could be used for.
so I'm not sure what exactly it could be used for.
1) There's always the tension of 'will I be lucky this time?' :)

2) You can key in a number and pretend your GP32 is also a phone <_<

3) Since the GP32 seems to become a 'retro' console with all these emulators this programs fits in nicel :P

4) I am bored.
still can't download it
Hmmm, there seems to be some problems with my provider. Keep trying or try again later.

Does anyone know of another place where I can put the program up. It's about 300kb.
Ok mirror is up and working :D

Download Here

when the phone book is implemented it is really useful i think... just hold your gp32 against any phone to call, Im so lazy :D
when the phone book is implemented it is really useful i think
Phonebook is already working. Just need to create a character set to show names.

Any other features missing?
Sounds sweet, havent tried it yet, love things like this. Does this work on all phones?
Very nice job VirtuaLeech.
When you implement the phonebook would it be possible to have the dial part in "portrait" alongside the list
flack, yes. but it wont play them fast enuf <_< VirtuaLeech, maybe make the dial speed dynamic? or maybe add a .wav clip player :P just kidding, but that would be handy. :D
I was actually going to try redboxing running Frodo running Phoneman (an old phreaker's utility). If this works it would be much less of a hassle. :)