NEW! Tone dialer for GP32

Sweet it works on aussie phones :D

Hmm what do we need.

Well keep the background as is ;) GRrrrr

Phonebook would be handy hopefully we can have more than 1 number? like in my phonebook i have virtualeech and i have home and mobile number.

That doesnt need to be implamented it can just use it like

virtualeech home: 708475493
virtualeech mobile: 047372959
Hot chick: **********

like id let u see that number lol j/k :lol:

but other than a phonebook i dont see what else.

Maybe if u could let us add a small pic of them into the phone book ;)

I dont think the credit tone will work down here in australia its different and they use cards now only a few still have coin slots :\

VirtuaLeech, maybe make the dial speed dynamic?
Shouldn't be much of a problem i'll see what I can do.

Phonebook would be handy hopefully we can have more than 1 number
Yes, you can.
Phonebook looks like:

When you implement the phonebook would it be possible to have the dial part in "portrait" alongside the list
Hmm, don't know what you mean by that.