On Gameboy / Color Emulation...


[Quincy Archer hates you]
Jan 15, 2004
I've been into GB© emulation for a while now, and I've been wondering if there was an emulator that

- has no random speed or works too slow when you try to put the settings on limit (like GBVGP :P)
- has savestates (like fGB)

those are two genious emulators, but they each have that one flaw I mentioned above (to me)... or am I mistaken? do I have a wrong version somewhere?
Q-Wi-Q posted on Feb 28 2004 at 10:58 AM said:
but the framerate isn't constant :/
It is optional, just turn it on in the video options menu
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And GPVGB is close, SRAM is good enough for most people. Did you not realise GPVGB has SRAM support, or do you really want savestates? In that case grab fGB, it rocks.
..:HellRazer:.. posted on Feb 28 2004 at 09:34 PM said:
i cant get fgb to work on ma gp32 it says scanning and it says 100% and then just stops.
Put the roms in GP:\GPMM\GB
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Rico posted on Feb 28 2004 at 07:22 PM said:
And GPVGB is close, SRAM is good enough for most people. Did you not realise GPVGB has SRAM support, or do you really want savestates? In that case grab fGB, it rocks.
yes, but older games I want to play don't use SRAM :/
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