Feedback Thread


Still Fresh
Feb 1, 2004

i trade alot on other forums and just thought of somehting that you dont have! a Feed back thread, so i decided to start one. baisicly this shoudl get made a sticky then when some one finds someone to trade with they can look here to see if they are a responicible trader! they work verry well.

so please report here any good bad trading experiences you get with people from this site so you can alert other members.

although your idea is ok, this isn't ebay, you're not talking about people selling many things, usually its just 1 person selling 1 thing, their GP32, so even if you have feedback after the sell, that person probably isn't going to try to sell anything else on these boards after they get rid of their GP32. So there's really no point to feedback here.
otherwise just ask for the ebay account of the seller (if he has one) so you can check it :P