PSP price + etc


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles

rumors of US$350 to $400?? are they insane? who the hell is going to shell out for this thing? (what kind of battery would be needed to power it!)

they should have just souped up the PSOne hardware and made it cartridge-based, eschewing all the multimedia business. People would gripe about it it but -- it's a handheld system (rather, a mass-market handheld system) for crying out loud.

Something tells me that is what Nintendo will do, it probably would be very cost-effective for them to release N64 technology squeezed into $100 box with a screen (backlit, I hope!) and use carts - it should be backwards compatible too. Again, people will complain, but that would actually SELL. These are handhelds, not consoles.

Ah well. It is interesting to watch and see what happens. You'd think someone like Sony would have done enough market research to realize that people don't want to pay that much for what is essentially a SECONDARY system right? (or am I being to conservative?)
Nintendo's iQue, is their portable N64, it probably will come with a screen for another, well lets say at least $50 for a screen, if there is one

The iQue lets you download games to a memory card*like flash, or smc, or somtin* and play them. they prevent warez by only letting you get games you pay for and such *do not how they work this, all i know you can buy mario 64 very cheap. the cards only hold 1 game at a time i think *i havent done any research on iQue due to it's knida pointless for me, unless they spoof up gfx and shiz.

The iQue hooks up to a TV, it's a large N64 controller with AV cables *video, right and left audio*yellow,red,white**
ninty already has made n64 handheld size, its called an ique and is the size of a dreamcast controller, only available in china tho and doesnt have a screen:/

edit, beat me to it thndr :P
people have but the term portable is stretched a little, i myself have made a portable nes, keep meaning to send pics to doomportables
its not actually made from an old nes, its a cheap "mega joy" nes in an n64 controller, modded to play nes games, its currently out of its case but i can post pics of its original case, i only have a few crappy webcam pics.

gimme a min an ill put em up



Cost-effective cartridges that can hold as much as a cd is not a possibility.
The games would cost a lot.
kraahl - get rid of the multimedia business (prerendered cutscenes, heavy audio stuff) and you can fit a lot on a cartridge. maybe they could even do some kind of flash memory thing (like it seems they've got for iQue perhaps)
It wouldn't be impossible for Nintendo to squeeze N64 technology into a GBA sized device... at least not within the time frame of 18-24 months. Cartridges are prohibitively expensive, but then are also extremely durable. Perhaps a better option would be a proprietary form of flash memory.

Could you actually imagine playing a version of GoldenEye wirelessly against your friends on a handheld like this?!?!
I would doubt very much Sony release the PSP at a price that will be unable to compete with Nintendos handheld offering.
by the way the way you get games on the cart is that nintendo has booths were you plug in your flash cart and somehow buy the games and bam youve got it on your cart.
Nintendo's iQue, is their portable N64, it probably will come with a screen for another, well lets say at least $50 for a screen, if there is one

The iQue lets you download games to a memory card*like flash, or smc, or somtin* and play them. they prevent warez by only letting you get games you pay for and such *do not how they work this, all i know you can buy mario 64 very cheap. the cards only hold 1 game at a time i think *i havent done any research on iQue due to it's knida pointless for me, unless they spoof up gfx and shiz.

The iQue hooks up to a TV, it's a large N64 controller with AV cables *video, right and left audio*yellow,red,white**
i thought the ique plugged into the tv? :ph34r:
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Nintendo's iQue, is their portable N64, it probably will come with a screen for another, well lets say at least $50 for a screen, if there is one

The iQue lets you download games to a memory card*like flash, or smc, or somtin* and play them. they prevent warez by only letting you get games you pay for and such *do not how they work this, all i know you can buy mario 64 very cheap. the cards only hold 1 game at a time i think *i havent done any research on iQue due to it's knida pointless for me, unless they spoof up gfx and shiz.

The iQue hooks up to a TV, it's a large N64 controller with AV cables *video, right and left audio*yellow,red,white**
i thought the ique plugged into the tv? :ph34r:
The iQue hooks up to a TV, it's a large N64 controller with AV cables *video, right and left audio*yellow,red,white**

i aws just saying:
it probably will come with a screen for another, well lets say at least $50 for a screen, if there is one
as one of my many predictions that probably wont come true due to they do not think of it/cost effective to them
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on they say nintendo's releasing a new product, maybe its the iQue its not too bad is it, and it replaces neither the gba and the gc which is what the article specified.

It must be that cos nintendo likes to rehash their old games, which means supermario64 on ique with a different name like iMario.
back to the topic (PSP) -- think about it - metal gear, final fantasy, gran tourismo, resident evil + etc

would you rather spend a lot of money to experience them on a huge screen with high definition and booming stereo? truly making you feel like it's more of a theatrical experience.

or, spend the same amount of money (or thereabouts) to have a much smaller experience, where you can't appreciate all the details cause the screen is small + filled up with all the interface clutter as well - it would sound nice with headphones I'm sure (but who uses those?) otherwise you just get to hear it out of a tinny little speaker. think about it. is that really worth hundreds of bucks, are you gonna just play it on the same couch you'd watch TV from anyway?

at some point, very soon, the consoles + the portables will be competeing in the same arena I guess. I wonder which will win out - a stationary experience, or a portable one. How many people would have bought a GBA if it was actually a rerelease of the Super NES that had to be hooked up to a television? (and no portable screen, etc) - how many gamers would have preferred that? (or a GP32's case, I guess it would be an emu box that could hook up to the TV as opposed to just using your PC - but I think this is slightly less relevant)

Probably no one would prefer non-portable - but I am asking in regards to people's game playing habits. I guess I am just rambling now, but it's certainly interesting, to see where the future of video games is going.
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