yoyofr's Secret project

i just hope they are released soon after as i'm going on holiday 2 days after the competition ends + really would like opensnes9x or yogg i need yoggg even 2day :(
well, in the case of rlyeh (fGB) and the guy who did VBA port (sorry, forget the name!) - which were both entered in the emuspain competition - they released their emu's when they were ready, in spite of comp. submission deadlines etc

fGB was released publicly out a few days before the competition entry deadline, and I think VBA came out like a month later or something.. maybe not that long..

so with all that in mind, I leave it up to the author to release when he sees fit, if it's a bit of a wait yet then that's fine with me (hey, if they're tweaking it still, all the better!) besides we've got great snes emu's to keep occupied in the meantime

(but I concur, the sooner the better!)

bottom line, best not to nag them -- but everyone's been pretty polite across the board so far so it seems all good.. I'm sure they appreciate it!
I just watched the video, pretty good for an emulator that hasnt even had a public release yet, just imagine how fast this could be by summer next year :D

But I'm curious to know how fast F-Zero can go - that game utilizes Mode 7 (same graphical technique used as in Super Mario Kart) so surely it's decent itself, or is it too unplayable? (Or too slow :P)

And the sound being worked on already is great news! I wont be expecting sound for the initial release, but like LJ, each release only got much better, so I'm keeping my hopes up for OpenSNES9x, also good luck at the 15-day compo thingy! :D
Seeing as in the video, the game runs much slower than full speed, auto frameskip is badly need. Yoyo did it superbly in Little John, so my greatest request would be auto frameskip for opensnes9x
pip posted on Dec 15 2003 at 01:57 PM said:
Seeing as in the video, the game runs much slower than full speed, auto frameskip is badly need. Yoyo did it superbly in Little John, so my greatest request would be auto frameskip for opensnes9x
Dont keep your hopes too high for an auto frameskip feature to be put in, because even if there were i doubt you'd enjoy playin a SNES game from the choppiness of the framerate.. wait a few more months or so when the emu really gets up to speed for the job :)
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i am getting the feeling that this emulator (in it's current state) is going to run with the best features of the two existing ones, plus a little bit more. like they have been saying, "don't expect too much"

i think it's important to keep that in mind, as opposed to expecting actual fullspeed frameskipless playability for now (or awhile). That video that was shown was nice but still looked un-fun for a racing game (crawly), I am interested to see how f-zero performs. (mario kart used a DSP chip that must be emulated, I don't know that f-zero did)

the best part of all of this is that coders with a proven track record are working on it -- hell the fact that a snes emulator is known to still be in production, by ANYONE, is interesting enough -- and hopefully as some more months pass then we will see a more optimized, fun-to-play version get a release.

in the meantime, it looks like what there is will be very satisfactory for awhile, i mean OC'd snes9xGP has been keeping me pretty happy for the RPGish games and SnesEmu still has excellent speed for a lot of other games - the combination of the first's options (set buttons, gamma, saving) + the second's speed is a very tempting notion.

with that all being said, let's congratulate the authors on their work and hope that they stick with it (surely it's a long, unforgiving road of optimization yet to do!) and keep watching to see what comes down the tube next.
Can't wait !!!
I have to do a trip to Paris just after Christmas and i really want to play EVO in train !!! (was already playable with snes9xGP but...)
You'll be happy to know that since the version I sent to another 15 days compo, I have made some progresses : minor speed optimization on dsp1 (mario kart) and a new 8bpp rendering mode which speed up a little the emu at the cost of some palette effects unemulated.

Public version will be put on my website in few days... In the meanwhile you'll
have the another 15 days version which should be available by the end of the week!
Likewise, the 30th, but if not... well, dad's got a laptop with a CD drive, so I'll bring along a healthy batch of encodes and watch them instead...

A nice SNES emu to try would be kind of fun though :)
Yes, the 20th! That's the second day of my vacation, which is good because I'm doing practically all of my homework on the first day!