yoyofr's Secret project

It must be Snes. It must be Snes, It must be Snes..No wait..It is Snes. I believe I believe :D
who cares about another snes emu? :blink:

I want original games or an emu not released yet... or conversions...
I dont think it will be an snes emu. There are already two - though not working perfectly - and why should these three masterminds gather to develop
some "usual" or at least known stuff? Quake port sounds nice, but I dont think so. Amiga would be great, too, but I hope it's going to be something more surprising. :ph34r:
"Why Snes?" I'll tell ya why... agreed, it's familiar territory what with the two emu's which have already been available for some time now..

but the fact is, most people that have expressed interest in buying a GP32 in the first place did so cause of the promise of things like a well-performing Snes emulator.

so yeah, Amiga and etc. are all very much desired, but I think it goes without saying at this point that the two most in-demand apps for GP32 are 1. Snes and 2. Mame - those seem to be the things asked about the most when Joe Schmoe passes through a GP32 forum trying to see what the hubbub is about.

For the record, I am not expecting that this project actually will be a Snes emulator, though of course that would be really nice if it were the case. It's fun speculating anyway..
i never doubted it was the most anticipated application @ralp99

its just very similar to all these annoying gba-emu demands... i dont want to play emulator games all the time, i want original games or at least good ports (which is totally not the same as emulator-games)...

this project seems to important to be just "another one", i think.
it's becoming a bit crazy here :blink:

plz, don't forget : don't expect too much or you'll be disappointed ... :unsure:

anyway I'm already have some fun with it :D

and there's still so much to do ! it makes me remind of the difference of
first ljgp32 version and last one...
Latest ThunderZ work is promising a lot too!

anyway plz be patient and don't focus too much, do you ? :P
Well, even if it's NOT perfect... we know you are the man who can MAKE it perfect after some releases :)

But, you're right.
Don't expect a wonder or something like that.
I already know some aspects that will surely disappoint some people... but most of you REALLY will like this thing :)
There are a total of 4231 roms for the Genesis. So this new clue pretty much rules that out. I'm hoping for SNES because I don't know anything about the Amiga so I wouldn't know what to do with it. We'll find out soon enough.
what? there's that many roms for the genesis, holy crap!!

I guess that is counting all the different country versions and etc.
So how many UNIQUE roms are there, then? just shy of 1000 I'd estimate..
i think he means he knows what it is...

anyway, i hope its SNES but i doubt it is just because of the mouse clue. i think its probably quake or a linux port.
i googled the number and snes and i saw something about the genesis so then i did for that and the number and several websites said that was the total......no idea on the number of uniques tho