GP32 Team Building!

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your in if you post m8 :D

I like your statement
As far as games go, I'd love to see a nice 2D platformer, native to the system.

That's what it's about!

I will post tomorrow my ideas
Actually its not MY workspace it one of my friends shops. Yeah he needs to tidy it :D
If you decide :) who is in team and decide for group or project name i can set up a separate forum dedicated only to your project. Can also create a new member group plus an icon (see my GP32 Xtreme stuff icon) for you all which would be allowed to post on your project forum (non proejct members could only read posts). Just send me an info if you decide you want it :)
hando posted on Apr 10 2003 said:
If you decide :) who is in team and decide for group or project name i can set up a separate forum dedicated only to your project. Can also create a new member group plus an icon (see my GP32 Xtreme stuff icon) for you all which would be allowed to post on your project forum (non proejct members could only read posts). Just send me an info if you decide you want it :)
That would be cool, as long as I was on the team :) and according to the post on April 9th 8:33 by deanollive, I am ;)
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Sounds great Hando, think we should wait for all team members to be decided. (Should be on the weekend)

Just like to say what a great site u have here!

If you get to the stage when you have a working beta and you still want me for the music/sfx then let me know at

I don't think my input as a musician in this project is needed untill that stage, and I just don't have the time to contribute to the design process in a major way. I hope that won't exlude me from helping with the music. :)

If you feel that this is not enough of a comitment then I will not be too upset if you chose someone else to do your sounds.
Also, I can't do mods so if you go that route with your tunes then I'd be useless to you anyway ;)

Good luck to all of you, either way. :)
Sorry guys,

I've been out of the scene for a while.

but If there is still interest I will get on the case and organise the teams.

Initial ideas will be here tomorrow!

Let me know what you think!

Thanks for being patient

welcome back DeanO, please get your team to re-write chaos from the Speccy


Things im good at:

2d (Im ok at it)
3d (Modeling only, no animation)
Sound design
Music (Just figured out how to use Fruity loops)
Balancing a ball on my head (It falls off sometimes)
I'd like to work on projects, but unfortunately I'm doing a few things -

- A 2D gaming website
- my platform engine, might be a sonic clone soon :)
- secret project for gp32x (still looking into this :D)
- exam revision!

However ... I will soon get bored of my platform engine and I wouldn't mind working on multiple projects, so if you have a good idea for a game and need a programmer (possibly artist) PM me :)

- Rico
I'm a musician and am always interested in helping with projects. I'm busy right now doing the music for a couple of Penny Arcade webcomic-based games in development, but once they wrap up I'll be willing to help anyone who can use my talents.
Cheers guys,
sorry I haven't been posting but my connections screwed at the mo (should have broadband v soon)

Anyway I'm a bit short of coders so if any of you guys know any hardcore programmers give me a shout.

Basic coders still drop me a line as there will always be something needed to be done!

So come on programmers we need you!

I have many initial sketches for the previously mentioned ideas as soon as humanly possible I will whack em up and you can give some feedback!

Cheers guys

I would like to see some sprites, like running, walking, jumping, shooting.

If the animations are im bmp format with each frame one next to the other. that would be good.
Use you imagination, a person (male/female), a robot, a vampire, a werewolfe, etc...
Well it's hit 4 pages. dean, if you haven't yet got your team together, pls post topics asking for specific roles (artists, whatever) else go make some games :P
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