GP32 Team Building!

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What about a space shooter, with bosses, LOTS of weapons (3 Types that can be upgraded about 10 times so 30 weapons, one type is main and that one fires every shot, side which fires itself every 3 shots, and super which you can fire whenever it is charged, and is VERY destructive), and LOTS of diffrent enemies. HEHEHEHE I can already think of the story:

You are an ancient roman wise person walking along one day, when BOOM a shining thingy appears infront of you, some people come out of it and say, "We are from the future" Of course you go and tell the emperor that there are some people from the future, and the emperor says to his army, "I have finally found another THING to conquer, KILL THE FUTURE TRIBE!!!!" You know that if the people from the future are really from the future, and they get killed, the gods will get angry, so you tell the emperor to stop, but he says, "I conquer whatever I want, you will be thrown in prison forever!" So you are thrown in prison, but suddenly all the buildings start changing, and you can barely hear the people from the future say, "Sorry about the morphing experiment we were doing, it went wrong" When the prison, and all the other buildings stop changing, you see lots of the buildings go off the ground, you sigh and sit on a green thingy, and your prison rasises off the ground, too. After a while you find out that you can destroy things by just looking at them and pressing a red button. You now go off to your quest to save the world from the gods getting angry... (actually you don't know this but really what will happen is that it isn't gods that do anything, but it is a small side effect of someone getting killed when time traveling, the universe gets blown up in a huge neuclear exploison ;) )

HEHEHEHE huge collusiums that shoot, very funny :)

That is my idea, but you could have other ideas :) ;)
Sounds cool m8, Love shooters always (never get bored)

Can the gp32 handle rotating bitmaps like in tekken advance?
It seems a lot like zero wing, in that game you had 4 weapons that could be upgraded 4 times.
Ace, rotating bmps look sweet.

Don't matter if the game concept isn't original. Some of the greatest titles out there are blatent rip-offs of old skool titles! :)

Not having a go bro, just think of the lock pick in splinter cell "I know I've seen that somewhere else"

And how many of the stealth based games took spy vs spy as inspiration?

I could sit here all day and list clones, similiars, etc

still no harm in posting

I have an idea for rotating bitmaps. Well actually its not really rotating them but rather showing a different frame for every, hmm, mayby every 3º or 5º . Not sure if it will work but it should.
hmmm. Well i can try it on HAM for GBA. I still have to find some IDE for gp32. I'll try it after school today. It should be fairly easy to get going.

P.S. do you know anywhere on where to get going with gp32 deving? Thanks. (It only took me a week to make a working game and learn how to program for the GBA so im a fast learner. :P )
Not having a go bro, just think of the lock pick in splinter cell "I know I've seen that somewhere else"

Just think of the entire game 'Splinter Cell'. I know I've seen that somewhere else ... *cough* Metal Gear *cough*

Anyways the rotating sprites are not in there built-in, but -- you could port the Allegro function that does that quite easily (most of Allegro is in C, not assembler). Or code it yourself. I believe some people have already done either of those already :)

- Rico
What about some sort of city game where you can become the leader of a gang, and control the whole city. I would be a game similar to syndicate or grand theft auto without the fast paced graphics.
What about a game where you work in a city and can either do things legaly or not.
mmmm, see what the rest of the team think. As we are still brainstorming ideas!

No disrespect though m8, I'm sure you idea rocks!

I know your last idea might get my vote, unless another team member has a better one!

Why u r online do you know if there are any roms for anything that are like dance euromix, or britney spears?

Someone told me b4 about pop in music or something?
What about a game where you can be saddam in his early days. it could be a game similar to age of empires, but starts in the 1970s. And if you are a good dictator the people declare you king :)
I know! u r a guard of an ancient egeptian pyramid (in the ancient egyptian times of course) and you can dig new tunnels, put booby traps, and post more gards in the pyramid so it is harder for robbers to get through. And there are things to make it harder, like the more tunnels there are, the more time it takes to train a guard, and also every time you put a new tunnel all the guards have to learn it, so they go "out of service" for a while. Also new technologies, like messengers, so you can find out if robbers are anywhere other than hoping that you have enough gards/booby traps... And there are "bosses" which can do things like bribe guards...
I am a midi/mod maker ... if that would be of help, I would be glad to take a stab at the music dept. I don't know anything about programming on the GP32, but if PC based midi's and mod's will work, count me in. I can do many styles of music, so depending on happy platformer, outer space shoot'em up, or crime thriller, no problem here. I've done a few different tunes for friends' games, but all have been actual music (mp3 based).

As far as games go, I'd love to see a nice 2D platformer, native to the system.

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