Change The Forums? Explanation Inside >

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Mar 15, 2006
Airdrie, Glasgow, Scotland
Ok, well after coming back from holiday and seeing SOME people destroying the forums (cough cough) GuNtRiX
I was thinking, why doesnt ED change the forums to something similar to's forums?
These have a points based system where after someone posts, you have the option to flame them (-5) or agree with them (+5) or just give them anything inbetween +4 cool +3 alright -2 lame etc.
you could have it that someone gets chucked out of the forum after reaching a certain point in the minus section.

This also follows along the idea we similarly have, with the guru etc status',
And also we could have a system like this - people like daveC and paradox (regular posters and contributors to the scene), well, their points will be worth alot more than, say, people like me :P

Just thinking this might be a nice idea to make the forums nice and tidy, and to get people to use the search bar more often, ie - i wont try to start a topic without searching because ill be massively flamed by everyone :blink:

I cant offer more info on the redvsblue forums as im tired and have a massive hangover, so im away to bed!

ps. i just realised i may have not explained that system in the right way, so if someone can word that better it'd be a lot of help, thanks.
if that system where in place now, i'd flame you for not putting this in the Suggestions section! mwuahah.

(also, i contribute to the community? when? eek)
yeah thats cool.

but would people bother to rate every single post? what is stopping someone who hates someone else from making multiple accounts and giving multiple bad scores to peoples posts just to get rid of them?
im not really sure on the specifics, but i do know that - 1. you cant rate every single post, as the points gets used up, you have a collection of points that other people give you, so you will only rate posts that are either really good or really bad, or you'll run out of points, ye see?

2. i think the way they got around multiple accounts and stuff, is that you dont get points from a new account, you only recieve them from other people by making a good post.
hmm, its a nice idea, but I think it would be much better to just have only one button like "this was a totally useless, crappy and spammy post" button and if many people pressed that button for 1 post/person a mod gets notified.

btw. did you know this was already discussed recently and the conclusion was that it would be the best to leave it this way (as far as I can remember).
aapje89 posted on May 29 2006 at 06:41 PM said:
hmm, its a nice idea, but I think it would be much better to just have only one button like "this was a totally useless, crappy and spammy post" button and if many people pressed that button for 1 post/person a mod gets notified.

you DO know there's a report button under every post, do you?

*post reported* (well, not realy)
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Horscht posted on May 29 2006 at 10:10 PM said:
aapje89 posted on May 29 2006 at 06:41 PM said:
hmm, its a nice idea, but I think it would be much better to just have only one button like "this was a totally useless, crappy and spammy post" button and if many people pressed that button for 1 post/person a mod gets notified.

you DO know there's a report button under every post, do you?

*post reported* (well, not realy)
I know
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There was a mod for IPB 2.0

It caused so many problems, as people would trade off rep points (you give me and Ill give you), and just caused more headaches then it was worth.
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