Carface posted on Apr 8 2003 said:
Come on programmers please please please make an Amiga emulator I would pay money for one no prob!
jajaja X-D
I would pay money also for one Amiga's emulator! jeje
How many wonderful and unforgettable memories...
Million of thanks to wonderful games that I enjoyed infinitely when I was adolescent like...
Astro Marine Corps (first sound of Amiga wich I listen and was fantastic), Battle Squadron (¡¡¡ IM-PRESIONANTE !!! como diría Jesulín), Continental Circus, Cool Coyote in Fire & Ice (lindos, lindos y lindos graphs

Flashback, HUGO (Sí, Si, soy la estrella jeje ;-), James Pond 2 - Robocod (great sound & graphics), Kick Off 2 - Europe (Sure, My Amiga's game

, Megaphoenix (¡ Esa música discotequera Dinamic X-D !), Pang, Parasol Stars,
Pinball Dreams, Pinball Fantasies, pffff FANTASTICSSS 
, PP HAMMER ooohhhh delicioso ;-), Prehistorik, Rainbow Island, Rick Dangerous II (Logic!), Sensible Soccer, Shinobi, Space Harrier II, Spherical (great also!), Super Wonderboy in Monsterland ;-), The New Zealand Story, Toki (Great conversion!!!), Volfied, Xenon 2 (Pegadiza música de los Bitmap Brothers jeje), Project X...
and more, and more, and more...
I will always remember to you AMIGA... ;-D
Please emulator coders, please...
Good Luck!
- Wonder Boy -