Drmd V5 Beta 2 Released

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Reesy said:
@PokeParadox: There are slight differences. I could probably knock something together at some point but its such a fiddly thing to do I just can't be bothered, sorry you'll just have to use the old version of DrMD for your old save states. I have limited time to spend programming ( kids, wife etc etc) so I try to concentrate on the important things.

Excuse me if my spelling is of, I've just come in fro a night in the tiles. Yeah I undrstand that ou have your reallife comitments. I was asking what the differences were, so that I could possibly make some convertor.
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EvilDragon posted on May 20 2006 at 09:20 PM said:
The volume buttons don't work for the first time you run the emulator. ;)
After that, they work fine (config file problems?)
That could have been my problem too :D
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Reesy posted on May 20 2006 at 06:05 PM said:
The current slow down is caused by the Linux operating system running in the background, when we get audio working in HH mode I will start to think about moving my emulator from Linux to HH mode. I've compared the GP32 of DrSMS to the GP2X version and at 66Mhz the GP2X version does 40fps where as the GP32 version does 60fps ( probably more but my code puts a cap on the number of frames rendered in a second, for timing reasons ). Thats 20fps lost because of Linux, its just plain depressing.

Hmm that makes sense. I do know that DrMD does run smoother on my GP2X than it did on the GP32 though. For example Vectorman was a choppy mess on the GP32 but is pretty smooth at the default 200 MHz on my Gp2X.

Maybe in future versions there could be an option to update the FM registers more per frame than it does now. Some of the sound is off especially in games like Thunderforce 3. The "bending" and "warping" of the FM tunes sounds much more flat here. (it has been like that since a few versions into the GP32 version.)

Thanks again for the great work though I for one like the new menu system.
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As always a great emulator, however Sensible Soccer is now not working.Is this the same for anyone else?
DaveC posted on May 21 2006 at 07:09 AM said:
Reesy posted on May 20 2006 at 06:05 PM said:
The current slow down is caused by the Linux operating system running in the background, when we get audio working in HH mode I will start to think about moving my emulator from Linux to HH mode. I've compared the GP32 of DrSMS to the GP2X version and at 66Mhz the GP2X version does 40fps where as the GP32 version does 60fps ( probably more but my code puts a cap on the number of frames rendered in a second, for timing reasons ). Thats 20fps lost because of Linux, its just plain depressing.

Hmm that makes sense. I do know that DrMD does run smoother on my GP2X than it did on the GP32 though. For example Vectorman was a choppy mess on the GP32 but is pretty smooth at the default 200 MHz on my Gp2X.

Maybe in future versions there could be an option to update the FM registers more per frame than it does now. Some of the sound is off especially in games like Thunderforce 3. The "bending" and "warping" of the FM tunes sounds much more flat here. (it has been like that since a few versions into the GP32 version.)

Thanks again for the great work though I for one like the new menu system.

I *think* I've found the change I made to the fm sound core that increased the speed of the emulator but decreased the quality. I'll check the sound on Thunderforce 3 and see if it makes a difference.
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Reesy posted on May 21 2006 at 07:17 AM said:
I *think* I've found the change I made to the fm sound core that increased the speed of the emulator but decreased the quality. I'll check the sound on Thunderforce 3 and see if it makes a difference.

If possible it would be nice if it could be put in as an option. A "fast" and "accurate" mode if you will. The accurate mode DOES make framerate take a hit. On some games the hit wouldn't be that bad and the improvement in sound worthwhile. Others it is good like it is as it doesn't change the sound much is some games , hence the usefulness of a setting.

When listening to TF3 listen to the tune in the background. You should notice it sounds "flat" with not alot of the pitch bending that happens in the accurate mode. The water level in particular sounds a bit odd, the drums are out of sync with the rest of the tunes.
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DaveC posted on May 21 2006 at 08:28 AM said:
Reesy posted on May 21 2006 at 07:17 AM said:
I *think* I've found the change I made to the fm sound core that increased the speed of the emulator but decreased the quality. I'll check the sound on Thunderforce 3 and see if it makes a difference.

If possible it would be nice if it could be put in as an option. A "fast" and "accurate" mode if you will. The accurate mode DOES make framerate take a hit. On some games the hit wouldn't be that bad and the improvement in sound worthwhile. Others it is good like it is as it doesn't change the sound much is some games , hence the usefulness of a setting.

When listening to TF3 listen to the tune in the background. You should notice it sounds "flat" with not alot of the pitch bending that happens in the accurate mode. The water level in particular sounds a bit odd, the drums are out of sync with the rest of the tunes.

You've obviously got a better ear than me because I can't hear the problems you are describing. I'll send you a copy of the latest version to see if you can hear a difference, I think I've got your email address somewhere.
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cozmic posted on May 21 2006 at 12:09 PM said:
Is there still a gp32 update in the pipeline for DRmd and DRsms?

DRDsms with gamegear support would rock!

Bye now

Yes, I've spent alot of time merging the GP2X sources with the GP32 sources. Now I just have one peice of source code, so now I just change my makefile to compile the GP32 or GP2X versions. I'm hoping to release a GP32 version of DrMD that has SMS and GG support but I'm not sure if it will have enough memory.
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cowai posted on May 21 2006 at 01:05 PM said:
A quick question: Why isn't lemming and worms fullscreen on drmd?
Because their resolutions aren't the same as other MD games, I would imagine.
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cowai posted on May 21 2006 at 05:05 PM said:
A quick question: Why isn't lemming and worms fullscreen on drmd?

Some MD games were only 256 x 220. Many games ported from SNES were this way as SNES was only 256 pixels wide.
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I find it a bit odd that a TV is 640x480, and the SNES is not in the correct dimentions of a TV... Hm...
Do you have to create the "roms" folder (The one that contains the sub-folders "megadrive" and "sms") in your SD root directory or can you just place the folder in any where you want (Such as in a folder called "DrMD")? I read the readme and it wasn't too specific about this.
Azure posted on May 21 2006 at 09:18 PM said:
Do you have to create the "roms" folder (The one that contains the sub-folders "megadrive" and "sms") in your SD root directory or can you just place the folder in any where you want (Such as in a folder called "DrMD")? I read the readme and it wasn't too specific about this.
Yeah, they have to be in (/mnt/sd)/roms/megadrive or sms. However, ressy said many times (in this topic? not sure) that he wants to give the next version the ability to browse to wherever your roms are.

Personally, I am a strong advocator of config files where all the options are stored. It quite simply resolves these kinds of problems and lessens the hassle for the developer.
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PSyMastR posted on May 22 2006 at 12:25 AM said:
I find it a bit odd that a TV is 640x480, and the SNES is not in the correct dimentions of a TV... Hm...

Well a TV is 640 x 480 interlace or 320 x 240 non-interlaced (which most all used, 240 P)but if you play with the scan rate you can change the resolution a bit.
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