Drmd V5 Beta 7 - Pad Type Option Added

  • Thread starter Thread starter Reesy
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I've found a problem with MasterSystem emulation.

The PAUSE key is borked. It just don't work.
I've tried mapping it to various keys but it won't work no matter what key it is mapped to.

Something that was changed in beta6 to beta7 has caused this, as it works fine in Beta6.
White Demon posted on Aug 19 2006 at 04:35 AM said:
I've found a problem with MasterSystem emulation.

The PAUSE key is borked. It just don't work.
I've tried mapping it to various keys but it won't work no matter what key it is mapped to.

Something that was changed in beta6 to beta7 has caused this, as it works fine in Beta6.

I shall investigate...
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Bugreport: Playing ZeroWing [E] everything is greate, but after I save the game and go back to playing, the sound freezes. If someone could verifie this it would be greate!

Thanks for a greate emu!
jlong posted on Aug 16 2006 at 10:59 PM said:
There aren't any picture?

Oh look, it's our friend Xerxezezezezeezes or whatever it was. All the usual awful giant signatures in his site linked there... here is a tip, if your gigantic horrible anime signatures have to say in giant text "NO RULES ARE VIOLATED" your signatures are inappropriate ... also what is the point of your site? Just to show your signatures and ... bootleg games that you call freeware or demos (.. and aren't?)

EDIT: Oh wait, there's photos of random Japanese people and borderline pedophilic hentai, too. This is the most confusing fucking site ever. It even has a forum with no topics and no posts, and the header "YEAH. Somewhere above |U|S|A|. No rules have been violated."
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In his defence (:P) :

- The anime pictures aren't Hentai, at max suggestive themes. (The children pictures are disgusting, but hey, no hentai...)
- Sig pics on his site appear to be within allowed size, I think.
- Well, Gridwars was freeware before it was discontinued. (haven't downloaded the other games so I can't tell wether they're demo's or not)
- Forums are under a catagory named test, thus I asume they are simply a test too...
- Japanese girl pictures... Well, guess he's a real japanophile, eh.
The whole thing is cryptic and ridiculous. He doesn't speak coherently at all even though his geographic location would indicate a high probability of being fluent in English .. I mean, British Colombia? That's not exactly a place English is 'alien' to. This makes it a lot harder to tell what the hell's going on with him.

The 'Raiders3rd' game is definitely a commercial title; I saw it for sale at a convention about a year ago. I doubt a demo version is 900mb like his file there, when the final one fit on one CD..

Mostly his giant THIS IS A LINK TO SOMETHING sig is what annoys me. And what the fuck kind of thing to say IS that?
Hm, yeah, he apparantly uses proper punctuation but lacks good grammar... Either he moved there or has some kind of dissability. (Sorry if I offend you if you read this btw :P)

If the games are indeed warez, then I guess a report would be in order...
Draken posted on Aug 22 2006 at 10:06 PM said:
Hm, yeah, he apparantly uses proper punctuation but lacks good grammar... Either he moved there or has some kind of dissability. (Sorry if I offend you if you read this btw :P)

If the games are indeed warez, then I guess a report would be in order...

Draken, you post alot here for someone that doesn't even have a GP2X ;) . Not that I mind, I was just wondering, are you ever going to get one? :P
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Yeah, of course. Very soon now. ;) (actually I'm going to order everything from gp2x.co.uk in october, when I can permit it)

You know, I registered a year before I actually got a zodiac on the zodiacgamer forums too. :P
Hi Reesy,
Can I suggest adding autofire/auto-repeat support? I know the original MD pad does not have this function, but it will be very handy in some games. It also helps to save the button life of the gp2x.

Some issues I've found (haven't gotten to do heavy duty testing yet, just enough to update my emulator status matrix)

Megadrive - Fatal Rewind seems to wedge the whole emu. I'm not sure if this is a general compatibility issue, or if fatal rewind is one of those "special" carts like Starfox was on the SNES.

SMS and GG - SRAM doesn't seem to be working. I tried with Auto SRAM on and off. No dice.

Still some GG Compatibility problems. Shining Force II and III both hang (but don't crash the emu like Fatal Rewind), but Phantasy Star Gaiden works (except for SRAM)
I don't know if I'm the only one who knows about Bubsy being extremely messed up, but I haven't tried it on this version. If this version just changes the controls it will likely be the same though.
All the games I've tried play OK for a few minutes and then lock up: these same games used to work on previous versions with no problem(Dune and Sonic for example). And I'm not overclocking or anything.

I'm not sure in which version this started to happen to me.