what was the best concer you have ever been to


Mar 19, 2003
I was just reading that other post about shows and it got me thinking. What shows have you guys been to and wich one was your favorite.

The best show I have ever been to happened last summer in ann arbor michigan. It was a punk rock show at a house in down town ann arbor. The bands that player where tear it up, life set struggle, my revenge, violent ramp, and down in flames. All of the bands that played are pretty into skateboarding and the flyer said bring your board on it. I brought my board along and when I got to the house right away I knew it was going to be a great time. There where about 20 kids skating in the street in front of the house andthey had a few ramps set up. By the time I got inside violent ramp was just about to go on. They had the bands playing in the living romm which har a hard wood floor. It was amazing the drummer was infront of the fireplace and right in front of him he had a huge bank ramp set up. The singer / guitarist was on the right side of the ramp and the bass player was on the left. The entire time they played people where doing tricks on the ramp and the rest of the kids where just running around jumping off the bar and just going nuts. I have been to more than my fiar share of punk rock shows and have seen some pretty amazing things but that was one of the best shows ever.
Yeah, Radiohead was awesome. But I think my favorite concert was Mindless Self Indulgence. That was so freaking awesome. I liked it because it was in a tiny venue, and I was only a few feet from the band, and they were all crazy. It was awesome. Next week, I'm seeing the Reverend Horton Heat :P. That'll also be awesome.

Motley Crue, 1990.

Faith No More, 1990.

Metallica, 1991.

Ozzy/Type O Negative/Sepultura, 1994.

White Zombie/Danzig, 1994.

Pantera/Prong/Trouble, 1995?

Weird Al, 2003.
faith no more 1995, 1997, 1998
mr bungle 19996, 2001
tomahawk 2003
fantomas 2001, 2002

Hey didl666 I see your a Mike Patton fan. Aside from faith no more I am not really into his stuff but whatever. What do you think of the dillinger escape plan. Patton did one ep with them which I didn't dig too much but over all they are an interesting band. I saw them a few years ago back when they had their old singer and they where pretty nuts.
I have never been to a concert, and I probably won't ever go to one. I am just not interested that much into music. I like techno and some DDR songs, and there aren't any concerts for those types of songs (that I know of).
Spock's beard, Flower Kings, Vanden plas, moron, Porcupine Tree, Gong, Mostly Autumn, RPWL, White Willow, The Watch, Anglagard, Par Lindh Project, The Gathering, After Forever, Saga, and a lot of others (maybe 50 or 60) ... evreything in my town, in a small but highly active club (www.spiritof66.com)... lots of progressive rock bands.

Hmm.... Bauhaus at Brixton accademy, Siousxie and the banshees at shepherds bush, New model army at the big day out (all UK). Oh, and the Damned at my home town, Northampton.
The best gig I have ever been to was Nirvana at the Bristol Beerkeller a few weeks before Teen Spirit came out. I have never really been much of a fan of theirs (I like some of their songs but own nothing by them) but it was an incredibly energetic and great sounding gig. It seemed pretty mind blowing at the time and it should have been obvious to me then that they were going to be massive, but somehow it still came as a surprise when it happened.
I only went along in the first place to see the support band, Captain America, because I was a huge Vaselines fan (CA had some ex-Vaselines members in) but they didn't turn up.
Counting Crows, The Brixton Academy (16th June 2002)
Björk, The Royal Opera House (16th Dec 2001)
MERZ, 100 Club (27th Mar 2001)
Murry The Hump, The Monarch (2001)
Prince, Wembley Arena (1998)
Soooooo difficult to decide!!! Some of the best....

- Iron Maiden - Donington this year an Earl's court 2000 (Buy the new album 'Dance of Death - it's BRILLIANT!!!) - Anyone going to the gig in Cardiff International Arena in December????

- Deep Purple - 1996 and 2002

- Kiss, Finsbury Park, 1997

- Def Leppard 1999

- FM (cheesy 80's AOR!!!!) in 1994 (My first ever gig!)

- Green Day 2002

- Thunder (loads of times)

- Meat Loaf (all three times)

- Whitesnake (twice)

Ummmmm LOADS MORE....! And they were all fantastic!

What are people's most embarrasing gigs to tell people about? Gotta say mine is 'Culture Club' with the missus in 2000. Even though I cringe tp think about it, the gig was actually a really good laugh. The ultimate cheesy moment in my gig-going history came when the support (Belinda Carlisle) did 'Heaven is a Place on Earth'. Waaaaah! CHEEEEESE!!!!
Ash, 1994 (when they were pretty much unknown and supporting Elastica)
White Zombie, 1996
System of a Down and Fun Lovin' Criminals at Reading a few years ago
best show(s) i went to was,

Catch 22, snuff, pennywise,bouncing souls, avail,lag wagon, a few others cant recal, who.

Rancid at leeds 2000, that was emense, also saw the murphies, the soul's, and a host of other bands..........

nofx at leeds was pretty good. gotta love those nofx boys.

Mad caddies, RISE AGAINST!, flipsides and the larry arms was good.

The Best ever show was when i saw Mustard Plug play for the first time it was emmense :)

ok so how many people know more than 4 bands here..........................? im guessing angry pants might know :)
1991 Faith no More at wembley
1993 Smashing Pumpkins at Brixton Academy
1994 & 1995 Prodigy at my Student Union
2002 Foo Fighters at Reading Festival