Back last march, I bought a DS whilst in the states. I gave it a good two months, then finallly got rid of it to a friend to put the cash towards a newer, shinier PSP.
Today, I was bored, so drove into town. I saw a deal at HMV (of all places) for the DS with Mariokart and Sonic Rush. Sod it, I thought, lets see whats been cooking in DS land since I left it (I cant be arsed to wait for the Lite, and with an offer like that, who could refuse!?)
Blimey! Thngs haven't half improved since I last played! I was well impressed with both of the games I got with it! Nintendo certaily havent lost sight of the gameplay side of things! I had Mario 64 with my first DS, which was great, but I struggled to fina anything else around at the time.
I missed the whole Mariokart thing first time around, but I can now see what all the fuss was about
Sonic, I have more experience with, but I was so suprised at how good the new offering for the DS was! Hits those more recent 3d eforts out of the ballpark! Keep sonic 2d! (or mostly 2d!).
Looking forward to the 'New Super Mario Bros' game - looks really nice!
Just shows - despite the DS's lower spec, the two games I got with it today blow anything I've played on the PSP out of the water gameplay-wise. I lie my PSP, don't get me wrong, but the DS is great in a totally different way. Nice to have some games with real ameplay rather than just flashy graphics. Now where's my Gp2x? Wanna get up to date with Mario before the new one comes out
I know this isnt exactly a groungbreaking topic, bu I had to say something
Today, I was bored, so drove into town. I saw a deal at HMV (of all places) for the DS with Mariokart and Sonic Rush. Sod it, I thought, lets see whats been cooking in DS land since I left it (I cant be arsed to wait for the Lite, and with an offer like that, who could refuse!?)
Blimey! Thngs haven't half improved since I last played! I was well impressed with both of the games I got with it! Nintendo certaily havent lost sight of the gameplay side of things! I had Mario 64 with my first DS, which was great, but I struggled to fina anything else around at the time.
I missed the whole Mariokart thing first time around, but I can now see what all the fuss was about
Looking forward to the 'New Super Mario Bros' game - looks really nice!
Just shows - despite the DS's lower spec, the two games I got with it today blow anything I've played on the PSP out of the water gameplay-wise. I lie my PSP, don't get me wrong, but the DS is great in a totally different way. Nice to have some games with real ameplay rather than just flashy graphics. Now where's my Gp2x? Wanna get up to date with Mario before the new one comes out
I know this isnt exactly a groungbreaking topic, bu I had to say something