Recovering Jerk-A-Holic
I understand that, I would be making my mod by removing the stick entirely and then soldering something in instead.There are SMD versions of µC what I'm using but you would have a different PCB for that. I'd have to design new board or even resort to double sided PCB/metalized vias.
For such low scale mod it's not viable cost wise I'm afraid. And the size saving would be around 1/3 for whole unit (because there must be also place for connectors).
I just wanted to know how difficult it would be to program the micro-controller if it was a Surface Mount Device.
I would do all my own PCB work on my own.
I want to go about it in a different way (or at least think about doing it).
Such as single-sided board with the SMD controller and SMD Resistors and the button contacts (maybe even actuall clicky buttons
I would investigate the size of the GC pad or NGage QD pad and then try to copy that precisely, then mount the SMD devices out to the side on top (assuming room in the faceplate of course), I would wire it with single core wire and make the wires go in whatever direction I wanted.
I think it might work, obviously it would be much more involved than your idea, but I just can't stand not messing with hardware
I just realized something, there must be room for this because there is already a buffer pad on the QD that is really unnecessary, the SMD can't be all that much higher off the board, we just need the room in the faceplate to put the controller and any necessary resistors, I am positive it can be done.
The only thing different about my idea is that the board can be single-sided, but it would need a plug. Narrow near the GP2X with locating pins, and a bit wider on the new PCB side. Just need to solder in the wires, plug in the plastic bit, then route the wires to the correct location, place the pcb (it could even clip to the new PCB), getting the wires in the proper solder holes, then solder it up.
If the plastic bit was to be molded in bulk in China or something it could be designed with little "clips" or grooves to hold the wires in the right spot for the GP2X joystick pinout, then the new PCB could be epoxied and soldered beforehand to the plug and the wires, just an in-and-out replacement.
I am going for the ultimate replaceable mod here, pull-out/drop-in and solder. I do see your point about the double-sided PCB, I wonder what a custom plastic bit would cost if the batch was big enough.
Less parts
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