
I've got a 600 bandit. Bloody thing is off the road at the moment though. I'm selling it and getting something else soon it's pissed me off too many times :/
I'm not one but I've been wanting one for a long time now. I want one to use for commuting during the summer as my job is too far from my apartment to bicycle and public transit here sucks. I have a car, but it's a little hard on gas (fun to drive, though) so a bike would be ideal.

Too bad I'm broke. :(
I'm a dirt biker and am hopefully going to do a mustering job in the northern territories, just as soon as I get my fat arse out of Brisbane (I need to stay here to get some cash). Mustering is where you round up cattle and sheep on bike :)

Favourite bike for me in the past was a YZ250
I used to be a scooter rider (before it became 'trendy' with Chavs).

Highest I ever had was a 125cc Piaggio X9. Nice ride! Had to go over to a car in 2004 though - cos of where I live (up a mountain, 8 miles from work - not good in the winter), and having to transport stuf during work tim in my car. I'll definitely get a bike for leisure use soemtime I have enough cash to do so...

My mum's 65 and rides a Suzuki Burgman 125cc :P
Axeman posted on Feb 25 2006 at 03:31 AM said:
I used to be a scooter rider (before it became 'trendy' with Chavs).

How did riding a scooter become trendy with chavs? Here it's seen as something only girls and effeminate men ride. But then Alberta is deep in truck country.
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Angel posted on Feb 24 2006 at 11:08 AM said:
Under some bad circumstances, i was given a 1985 Yamaha Virago 1100cc bike in very good condition. How many others on these boards are bikers?
how are these bad circumstances?
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Angel posted on Feb 25 2006 at 07:20 PM said:
because the person that owned it was one of my best friends and he is dead now.

sorry to hear that angel, i've lost a few friends to motorcycle accidents in the past and lost count of the amount of customers that have had the same fate.

in fact one of the guys that used to work in my department was in a fatal accident last week and will be cremated this week coming..

RIP 'hen'
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Angel posted on Feb 25 2006 at 01:20 PM said:
because the person that owned it was one of my best friends and he is dead now.
oh sorry to hear that
my friends dad survived a motorcycle crash only to be killed by a crash in a jeep a few years later
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