Gumstix Or Beagleboard - Hard Choice


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
Hi People!

I've been looking at getting a BeagleBoard Rev C (3 or 4), but then I have looked GumStix and noticed that they are using OMAP 35** as well!

Last time I looked they were a piss 400mhz ARM.

They are both similarly priced ($150 each).

Does anyone have a GumStix that they can throw me some Pro's and Con's about?

I'm looking for SIMPLICITY of adding accessories and mostly a touchscreen (CHEAP) LCD.

I am looking at [finally] starting my Bike Computer project.

The GumStix being so tiny would be superb for my trail bike computer, but BB would be find in my road bike.
A video camera (webcam) might be good to install as well, which DSP might be needed for?
I don't actually even know what a DSP is or does... I've just been reading a lot of random forums - which is why I have come for help :)

Another hurdle for me is that I am on a MacBook and I do not have a serial (I can use USB-SERIAL I guess).


If anyone want's to sell a similar spec'd BeagleBoard or GumStix PM me, please.


  • ti_beagle_board_top2.jpg
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IGEPv2 is a "better" Beagleboard (its a clone), I'd recommend you look at this one as well:
Someone on here mentioned that previously (may have actually been yourself).

Have you been the DevKit8000? DevKit8000

Seems pretty good.. ALL in ONE. Even has LCD connector.