Unofcial Firmware 1.4.0 Release


Ruler of good and evil, then i make them fight tog
Jan 31, 2006
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I found that the new firmware 1.4.0 was released unofficially and can be downloaded by anyone now, i wont give the link because i dont know if im allowed. if I am ill post it later. But anyway, has anyone already downloaded it? because as its unoficial it might have bugs which are not friendly with out 2x's.
I'm running it now waiting for the "official" release. So far I haven't found anything new broke since 1.2.1.

I've run it and it seems alright, I've a funny feeling the beta one will be the official one. Every release of the gp2x firmware seems to fix 1 or 2 things and give 5 other bugs.
seeing that image of the dreamcast Paradox has, anyone think a dreamcast or N64 emulator will ever come out for GP2X. N64 should be possible, even if it only worked for mario kart, it would still be cool.
deepmenace posted on Feb 14 2006 at 04:04 PM said:
i was on 1.3.0 and had big problems with video/audio sync.

i'm now on 1.4.0 and now they've gone.

i'm happy.

cool, any other changes?
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pantera6 posted on Feb 15 2006 at 01:30 AM said:
seeing that image of the dreamcast Paradox has, anyone think a dreamcast or N64 emulator will ever come out for GP2X. N64 should be possible, even if it only worked for mario kart, it would still be cool.

Wow. I hope you're wearing asbestos.

Seriously though, this has been done to death, buried, reanimated and then the cycle starts anew so many times that you should look around more carefully. :)

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SnipaMasta posted on Feb 14 2006 at 01:31 PM said:
It's not unofficial - it's made by GPH. They've just released it unofficially. They're different things.

And I'm running it now (installed it earlier) and I have no problems.
Did you install via the normal documented method?
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Hanz™ posted on Feb 14 2006 at 10:20 AM said:
PSyMastR posted on Feb 14 2006 at 04:12 PM said:
Sorry. I can't read capital letters.
Naaa Naaa Not Even... Red Ones.... *Bursts into tears crying a lot*
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1.4.0 works good for me - explorer allows delete, move and copy, lcd fixer seems to work - only problem I have so far is battery warning light still doesnt come on.
the_catt posted on Feb 14 2006 at 11:31 AM said:
1.4.0 works good for me - explorer allows delete, move and copy, lcd fixer seems to work - only problem I have so far is battery warning light still doesnt come on.

personally i prefer the trippy surprise :ph34r:
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the_catt posted on Feb 14 2006 at 10:31 AM said:
1.4.0 works good for me - explorer allows delete, move and copy, lcd fixer seems to work - only problem I have so far is battery warning light still doesnt come on.
It comes on fine, once you hit empty. Check when the 2x says empty, and it should come on then. Either that, or put on the 1.0.0 firmware to see if the LED is broken or not.
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PSyMastR posted on Feb 14 2006 at 03:41 PM said:
the_catt posted on Feb 14 2006 at 10:31 AM said:
1.4.0 works good for me - explorer allows delete, move and copy, lcd fixer seems to work - only problem I have so far is battery warning light still doesnt come on.
It comes on fine, once you hit empty. Check when the 2x says empty, and it should come on then. Either that, or put on the 1.0.0 firmware to see if the LED is broken or not.

I was using DrMD and the battery just cut as before. No lights came on. Does the warning light come on under other apps? Admittedly I have not tested thoroughly just saying what happend to me.

Also I haven't downgraded to 1.0.0 yet but I don't remember the battery light ever working so how can I tell if the LED is broken? Earliest firmware in the archive is 1.0.1 and the batt light doesnt work in that one.
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