

Ruler of good and evil, then i make them fight tog
Jan 31, 2006
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lo people
i wana upgrade to the new firmware 1.4.0 :D but im just scared about flashing it, all those posts of people saying the beast is brain dead. anyway if it goes wrong, will i be able to get a new one under waranty from gbax? They already replaced one of mine because one speaker did not work. ive got a 1gb Viking and it apprently wont let you upgrade with it, and it seems to be dodgy as it created a random recycle bin i never even created :o . anyone else manage to upgrade with that card?
well cheers to anyone who helps me :D
The random Recycle Bin is created by Windows, as is System Volume Information, when you plug in your GP2X, as Windows recognises it as a harddrive rather than removable media, so basically moves in and gets comfortable.

I've flashed my GP2X 10 or so times, and I must say it's very simple, and I haven't bricked it yet. Go for it!
ull have to explain what U-boot is
but yer i feel more conifdent now
just have to wait for my batteries to recharge
im really looking forward to this firmware, already i can get a good 3h video with 1.2.1, i can hopefully get 4 or 5 now
pocket Divx is amazing, i can put 3 full length films on my card and still have a few mbs left
Ok. Basically U-Boot is the first thing loaded when the gp2x boots (obviously). It loads the kernal afterwards etc etc etc. If you overwrite that incorectly then your screwed. 1.4.0. does nt flash the U-Boot. However it does overwrite the Kernal but even if that goes wrong then it can be fixed. The patch also overwrites some files such as Mplayer etc. So in the even that both of these go wrong you could still just replace the kernal and the root file system again :)
cool thanks for that sam fisher :D
if that is your real name...
or are you really a super agent working for third echelon??? :o
I've upgraded the firmware loads of times, just check to see that the batteries your using on full before you do it.
pantera6 posted on Feb 21 2006 at 09:26 PM said:
cool thanks for that sam fisher :D
if that is your real name...
or are you really a super agent working for third echelon??? :o
If i told you id have to kill you... :P
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