Worried about GamePark


Mighty D Block
Aug 9, 2003
Adelaide, Australia
Visit site
I dont have anything against the gp32 but can it really stand up to Gamboy, and the Nokia N-Gage. Im sure They would get sued if they have advertisement saying it can have emulaters due to its powerfull system. :(

A Gameboy- The game boy has put many better hand-helds to an early grave will gp32 survive against this TITAN. Also better advertisement due to alot more money to shell out. Also gameboy has never sold a system over 100.00 US. Over 1000 games out for the system.
D Gameboy- Not the best gaphics wise, a history of bad lighting.

A N-Gage- This new comer will have true 3d graphics, And with a killer game lineup(tombraider,sonicN,red faction,SPLINTER CELL!!!!,ect)who can stand up gamepark no not as much confidence as gameboy who says it wont do good due to Nokia's outragouse price of 299.99 us, Also able to play Mp3's also internal memory i think or memory cards like gp32's smc.
D N-Gage- Too high of a price, and a phone which means a monthly bill if u sighn up to blue tooth and its wirless internet gaming with other players in the world.

Now the gp32
A Gp32- Not A very bad price 160 US mabye even cheaper for europe release. Better graphics than Gamboy, Can handle many emulaters and roms, most active community. Can play Mp3's, And movies if you buy Gp cinema or movie park. Some very well done games(keyword was some :( )
D Gp32- Not many games and half of them are bad, Having to buy a avi player,hardly no advertisement whatso ever :( , only about 15,000 to 20,000 sold and 2/15 are regestired with this site :( .

Its sad to think if it will die an early grave :( . Because of faulty advertisement :angry:
>Also gameboy has never sold a system over 100.00 US.

They have in the UK...

Anyway, "having to buy an AVI player" is good compared to "having to buy everything, including bad games"...

The Doom port for GP32 is better than the GBA one, if you have the original WAD files, which, let's face it, are not that hard to get hold of.

I doubt the GP32 will ever be a big commercial success, but among developers and retro gamers it's sure to do well whatever happens. There's no way it will ever eclipse the GameBoy (as somone said before, they have no idea about marketing - I mean, the European website/marketing seems to have been entirely in German so far...)
im not worried about the gp32 at all. if anything im worried about it becoming a commercial success. it feels good to be the only one of my friends with one and for them to be saying "thats cool as f....." :P
Taras: "I doubt the GP32 will ever be a big commercial success, but among developers and retro gamers it's sure to do well whatever happens."

I agree with Taras, and my opinion about the N-Gage is, it will die in early ages, because it's too expensive and I think it will cost too much for games and other apps. I think Nokia should re-think and go back to just cellularphones. I wont buy it because it's bigger then a regular phone and the GP32 is much, much better. Yes, N-Gage may have better games, but professional developers cost a lot of money, and then the games cost a lot of money. No, I'll just stick with my GP32 and wait for the GP64. ;)
sure the GP32 will never become as huge as the GameBoy. Nokia will fail to (look at the screen size :D) maybe sony will make a change but i don't no.

Gp32 is fine for me and if gamepark is still making money out of it it's oke :D :D
the n-gage will die a horrible death its expensive ($299). the screen size is laughable comparde to the gp32. and it will have some games but people will just realise. for $299 you can buy a gba a couple of games and a half decent fone. silly nokia.
Why did you buy a GP32, for all the 'legitimate' games available or its other features ( :ph34r: )? Can gameboy or N-Gage play movies and scumm games - I understand its sold over 15000 units in europe without being officially released yet anyways.

God bless EMULATION. :rolleyes:
I understand its sold over 15000 units in europe without being officially released yet anyways

Um I'm pretty sure that game park has only sold 15,000 units all together so far. It hasn't sold any in europe officaly set aside from sites like gbax.
They have sold more than 15,000, or gbax and liksang sold almost 100% of that figure.

Hmm now i think about it, maybe that is the case.

Even i believe the GP32 is doomed in europe if they don't have it with a light in, if they do install a light i believe it could go somewhere but lets be honest the PSP is going to be the big one.

I think Xmas will be the beginning of the end unfortunately.


Phil posted on Aug 26 2003 said:
the n-gage will die a horrible death its expensive ($299). the screen size is laughable comparde to the gp32. and it will have some games but people will just realise. for $299 you can buy a gba a couple of games and a half decent fone. silly nokia.
If you look at pretty much any new mobile phone, it costs around thatmuch. The point is, networks subsidise the cost of all mobile phones massively.

The N-gage may or may not succeed. The point to remember is its not really the same market - its going for non-gamers who would be embarrassed to show their friends a GBA or GP32 because it looks like a toy, but are perfetly happy to show off their latest £200 + 12 month contract phone with Snake 3 on it...
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>>Even i believe the GP32 is doomed in europe if they don't have it with a light in, >>if they do install a light i believe it could go somewhere but lets be honest the >>PSP is going to be the big one.

I've with you on this craig - the lack of light/decent games and the looming of other handhelds all competing for $$$ , and almost all with big name games - esp PSP is not good for gp32. From my point of view the PSP will be the ultimate retrogamers paradise - but that all depends on media/sdk - until that time - the gp32 is the current emu fav'
Hmmm, sdk for PSP? Hmmm, not many of the big names have an unlicensed sdk, but sony did do those developer PlayStations a while a go. Also, Sony wouldn't lose out if emulation sprung up as a big thing though, since they don't really have a huge back catalogue of games that could be emulated.

However, considering the huge amount of piracy on the PS1 & 2, and Sony's attempts at technical fixes for the problem, I really doubt it will be easy to develop for. Even if the almost inevitable copy protection can be overcome, I imagine developing for it without a doc or sdk might be a bit tricky, from what they're saying about the hardware.

Personally, I suspect the PSP will die through crappy battery life, the problem that has killed pretty much every handheld except the GB.
Hi Mojo

umm yeah obviously sony won't release a public sdk and will try to prevent public access to dev' for the machine. But thats not going to stop anyone. I think dev'ing for it will be easy - it's a very similar setup to the ps2 main cpu mips/vu combo's - altho fixed function e.t.c. . Battery life- the currrent specs are looking really good, if what sony have so far published is true - this really will be a killer handheld - almost as powerful as the current ps2 - in some aspects more powerful even.
I'm looking forward to the PSP, to see how Sony solves the portable scene. I think PSP will kick Nintendo butt, if Sony play their cards right.
But GP32 is going to have a hard time to succed i Europe, without any light. I hope Gamepark really plans this release very carefully or Xmas will, like Craig said, be the beginning of the end. :(
As long as people still develop for GP32, it could still be the best. Screw psp, I hated sony ever since they released ps2. I didnt get gp32 for commercial games, I got it because I could run emulators that would play tons of great games.
craigix posted on Aug 26 2003 said:
Even i believe the GP32 is doomed in europe if they don't have it with a light in, if they do install a light i believe it could go somewhere but lets be honest the PSP is going to be the big one.
I'm curious to know what you think of as "doomed".

Are you worried that it will never be a huge commercial sucess? Because it probably won't. But that's OK, because a lot of great systems were not commercially successful.

Are you concerned that they will stop being produced? Sega stopped producing Dreamcasts years ago, and it still has an active community. New emus and other apps are still being produced and refined for the system. I just bought one myself a few weeks ago, and I love it to death. Sony, Nintendo, and MS have each come out with more powerful systems since the "demise" of the dreamcast, yet hardcore gamers still consider the DC to be one of the best systems ever made.

As long as there is still an active community that supports the GP32, it cannot die. Nobody can seriously think that GP will ever have a sizable share of the handheld video game market, but what does that matter to us?

I can play TG16, SMS, and NES games on my lunch break, so as far as I'm concerned, the GP32 is a success. More importantly, it will remain a success until something comes out that can do all the GP32 can do and more. The PSP will be miles ahead of the GP32 as far as processing power, 3d acceleration, video playback, and storage space, but if I can't play a decent game of Dr. Mario on it, then the GP32 will still be alive for me.
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great n-gage features:

*cannot be used on aviation equipment at any time

*games can only be changed by going through the nokia battery removal process to find the game slot next to the sim card slot

Early grave? The GP32 has been out for 18 months! :) (At least, I've had mine nearly that long..)
directhex posted on Aug 26 2003 said:
*games can only be changed by going through the nokia battery removal process to find the game slot next to the sim card slot

Is that true? If so Nokia is so screwed. I mean, how stupid can you be?
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