Set The Standerd


Jan 10, 2006
....before PSP or even the GBA SP there was GAME.COM it really set the stander i think most of the hand helds are useing to day it was a failure back then sadly and didnt go anywhere plus it was made by tiger but had games like sonic and RE its features where pretty cool it has the boot menu screen with differnt options (PSP and DS and gp2x) had the touch screen (DS) was able to go online (PSP) thing that killed it i think was the screen was poo and the 1st verion was kind of big but other then that it was pretty cool.. just wanted to talk a bout it if any one had it that system i think atleast set the stander for systems today
I have it. It is the crappiest handheld I have.
Plays Sonic with about 4 fps.
Even the old GameBoy was better.

Only cool thing was Solitaire with the touchscreen in school.
The only standard it set was "how to be obsolete before your time". It sold so poorly that it's unlikly anyone was influenced by any part of it's design. If anything has influenced portable gameing with similar functions it would probably be PDAs and/or PMPs.
I had one....liked it for about 3 months. Got the browser. Found out it was a text browser after my friend told me I could get on porn with it. Never DID get it set up, and I lost it. Duke Nukem 3D was slow as hell on that mother.
I had one....liked it for about 3 months. Got the browser. Found out it was a text browser after my friend told me I could get on porn with it. Never DID get it set up, and I lost it. Duke Nukem 3D was slow as hell on that mother.
yeah i remember back in the day trying to play RE in my moms van... it was the suck
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I bought mine cheap, and I like it. I think RE2 is pretty sweet on it, and Frogger with a touch screen was interesting. :P However, I definitely think that PDAs and pocket PCs influenced the new handhelds, and probably not by the Game.Com. Still, you have to commend Tiger for trying something unique before the PDA craze really took root.
I bought mine cheap, and I like it. I think RE2 is pretty sweet on it, and Frogger with a touch screen was interesting. :P However, I definitely think that PDAs and pocket PCs influenced the new handhelds, and probably not by the Game.Com. Still, you have to commend Tiger for trying something unique before the PDA craze really took root.
Yes! i like this post! :lol:
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I still have mine--the rereleased, lit 'pocket pro' version.
once I thought about peeing on it, but then I realized that was a huge waste of perfectly good urine. I got it on clearance though, not when it brand new and closer to being not quite as obsolete.

I guess it has some 'new features', but nothing that cybiko didn't do better. Except for the touch screen, which resembled a 1980's mcdonalds cash register. The cybiko commercials were the best, though--simply the coolest engrish on TV, until the jet grind radio ads hit. heh, I miss that crazy shouting asian man:

"wireless intertainment! chat, Email. Buy and consume, you fat american pigs!" maybe that's not quite a direct quote, but it was something along those lines... commercials, on the other hand, sucked. nobody wanted to hear low-bitrate clips of speech synth. especially duke nukem...he just doesn't have much to say. (Except for the old rowdy roddy piper line, which probably didn't make the game)

hey, I'm 'out of bubblegum' right now too...where's my I need to use the bathroom.
I had one, thought it was OK.
Lights out was cool and the batman game was alright (never even seen any other games...)
Its very sensitive to heat though I think, it died after a month or two.
cybiko was a really neat 'homebrew' handheld that actually came with a devkit that didn't suck (you hear that, gph?). If you couldn't figure 'CyBASIC' out, you were having problems.

I got them kind of late in their cycle off a clearance rack for $12 a piece. I bought two cases (12) of them and came up with excuses to give one to everybody I had regular contact with--this is really the only way to enjoy a networked device that runs on a nonstandard network.

sure it lacked touchscreen and had an unlit black and white display that blurred with any kind of motion--that wasn't the point. It had a successor, the Cybiko Extreme that you'd think would have fixed some of those issues...nope... Extremes never clearanced low enough for me to buy one., on the other hand surfed some kind of internet kit which, IIRC connected either via your computer or a seperately available 2400baud modem, which looked to weigh about 50lbs. joy!
set the standard...umm no unless it set the standard for crappy handhelds. This thing was horrific and I own one. Resident Evil 2 is good and the gameshow games, like Wheel of fortune, are good, but I have Sonic and it is very very very bad as is Fighters Megamix,horrible games.

I should charge my Cybiko and see if it still works. :blink: