hey guys - sorry about being a bit silent over last day or two
rather than getting better, this lil bug thing i appear to be suffering from has gotten worse :/ Spent pretty much all day yesterday in bed and my sleep patterns are all over the place due to it. Still pretty manky right now, preventing me from going out and what not. However whenever i'm feeling intelligent enough to speak and have the strength to pull myself out of bed i have been infront of the pc wrapped up in my blanket doing lil bits and bobs to TTX.
Go ahead and make big versions of the cards - im still not sure if i will use them big in game and scale them down (so far i dont appear to have FPS to spare, but if i optimise things and figure out how to use the hardware scaler then yes, maybe) but even if I dont thats fine, I have a photoshop batch script saved that will convert a directory of cards into the size I require so even if i dont use big cards I can convert them with 2 mouse clicks and still have the option of using the big version later.
I'm also planning a ragnarok online deck

Whilst ill and in bed i've been randomly sorting ragnarok monsters and classess into a 1-10 level system so later on I can see about making the actual cards.
Anyway, the latest progress on ttx:
I cant remember if i said this but I managed to work out all bugs to do with automated npc loading and whatnot on the gp2x. I dont hardcode npc loading anymore, the engine searches the npc subdir of a map folder when its loading the map and inserts the npc according to their data. Anyone could add their own npc to a map simply by shoving the npc data file (simple ini structure) into the folder - so people making new decks may in the future supply an npc pack with their decks which inserts npc's that use only their special cards so you can win them instead of only buying them. Pretty snaz, will probably end up writing an npc editor to make the process easier.
I finally got around to adding something i shoulda done ages ago: map scrolling

I used a camera based system where npc's, players and the map are now drawn based off the position of a global camera. This is pretty cool because it means i can manually set the camera coordinates for funky things if i ever fancy scrolling the camera away from the player for any reason. The obvious situation to use that in is part of some sort of npc trigger where it sends the camera off to look at something you need to get to or whatever.. but.. ungh, triggers, actions, scripts, NO! I wanted to keep this simple

But I can see me caving in and adding some sort of trigger/entity system more complex than just npc's in the future -_-
I worked on my tileset a little more. Yah yah, im no great pixel artist but i have had absolutly no responses to my calls for an artist on this forum or in chat channels so for now we'll have to make do with what i can manage. I guess if i get a fun game together then maybe someone will start caring enough later down the line to take my tileset and simply edit it a little, keeping the tiles the same but looking nicer, which would update every single map i made with that set.
Heres a couple of screenshots:
screenshot a
screenshot b
I think it will do for now. I also render the player in a more intelligent way now, basically making him belong to one of the tile map layers. So now there is a sense of ordering with the player (rather than hes just "on top of everything") and he can do things like walk infront of the tree and obscure it but also walk behind the tree and be obscured BY it. Pretty neat.
I'll keep you updated

If responses are still slow then my apologies, im still spending alot of time in bed ^^;