mattyrb posted on Dec 6 2005 at 12:35 AM said:personally i find his opinion a refreshing change...too many nice things being said can reverse motivation
Ive got a 150x 2 gig. beat that. if 60x is ultra high speed, then mine is ludacris speed (spaceballs anyone?!?!?)jislizard posted on Dec 5 2005 at 08:09 PM said:Just checked out the prices on high speed SD cards, found several types
High Speed
Ultra High Speed
60x High Speed
60x Ultra High Speed
45x Ultra High Speed
*waits* I bought a 256 just for now...grahf posted on Dec 5 2005 at 10:20 PM said:yeah, i bought a 150x 2gb also. Too bad we cant use them yet
Alpha2 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 08:13 PM said:DaveC wants perfection, he's too used to emulators that work perfectly on PC (or atleast with the appearance of perfection). That everyone here is excited means nothing to him because it isnt perfect right now.
Will it ever be? probably not, maybe in 3 years we will be playing quite a few games instead of just a couple of puzzle games. I still however doubt that 3d games will ever truly be any better than SNES is on the GP32 (ie. somewhat playable but low frame rates and graphical bugs randomly ruining enjoyment.)
Personally I'm going to go ahead and try a few games as soon as I figure out how to convert my games to atleast test it out since it seemspretty simple compared to the NeoCD. But more importanly to me is that this seems to suggest good things for future SNES emulation.
nubie posted on Dec 6 2005 at 01:58 PM said:I just ran into the emuboards zodiac section and found DaveC has been bitching over there, only, get this. . . people are agreeing with him.
dum dum dum (cue scary music, bizarro world, wait zodiac world)
Alpha2 posted on Dec 6 2005 at 03:13 AM said:Personally I'm going to go ahead and try a few games as soon as I figure out how to convert my games to atleast test it out since it seemspretty simple compared to the NeoCD. But more importanly to me is that this seems to suggest good things for future SNES emulation.
DaveC posted on Dec 6 2005 at 01:27 AM said:x68000 posted on Dec 5 2005 at 10:01 PM said:yeah, a davecbot - it could tell us how this will amount to nothing and is only a tech demo at best, and what are we doing here, get over to the snes posts and lobby for what is important full speed snes with sound, 0 frameskip, if that is possible on the gp2x as it is little more than a gp32 at the end of the day.
What, we can't access the second core? we're all doomed, the gp2x is useless, but it does do nice tech demos though.
You and everyone else that is flaming can just FUCK OFF.
You get a couple of puzzle games to work a little and you get all cocky. It is still a tech demo to me as it has no sound and most games don't work, but whatever.
Have fun with your little insults kiddies.