Screen Transition Between Scenes


Still Fresh
Nov 6, 2005
Yes, I do understand there is a "video" section but I'm not sure that anyone else is aware of it ;)

Is anyone else finding their videos to be very blocky on the GP2x's screen? The files are fine and look great on a computer, but when on the PG2x, it's pretty bad. Besides the fact that it seems after updating mplayer that my videos are only showing at like 15fps, the video looks pretty blocky until a scene has been on the screen for a few seconds...almost like it's taking the gp2x a while to display it properly. Everything will be blocky, but over the course of about 3 seconds, you can watch it smooth itself out. Divx is still fine, it just seems like to fix the audio sync for xvid videos, they reduced the framerate and the video stays "dirty" until it has time to clean itself up.

I also hate the horizontal lines which seem like interlacing artifacts...that shouldn't be happening. Damn are they highly annoying! I might actually prefer using the PSPs ghostly screen instead!

The screen also seems to be a lot less bright than what most computer monitors are set at by default. Hopefully something can be done about the media player.
it seems to work fine for me, except the pause glitch and an episode of excel saga i was watching the quality was fine then crapped out in the middle for a bit the was fine again, might just be bad encoding, i dunno. other than that works great
I have that problem with newer divx in VLC 0.8.2

but it plays fine in mediaplayer classic, so it is not a GP2X-specific problem, just a GPL codec issue.

edit: spelling
nubie posted on Dec 2 2005 at 12:10 AM said:
I have that problem with newer divx in VLC 0.8.2

but it plays fine in mediaplayer classic, so it is not a GP2X-specific problem, just a GPL codec issue.

edit: spelling

On Windows, both of those media players use Win32 codecs and not the GPL ones, save theora, ogg, and a few others.
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