It Is Your Birthday.
A few months ago I won a TE handheld on ebay for roughly $180 US, which came with like 8 games, the system of course, a case to keep it all in, a weirded-out ac adapteter that works when it's convenient, and a tv tuner (the reason why I bid on that auction in particular). I love it, except I cant keep using like 900 batteries to keep her running. It's time for a new ac adapter, and this time one that works.
Any suggestions are helpful, as I am going to be blunt and say that I am a fucking moron who knows nothing about electronics
I have like every handheld ever made (i collect em), so I guess I would prefer one that can work with others as well like the atari lynx and *maybe* the game axe.
Any suggestions are helpful, as I am going to be blunt and say that I am a fucking moron who knows nothing about electronics
I have like every handheld ever made (i collect em), so I guess I would prefer one that can work with others as well like the atari lynx and *maybe* the game axe.