Perfect Snes For Gp2x


Still Fresh
Oct 17, 2005
hi, i am new here and after go through the GP2X faq ,i am really excited. My questions:

1>Will snes emulator run perfectly (like the ZSNES or SNES9X on PC) on GP2X ?

2>Will it support features like GameGeniue(cheat),savestates....?

I am so excited to play old school RPG games like: Saikendestu 3,Bahamut lagoon, Romancing saga 3,Chrono Trigger... :lol:

For me SNES emulator is evrything ,and if the gp2x OR EVEN the XGP can do it then i will buy me one right now. B)

PS:as far as i know,there are no consoles can handle perfectly snes emulator! ;)

Thank in advantage!
The GP32 could almost do it perfectly. The PSP or Gizmondo may even be able to accomplish it. So the GP2X, IMO will definately be able to do it, its only a matter of time.
It's still too early to really tell how close to perfect it can get. It will certainly be several months before it's ever "perfect" if it's possible at all.
Blah posted on Oct 17 2005 at 01:34 AM said:
The GP32 could almost do it perfectly. The PSP or Gizmondo may even be able to accomplish it. So the GP2X, IMO will definately be able to do it, its only a matter of time.

imo, the gp32 was lacked of button s.i meant how can you play snes with only two button (snes have four) .
For the psp , sony try everything to stop Homebrew , i don't think it will be easy.
Gizmodo, i never try it befor! lol
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I was talking purely processing power though. A simpler way of putting it is: A high end Pentium 1/low end Pentium 2 could do it, so its plausible.
or psp's MIPS64 or whatever it is.
vincent85! it's "thanks in advance" ;) it's all good
Yes, and I said that earlier today. But I'm not saying, OMG GP2X can emulate 35 IBM 386 PCs!!!!11111!!!!1!1111!!!SquidgeyGoWriteEmuNow...possiblegraunnsnasmsaaa. :P
A simpler way of putting it is: A high end Pentium 1/low end Pentium 2 could do it, so its plausible.

You simplified it too much.

When you refer to one system and it's emulations while discussing another people are going to assume you;re making a comparison.
for me, i will only buy a console just for snes emulator!
i was planed to buy the psp ,but see how strong Sony want to stop homebew with firmware update , i give up!

If you guy can make a perfect snes emu for gb2x than ,hell yah, long live the gP2X, i will be GP2X fanboy from now on!
At the end of the day if my old mobile phone (Nokia 6600) with it's 32-bit RISC CPU based on ARM-9 series at 104 MHz can run a full speed Megadrive emulator (well sound was a tad funky) and pretty much run SNES. I'm pretty sure the GP2X can do it far better.


Actually, I noticed that the 6600 and GP2X use a ARM CPU, Would it be easy to port?

Also heres the actual devs webpage:
:ph34r: Umm... Fgen is based on Picodrive. DrMD is based on Fgen (cyclone core). Reesy is getting a GP2X is in all likelyhood you'll see a port of DrMD.

DrMD is the GP32 megadrive emulator, which runs fullspeed.
The Zaurus SL-C1000 can run Snes9x at full speed with no sound, but it has a 416MHz Intel PXA270, which is an arm processor. I don't own a Zaurus but from what I read 416MHz is plenty to do the video, more than enough, but sound was an issue. On the GP2X maybe if one processor handles video and one sound it may run at full speed with sound. I'm not entirely sure however, but it should be possible. It will take a while to get it running at the very least. It may be better taking Snes9x and porting it directly to the GP2X rather than porting one of the many Zaurus ports since they all rely on the Zaurus hardware and GUI libraries.

I may be wrong, I'm just reading random forums that specialize on arm processors and the Zaurus.

The GP32 can run SNES at very good speed without sound and it's the predecessor to the GP2X so it's quite likely that someone might spend the time to get a fairly decent GP2X SNES emu running but I guess only time will tell.
I suspect an average of 2 a week until it's been released to the public.

People want to know if the money they're investing is going to bare the fruit that they specifically want and there is no firm answer untill that point for many of these answers.
Yeah but the important question is will we be able to run Atari 2600 games at full speed and sound without frameskip on.

I hope its possible.