New Project: The Open2x Project.

what about this:
it is also used on gclinux, the gc doesnt have a os like the gp32 and the executables are dols, there is a dol loader (for gclinux), which copies the dol to memory i think and then resets linux, but the last thing it tells the system is to load this dol of the memory.
couldnt something similar be used for the gp2x?
sure, why not.
kexec is not gc specific, it is originaly mean to change the kernel on runtime but on gc you just use it to load a dol, it should run on gp2x pretty easyl.
codesmith posted on Oct 12 2005 at 04:16 PM said:
DijiTao posted on Oct 12 2005 at 07:38 AM said:
hagisbasheruk posted on Oct 12 2005 at 09:00 AM said:
Why not do an internal mod to the GP2X for power to usb,saves modding all your usb hardware

Because the GP2X runs off two AA batteries - each at 1.5v and 1.5v * 2 = 3v, while USB requires 5v.
That's not a problem at all:
thanks for that it saves me explaining LOL
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Oscaruzzo posted on Oct 12 2005 at 09:47 PM said:
DJWillis, when are you going to post the kernel sources on the site? I'm uber-curious to see those device drivers :)

Week to 10 days I think as I said in the 1st post ;).

There is a lot of source here not all of which is GPL'ed kernel or bootloader and it needs some sorting. My focus is on playing with the GP2X itself. The code will however be up as soon as I get the time.
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hagisbasheruk posted on Oct 12 2005 at 01:40 PM said:
codesmith posted on Oct 12 2005 at 04:16 PM said:
DijiTao posted on Oct 12 2005 at 07:38 AM said:
hagisbasheruk posted on Oct 12 2005 at 09:00 AM said:
Why not do an internal mod to the GP2X for power to usb,saves modding all your usb hardware

Because the GP2X runs off two AA batteries - each at 1.5v and 1.5v * 2 = 3v, while USB requires 5v.
That's not a problem at all:
thanks for that it saves me explaining LOL
Sorry, I should have probably provided a bit more than just the link to the datasheet. The relevant part of that for non-techies is:

The ST619LB is able to provide a regulated 5V output from a 2V to 3.6V (two battery cells) input.
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opps i think this has gone off topic
" The Open2x Project., One for all you low-level hackers "
I have some ears pricked up when i posted to the debian_arm list about the GP2X
Looks like there could be debian/kernel/arm developers interested in the GP2X
Just one question and then back to the topic,does the GP2X have jtag pins? if thats what it is called,sorry deleted email before i wrote down note so mabey its jtig,if so we could very well see a new and very hackable OS running 2.6 kernel soon ;)
hagisbasheruk posted on Oct 14 2005 at 10:56 AM said:
opps i think this has gone off topic
" The Open2x Project., One for all you low-level hackers "
I have some ears pricked up when i posted to the debian_arm list about the GP2X
Looks like there could be debian/kernel/arm developers interested in the GP2X
Just one question and then back to the topic,does the GP2X have jtag pins? if thats what it is called,sorry deleted email before i wrote down note so mabey its jtig,if so we could very well see a new and very hackable OS running 2.6 kernel soon ;)

jTAG is exposed via the EXT port on the bottom of the console :D. I put some more info on the EXT outputs in the WiKi here. I'll add more as I find more out.

Got a link to the archive of your e-mail to the list?
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codesmith: Is 20 mA(output of the 7403) enough for the USB port to be considered "powered"?
devices request power in one of there startup packets and state how many milliamps they require. I'd suggest 100ma as a minimum, although some devices can draw 500ma (normally harddisks). 20ma may be enough for usb pendrives though.
theoddbot posted on Oct 14 2005 at 02:27 PM said:
BBTroll posted on Oct 15 2005 at 03:58 AM said:
codesmith: Is 20 mA(output of the 7403) enough for the USB port to be considered "powered"?

The datasheet says the max is 120mA continuos.
In any case, that is only one out many chips that perform this function, I know that there are other chips that can handle several amps, and of course there are chips that handle other voltages, eg 9V -> 3.3V. You can do a quick Google search for "DC to DC" or "charge pump 5V", I just posted the first hit I got that referred to a 3V->5V chip.
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The Open2x project has been updated with a few files releases of the MMSP2 Linux kernel and U-Boot source for those that are interested so there is no need to faff about with CVS to get access to the files if you just want to have a look at the code :D.
DJWillis posted on Oct 24 2005 at 07:55 PM said:
The Open2x project has been updated with a few files releases of the MMSP2 Linux kernel and U-Boot source for those that are interested so there is no need to faff about with CVS to get access to the files if you just want to have a look at the code :D.

Thanks DJWillis! :)
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