Come Get Some :)

Hail to the king, baby! That so awesome!

Sadly I have a BLU+, but the Atomic Edition is already on my smc, so let the blu+ version coming! :D
I fucking love you. I got a PSP a few days ago but this will definately make me start playing my GP32 again.
woogal posted on Sep 27 2005 at 02:09 AM said:
If you don't have a clue what the topic title means then you shouldn't be reading this. Go away.

Very lame. Nobody expects a Duke Nukem 3D conversion/port/whatever for the GP32, so it's not a big issue if you don't get the clue of the topictitle.

I will try it when I'm home. Tnx for all the work.
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This is weird... Just last night, before I fell asleep, I was thinking about how cool it would have been to be able to play Blood or Duke Nukem 3D on my GP32. And when I wake up this morning and fire up my browser I see the “Come get some” thread on the front page... :) Woogal are you a mind reader?! :D Thx Woogal, I will try it out as soon as possible...
Don't forget to set up your config properly for controls and set the music and sfx to NONE and the screenmode to VESA with the SETUP.EXE file, and then copy the .CFG file to the game data directory.
If you are getting crashes or a reboot before you get to the black screen then it's possible you're missing some files. I'm not sure exactly what files you need, but it's more than just the .grp and .cfg.

To help me track down possible problems, can you all post the gp32 version, duke3d version, and if it works or not (has anyone with a blu+ got it to work yet?)

And if someone has a working .cfg could you post it for others to test with (don't have access to mine at the moment)