Thank you Rlyeh


That Guy!
Jul 19, 2003
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Just showing appreciation after playing fSMS, it runs damn good at 0 frameskip

Keep up the good coding

i would also like to say thank you to Rlyeh you have made a massive contribution to the gp32 scene and it wouldnt be the same without u, thank you for all your emu's
Hooka posted on Jul 22 2003 said:
Just showing appreciation after playing fSMS, it runs damn good at 0 frameskip

Keep up the good coding

I'm sure Rlyeh appreeciates it, he's on vaccation right now though, so I don't think he'll read this mail. Drop him a mail though, I'm sure he'll read it.

And I can only share your thoughts, so far, Rlyeh's done nothing but impress me. All his work is fabulous, especially Fsms32.
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Y'know I detect a bit of want from your posts e.g I'll smother you in appreciation and in return you'll give me a hint or beta.

I think its about time people left the guy alone, I think he realises that people are going to like and appreciate the emu's without being bombarded with celebrity style fan mail.

If anything you're gonna make him give up projects simply because he can't be bothered to be hassled anymore, and what about all the other people who have made great emu's you don't see them getting as much glorified praise.

I might be wrong about all this and it may be all of the idolising that keeps ZJ going but I know it would just make me keep away from the limelight and never reveal any secrets or hints agin in fear that I start getting pictures of people in the post.
I'm I the only person who doesn't think this emulator is perfect. Of the games I have tried most seem to be sluggish with frameskip 0. The sound & screen stretching is nice, but I feel that SMS32 is better speed-wise. I am not saying that this emulator will not end up being better than SMS32, but I just feel that everyone here loves it too much already and is scared to point out the flaws. I personally believe that this emulaor will end up being one of the best on the GP32, but it is still only a first release. So give it chance to mature and don't be affraid to say what you think is wrong with it
Hmmm, mine doesnt seem sluggish, on frameskip one it seems a tad 2 fast and 0 skip a bit 2 slow. I havnt really fiddled with the video options to get the best results tho. has anyone else yet?
Nobody's begging for anything I was just expressing my satisfaction, as the only other system I've played SMS on (Besides SMS) is PSX and GP32 kick's ass compared to that, but I was impressed by both emu's.

Why would I be pushing for new releases or anything else when he just released a new one?

Oh well,

P.S. Twimfy, fuckin learn there are people who are new and just want to recognize the talent of the coders and show appreciation.
No flame here - personally I fully agree with the poster; the emu is great. It *does* have a few flaws, but speed-wise it seems pretty perfect (although its annoying that there isn't a vsynch between fast and accurate, since fast always seems somewhat over the speed it should be and accurate means I want to stick an extra frameskip on.
No incompatibilites that I've found yet - which is good - oh, and can I take this opportunity to plug a decent game I've found.

Faceball 2000 for Gamegear. Its a 3D shooter in 4 colours. Its slow, without much action, little in the way of puzzles, but somehow its soooo fun. So play the thing :)

Only thing that might be nice would be filtering on the screen-stretch modes, but I know that's pretty darn unlikely (cf the effect it has on speed in littlejohn at the moment).
Has anyone managed to get Prince of Persia to work ?

It's the only game for me that doesn't work. Otherwise it's a perfect emulater.
I got it to work fine on SMS32, but haven't tried on Fsms.

As to the other comments - I agree wholeheartedly. It's people like Rlyeh that keep this scene what it is...


(where are you BTW rlyeh?, and chance of making the Meetup on 30th Aug? I have NO idea even which country you;re in!)
Axeman posted on Jul 24 2003 said:
(where are you BTW rlyeh?, and chance of making the Meetup on 30th Aug? I have NO idea even which country you;re in!)

He's spanish and AFAIK he's now enjoying his summer holidays :)
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