
Rico posted on Apr 15 2004 at 01:50 AM said:
Glad that fNES beta is out. He was only holding it because LittleJohnGP had been released, and I thought, all that work... might have been limited in its use if not released.

I tend to think Rlyeh codes for his own enjoyment, which explains why he is behind so many emulators (we covered many of them in Zine, stuff like fCOL and fPCE and the now taken over fNGP) but I'm really glad to see that he does intend to release them, even if it could be the end of this year. I think he's moving on to Zodiac, now...

...OT, but I think I'm gonna have to find a new handheld to get. Something without a big commercial gain attached to it (Zodiac) but also something that has a competent leadership (not the GP64). The GP32 can't stick around forever.
I'll never get me a new handheld system for homebrew scene if Snes and MD get at full speed with sound :) that's all I need ;)

I will prolly get the PSP though, because you can bet your money it'll have some decent games (and perhaps even ports of final fantasies - but that's just my irrational dreaming prolly :)) and MAYBE it'll have a scene too, all I need! :)
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Wolfsclaw posted on Apr 15 2004 at 01:36 AM said:
here you go:

<rlyeh> i consider all my gp32 projects as a single main project
<rlyeh> the others are for different platforms or are different things
<rlyeh> anyways and to clarify things i have to say a few things
<rlyeh> ive been coding for gp32 for the last two years and this one is gonna be my third and last one
<rlyeh> i discovered the gp32 hardware and started doing things at first year
<meonlyevi> thats cool
<meonlyevi> ... but we still have till the end of the year right?
<rlyeh> second year (2003) i started most of my projects and i did my efforts to bring u some emus
<rlyeh> this year i will clean the sources, finish'em and release all the binaries, all things sorted out & completed

he also gave out a new fNes32 beta to #gp32dev, sound is very accurate and good speed at fs 1/2 in smb3 tested.

now happy? or sad?

edit: damn its great! perfect sound, i cant believe what im hearing, 200% better than ljgp! theres also a nice movie recording function integrated ^_^
ah, and nice splash screen :P
While it will be sad to see him go, he is doing things the right way. By finishing and cleaning up his emus FIRST and then moving to another system is commendable. Many times coders will just abandon an incomplete emu and go to something else. When he does finish up we should give him the money and donate a little.
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Phil posted on Apr 15 2004 at 11:09 AM said:
nerd of nerds posted on Apr 15 2004 at 02:30 PM said:
i DO love his work
enough to marry him.
wow...you are sooo funny...i about pissed my self lauging when i read that :rolleyes: what are you? are 3rd grader? <_<
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Thanks rlyeh for cleaning up your code instead of leaving right ahead, as many others do.
I hope you will find something cool to work on afterwards and post it on your site. :) Rock on!