Pc Spec. Question

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I should point out that Matt hasn't received his tracking number yet despite the PC being collected by courier yesterday.

The PC should arrive no later than Monday as the delivery used by BargainBassment is Parcelforce(48) which is guarenteed to be delivered within 24-48 hours.

Protip: If you're running a business, you should provide the delivery details as soon as possible. If you have the time to post on the forum you have the time to send him his tracking number and receipt.

This is not an attack if you think it is, just advice.

Edit: More advice, don't send a message saying you are going to be out of contact after the time from which you will no longer be in contact. You definately should have provided him with the tracking number before you "visited your family".

Potential buyers, read into this as you like. I'm still waiting on Matt receiving his PC before I make any assumptions.
davey g, thats right BEFORE making ANY assumptions you should look into the matter first, i have kept matt updated EVEN when i was away, i have emailed matt over 3 times per day to keep him updated,

If matt is not happy he should email me or post a message on this forum NOT you as its matt buying a system am i correct?, also what is wrong with me going to visit my parents who i havent seen for 4 weeks???, i went for ONLY 1 day on a weekend, i don't work on weekends anyway + i kept matt updated, im sorry but i didnt know you was matt's guardian angel!!!! lol :D ,

Potential buyers...... Read into this how you wish, i think its important to keep my buyers updated even when i am away, i treat people how i would wish to treat people, with respect & no rubbish :)

You will all see this monday/tuesday when matt gets his system & im sure he will answer any emails & so will i,
Are you actually reading my posts?

Yes, you are keeping him updated, you still haven't given him his tracking number but yes, you are keeping him updated. Despite the fact you have e-mailed him three times a day and are posting on a forum you still haven't been able to send him a simple string of numbers? Do you want me to post some of your messages here?

The reason Matt isn't posting on this forum is because he doesn't even have a GP32 whereas I've been on this forum for years. All I'm doing is keeping potential buyers in the know of what is going on. Just like you have been.

My argument that you shouldn't "send a message saying you are going to be out of contact after the time from which you will no longer be in contact" still stands as does everything else I said.

Edit: I should also point out that I haven't made any assumptions, I offered to design a website for you, I said that once Matt receives his PC I'll order one from you via NOCHEX. I don't know how you aren't getting this? I even said in my post, don't make any assumptions until Matt receives his PC, you basically quoted it!
davey g, the only thing i don't like here is YOU getting yourself involved in other peoples matters!, of course i don;t mind other people knowing the situation but its not for you to say is it?, if you bought a car from a garage you wouldn't expect me to post a message saying "corr thats crap, i wouldn't have got one" would you?,

You cold have made a fortune from designing my x2 websites but you seem to involve yourself too much into matters (mainly on this forum) that isn't anything to do with you,

im not being funny so don't think i am & don't post a message back slagging me off as thats not needed, its up to everybody else what they think of me,

If you had bought a system then yes you could have commented on me but you havent so you can't comment on things you don't know about,

Surely that makes sense????
Thanks for ignoring every single thing I said. Yes, it is up to everyone else what they think of you but if all they hear is "Matts getting his PC on Monday/Tuesday" then it's not a fair representation is it. Your analogy is a pile of crap aswell.

Surely I can't be the only one who sees this? Please reply. I really need someone to back me up so I know I'm not going crazy. Anyway, to make this easy on everybody, I have prepared a handy list.

1. After 14 days you still haven't re-registered with ebay
2. The PC was collected on Friday, 6pm at the latest, yet you still haven't gave Matt his tracking number. (Quote from e-mail to Matt, "Hi m8, as soon as it is collected I will email tracking number & receipt to you, this can be up to 6pm though, I will 100% email you once its on its way,") Reasons for not sending tracking code provided at end of post.
4. I haven't talked to anyone who has received a PC from you.
5. All the people I have talked to have either not received a PC or didn't continue with the deal because you're suspicious or hadn't received a tracking code you promised them. Only one of these people was "onemillurray", the person you claimed was trying to get back at you after trying to scam you. The proof you provided that he was dodgy is so easily forged it cannot be seen as proof.
6. Ditto with the ebuyer stuff.
7. You keep saying it will arrive on Monday/Tuesday, if it arrives Tuesday, you didn't send it on Friday like you said.
8. I too, was informed by ebay that my fees were due soon. I was informed perhaps 6 or so times that I had to pay them. I had time to e-mail support and get a reply 48 hours later with details on how to pay them. My fees then went overdue and I still had access to my account for 2 days. I then paid my fees and all was well with the world. A kindly user on here also informed me that they had been suspended 3 times for not paying fees, they were able to pay them and be relisted as an ebay user almost instantly, all three times.

Also, I just found out that Matts cheque cleared AFTER you said the PC was collected by ParcelForce. You told Matt you contacted the bank and they said the cheque would clear on Thursday. Telling Matt that you sent the PC off, delaying the tracking code and letting him think his cheque had cleared would allow you time to wait for the cheque to actually clear. Just a thought.

Reasons for not sending tracking number
A: "im just having dinner & will then email receipt over to you"
B: "I will br emailing the details later this afternoon as I am sorting my puter out as its annoying me!!!"
C: Included in the same message as above (sent on 03-Sep-2005 13:05), "I will be unable to answer any E-Mails from Saturday 03rd September (12Noon) until Monday 05th September (9am) as i am visiting family,"
D: About 14 different messages saying later on and the like.
E: Latest messages stating you'll get it before monday, it's monday now, no tracking code.

Sorry for this horribly long post people. There are more things I could have included but this is tiring. Just trying to inform the people here. Tried to keep the balance of facts and opinions up there in check. All text within quotation marks are quoted exactly from the e-mails received.

Edit: Point 8 added and a few corrections made.
Seriously. OMG! Hahaha :D ;) :o :unsure: :(

Edit: Also, shit, I forgot the most important point of all! He does indeed have a fish-keeping forum. Whether or not it's "sponsered by 4 of the top UK & US magazines in the uk" is another question. I also have to question the decision to have 30 moderators for a forum containing 9 registered members.
So ... I'm not ... crazy?

Edit: Also, shit, I forgot the most important point of all! He does indeed have a fish-keeping forum. Whether or not it's "sponsered by 4 of the top UK & US magazines in the uk" is another question. I also have to question the decision to have 30 moderators for a forum containing 9 registered members.
The way you stack it up it certainly looks dubious. But I think he's just slow/lazy, because he can't possibly fraud a forum who are basically waiting for proof that he actually delivered something.
Rico posted on Sep 5 2005 at 12:44 AM said:
The way you stack it up it certainly looks dubious. But I think he's just slow/lazy, because he can't possibly fraud a forum who are basically waiting for proof that he actually delivered something.
Yeah, I still think that. But he does lie. :P
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Rico, I've been thinking that all along and it's the only reason I've been saying that once Matt receives his I'll buy one off the guy. In fact, I was convinced he was a compulsive liar back when I found out my cheque hadn't cleared after a week and my bank was telling me he hadn't lodged it.

Basically, despite the effort I've put in, I am no more convinced he is dodgy than I ever was.
My hunch is that he does build pcs, but is so lazy/disorganized/untruthful that only a fool would buy one of him. I think he must be slightly mad. He loves all the fuss, telling us how he can build using amazing parts for so little money. But then realises that he really can't.

I would not go near him. He might be as lazy when he puts the thing together, you get a problem and what sort of response are you gonna get? I can't see him springing up to get your system sorted. He's just too full of poo with his responses.

Sorry mate, but you ain't persuading me. Just seems a bizarre way to do things, coming here on this forum.
lubidog, the only reason davey g is slagging me off is because he ain't gonna be getting over £200 from designing my website's for me & that he won't be buying a system from me, i was happy for him to design my 2 websites which was a lot of work for him & he would have had lots of other business from people viewing the sites he was building for me, but when he turns & slags me off like that without having the facts he surely can't think im still happy for him to do my websites for me? its annoyed me too because now i am gonna have to try & fins another web designer to do the sites for me!,

Thats the only reason he's being funny with me & slagging me off to the ground,

ALL of you on this forum will see when matt gets his system that:

1, i am NOT LAZY
2, i have NOT been lying
3, i CAN sell superb systems cheap
4, i definitly won't be selling a system to davey g
5, davey g certainly won't be doing me websites for me

you have all gotta remember why i cam on here in the first place, NOT for attention at all, far from it, i came on here because of davey g & hanz slagging me off without the facts oh & look at that........davey g is doing it again,

davey g says matt doesnt use this forum, thats weird because i could swear he has an account on this forum as he stated on the email to me yesterday, he said that if he had anything to say he would post his own messages,

davey g, i suggest you do not involve yourself in something that is ditto to do with you, when matt ahs got his system then by ALL means please post your comments but why can't you leave the slagging me of to matt if he's not happy?

I will not be responding to ANYTHING silly else that davey g posts as im not into slagging matches again, i proved myself once before & certainly won't be doing it again,

If anyone else would like info/help then thats fine,

Yes i do admit that the post that davey g posted makes me look bad but then again it would because he has only posted the bad things & none og the good things, i have given matt loads of extras on his system for free including tv card, memory card reader, upgraded fans/motherboard & software,

Matts cool, i say this because if he has a problem he emails me instead of slgging me off on the forums,

Im happy for anyone to slag me off if they have a reason to do so but at this moment in time noone has ANY reason to slag me off,

When matt gets his system then im very sure he will let you ALL know what he thinks of it as he has said he will post messages on here when he gets it, if hes happy then i have a lot to gain, if hes not happy i have much to lose & im not gonna be sending a crap system to anyone so hopefully i have much to gain,

Im not trying anyone to buy any system from me on here nor am i trying to advertise my website here, its currently offline anyway!!!,

Hope this explains a few things,

P.S, none of the comments here are meant in a nasty way at all,
Whatever man, if you're still saying you've never lied you deserve all this. As for threatening with your solicitor, it's exactly what I'd expect.

I mean, Jesus, if you still think the reason I'm doing this is because I'm in a strop over not getting to design a website you're more deluded than stupid. I have been posting all this stuff while I still thought you would see it as constructive criticism. I even said this in the e-mails to you.

As far me only posting the negative things, have you read this thread? Have you been reading the posts where I defend you? I mean, even if I did only post the negative things, none of it is a lie and you can't deny it ... even though you are. You can't tell me you have posted a balanced argument or even an argument that makes sense.

As you said, the people here can decide for themselves ... actually wait ... I said that too, didn't I? But how would they decide if they didn't know everything? They can see how you're behaving here and they'll see that the low price comes with a price, uhhh, yeah, that's the one. You know, if Matt gets the PC today.
Big Boss said:
ALL of you on this forum will see when matt gets his system that:

1, i am NOT LAZY
2, i have NOT been lying
3, i CAN sell superb systems cheap
4, i definitly won't be selling a system to davey g
5, davey g certainly won't be doing me websites for me
Yes people! Once Matt receives his PC you WILL find out that ... I'm not getting a PC from BB here ... wait, what? One day I will figure out how this works.

Big Bossman said:
i proved myself once before
Not listening to any of the things I've said, even though I put them in handy lists. (Much better than your list I thought)

Ray Traylor said:
... slags me off like that without having the facts ...
and another ... said:
Im happy for anyone to slag me off if they have a reason to do so but at this moment in time noone has ANY reason
No facts and no reasons people!

Some idiot said:
davey g says matt doesnt use this forum, thats weird because i could swear he has an account on this forum as he stated on the email to me yesterday
This is the one thing he directly argues against? This?? Anyway, you shouldn't really argue any of these things because I know everything he has said. I don't think 1 post in this thread and nowhere else counts as being a member of the forums. I mean, technically yeah, it is but not really.

[quote name='Can't think of anything']Matts cool, i say this because if he has a problem he emails me
Urgh ... I e-mailed you to tell you to come here and read my latest post. If I had kept all my concerns to e-mails with you then I wouldn't have found out about the people on ebay who hadn't received the PCs when promised or, hell, any of this crap. 'Tis the beauty of the internet this is, very serious business.

I'm out of this one people.
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Yes i do admit that the post that davey g posted makes me look bad but then again it would because he has only posted the bad things & none og the good things
The point is that we are not trying to get at you. But none of this stuff should even have happened. Matt should have a tracking number. You shouldn't have lied about the fish-keeping forum.
Even though these are not huge things, they tarnish your name.
Sorry to undermine you David but i did say that and I have felt that should i have anything to say on this notice board then i could and can and did. I have mainly been using it as a background work. It meant that until i get the pc, I have all of you waging the moral war ofwether or not BB is trustworthy or not without any effort or commitment on my behalf. (Yes I am VERY lazy, David will back this up).

My Pc should be arriving today/tomorrow, I will have it assembeled/photographed and posted ON THIS FORUM by at latest 9pm on the relavent day.

The one thing i still have to recieve is my tracking details but i am alreaddy talking to BB about this in private.

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