Pc Spec. Question

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thats true, very true but at the same time i do find that i make enough to be happy doing it , when i said £30 that is the lowest i aim to make per system, i tend to do ok by this but again raising the price means more profit but its very hard to know what price to go for without sounding too low or too high if that makes sense?

I need to get the balence just right,

There could well be people put off by the low price but if it was me buying a system so cheap i would want to know more about it,

the fact that i do have a website does help but it does need work on the site to make it better,

ideas would be welcomed!
skysnapper posted on Aug 30 2005 at 09:37 PM said:
Its bad enough firnds and family phone me up with there poc problems every now an then but that 30 quid profit won't seem so great when your spending every hour of your free time trying to explain to Joe/Jemima Bloggs why downloading the free cute purple monkey screensaver spyware off the internet has caused his/her pc to grind to hault and eaten thier internet connection.
:lol: I downloaded that stupid Bozo buddy when I bought my first computer a few years back. I soon learnt that lesson. ;)
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that is a good point but thats one thing my warranty will not cover, the warranty i give does not include viruses, software problems, any windows problems is down to microsoft as windows is guranteed to work fault free believe it or not! that made me laugh because windows goes wrong more than a 1940's car with no engine!!!! :P
bargainbassments posted on Aug 30 2005 at 09:49 PM said:
that is a good point but thats one thing my warranty will not cover, the warranty i give does not include viruses, software problems, any windows problems is down to microsoft as windows is guranteed to work fault free believe it or not! that made me laugh because windows goes wrong more than a 1940's car with no engine!!!! :P

The point is you may not find out that it is a windows problem until maybe having spent an hour of your time on the phone trying to work out what the end user is going on about.

Having work in technical support as a pc engineer, im not kidding you but the hardest part of is actually trying to work out what the user actually going on about over the phone.. some do not even have comprehension of things like left mouse button or the ok and cancel dialog box is... so much fun and frayed tempers ;) Hence i don't work in support and anyone who asks me to advice them on a PC i say get a Dell or a large comapny that has very good reputation for sales customer support... i don't wnat them phoning me up

This is one of my reasons that i said people should be wary about buying off ebay.. if your not clued up on PC's don't for a second expect the after sales of larger comapnies who can offer 7 days a week support at no additional cost.. Once you got your feeback and money you pretty much can ignore them.. not saying you would but others may well do so.. and believe me there are plenty of 2 penny cowboys out there.. My mate runs a pc hopme service and you mention some ebay built computers and he just rolls his eyes, mind you keeps him in a not too badly paid job ;)
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When I worked in a computer repair store a woman complained that the computer froze every time she started the computer. It ended up that one of the technicians had to be sent out to help her. When he arrived he asked her to turn it it and do what she normally does to which she agreed, turned on the computer and began waving the mouse around several inches above the table.

That's how stupid people are.
well keep the dam prices low till i get the money! or pleaseeeee, as i cant get anymore then what i have/gonna mostly get from my mum :). I need a new pc, and soon, im kinda relying on someone, cant put my finger on it, although if you do put up the prices imediately, i will fully understand, i just need to make sure i can buy it from you, i will have an answer tommorow for you. ;)
don't worry i won't be rasing prices on this forum ONLY on future ebay listings & on my website,

I know that windows can be a pain & there are sometimes problems that even i have trouble sorting out, for example my home system has just started displaying the blue screen yesterday for no reason just says "driver not unloaded" on the blue screen then restarts, dunno what driver it is causing the problems,

So far regarding the warranty & customer services things are going ok, i had around 4 systems back in 6 months & only one of them needed new parts, i don't pay the delivery fees for people sending the system back to me for work & i only replace parts listed in the warranty, Most people seem happy & no known reported problems as of yet but there will always be some problems!
a few more pictures for you to view!



lol :D , no the laptop is my partners that im sorting out, only a month old but already has loads of viruses etc, takes about 15 mins to start up!!!!!
Vimacs posted on Aug 31 2005 at 01:15 PM said:
i found your problem *points at norton install*

he is the evil one :angry: ....


only a month old but already has loads of viruses etc

omg was it the cute little monkey, or what ever it is??? lmao

My mum said i can buy it off you!!!, she said next month if thats ok?

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im defonately unless some freak accident happen and i got taken away by aliens, aka on these forum as "sam_fisher" j/k

i just want to know, whats the most i can upgrade the ram to?
bargainbassments posted on Aug 31 2005 at 12:38 PM said:
lol :D , no the laptop is my partners that im sorting out, only a month old but already has loads of viruses etc, takes about 15 mins to start up!!!!!

That's what norton doeas ;)
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lol!, so you don't like norton?, memory can be upgarded to 4GB (4x1GB)
that also shows i must be using good parts to be able to upgrade the memory to 4GB!, Foxconn/Winfast motherboards are superb!
thats really really good! so hasnt mattie got his yet? well anyway, i want to ask, how much are they going for now? if its around £460 or something +postage is £20 right? so thats £480? i can get it at the end of december, but if any more can you please wait a lil longer? as im gonna have £480 by the end of september, and i dont know how long for any + money....

-thanks again for all your help...
Hi, matts system will be with him early next week so im sure he will tell you all about it & fingers crossed he'll be happy!, system would cost NO MORE than £480 but proberly can do a better deal for people on the forums but anyone else the price is going higher by a little bit!

Also my site is offline since around 15 mins ago as the new site is almost here!, will keep you all updated as the URL may change slightly as the site will be going on better equiped hosts, :)
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