Nanostray, Again

well i finally got to play this and ....

very disappointing. What a shitty game. The graphics are great, the controls are great, except using the touch screen to choose weapons.

The game is so fricking hard, even on beginner. The water level, the end boss is the entire size of the f'ing screen and he spins so you instantly die because you have no where to go.

i'm gonna play it more, hopefully there are cheat codes because i haven't been able to beat 1 f'ing level yet because of the difficulty.
ok, played about an hour and beat 2 levels. Maybe i was a bit harsh in the beginning, but still disappointing, it is very hard to change weapons with the touch screen, i'm sure once i get used to where everything is it will be easier but by the time i look to see which weapon i want something has killed me.

So far i give it a 6 out of 10.
Angel posted on Jul 28 2005 at 01:34 AM said:
ok, played about an hour and beat 2 levels. Maybe i was a bit harsh in the beginning, but still disappointing, it is very hard to change weapons with the touch screen, i'm sure once i get used to where everything is it will be easier but by the time i look to see which weapon i want something has killed me.

So far i give it a 6 out of 10.

Is there no other way?

Sounds like a pointless feature, as usual. I was really looking forward to this actually.
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il look in the manual but so far no. i was hoping for an option to have L and R change weapons but no such luck ....another post from my PSP :)

edit: the asteroid stage has almost redemeed this game..amazing graphics, now i can't wait to see all the levels graphics.

EDIT AGAIN: i'm about 80% through the game. It actually gets easier as you progress, so if you do buy this, don't get discouraged from the first 3 levels like I did. HOWEVER, there is no other way to change weapons other than the touch screen and that is very akward, luckily there are not many instances were you absolutely have to change weapons.

Overall I'm still giving this game a 6 out of 10. The controls are good and the graphics are great, but the sound and gameplay is very repetative. Same type of enemies throughout the entire game, they look different, but attack in the same ways. This will be one game that after I beat i won't play again. It does have an arcade mode, which is no different than adventure, except you just play one level at a time and you can pick what level, and the challenges are just the same levels but trying to get high scores or surviving with one ship, which is nearly impossible. waiting a while to get it but it sounds like if u are good at ikaruga it'll be less forgiving as u'll be used to the hard stuff (if u play ikaruga on hard setting that is). well i should be fine. :P
wow, i just finished the game. No ending. The last boss blows up and credits.

No Story whatsoever, No Ending, No Replay value, less than a dozen short levels, seems this game is a hyped up rush job. I should've never bought this, what a waste of money.
yeh well thats the problem with ds games at the moment. None of them have any replay value. I even got Goldeneye on ds and got rid of it within 3 days of buying it. I didnt finish it though as the controls were to clumsy for a fps. Hopefully future games will have more replay value
Ganepark32 posted on Jul 29 2005 at 07:11 PM said:
yeh well thats the problem with ds games at the moment. None of them have any replay value. I even got Goldeneye on ds and got rid of it within 3 days of buying it. I didnt finish it though as the controls were to clumsy for a fps. Hopefully future games will have more replay value

Most people complain that the DS only has hi-score fests.

Surely that's replay value?
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well if your into that kind of stuff, Nanostray Arcade mode, if you actually make it past the level with only 3 ships, you get a code to put your score on the Nanostray website. So far, on the first level, i have not been able to complete the level with just 3 ships, a tad difficult.
I agree that most ds games r high score fests and i do continue to play things like Zoo Keeper and the mertoid prime hunters demo along with ridge racer ds to try improve on my older scores. But Speaking of myself, i do have mario and rayman ds which arent high score fests for me and i enjoy them although i enjoy rayman ds more than mario. Basically i dont really see wat all the complaining about rayman ds' slow down was all about as it plays very smoothly for me. But its not really keeping me hooked on my ds at the mo.Just hope the 30th of september release date stated for Advanced Wars ds in europe was correct cause im highly anticipating that game.
yeah Nanostray getting some pretty bad reviews so far... kinda sucks yet ANOTHER game I was looking forward to sucking, like Coded Arms for PSP.

Ah well.....
Twinbee posted on Aug 2 2005 at 10:23 PM said:

Nanostray is a fantastic game, mate. Trust me, buy it yourself and get your ass on those high score tables. ;)

its fantastic graphics, good gameplay, but there's 0 story, 0 ending, any challenge that you only have 1 ship is near impossible to complete, the arcade mode is nothing more than adventure mode without continues.

Yes you can get codes to post your score online, but that alone does not redeem this game. It sits now and this weekend i'll probably take it to a Gamestop and trade it in for something else, or maybe i'll sell it. This is the first game i've bought in a long time off of impulse and hype, and now i remember why i stopped doing that. Wait for it to go in the $9.99 bin.

This is one of the best bad shooters i've ever played. I'm a huge fan of shooters and if you want a good shooter on your DS, then buy Iridion II for GBA and play it on your DS.
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I know a lot of people that have the game, and you're the only person to give it that much of a bad review.

If you can't do any of the single life challenges, then i'm sorry but you're a bit rubbish at the game then as i've just done Challenge 02 first time. :) Sorry.

A shoot-em-up is all about the gameplay. I don't play shoot-em-ups for the story, or for the ending. I don't think any hardcore shooter does tbh.

How can you say that the game has good gameplay then basically go on to say it's a crap game? You're not really making any sense. It sounds to me like you've just done adventure mode on normal, and saying 'Yay, that's it, i've finished the game, i'm gonna sell it', in which case you're completely missing the point of the game, and of shoot-em-ups in general.


I haven't played much of it as I only got it yesterday, but from what i've played of it so far, it's pure excellence in a DS cartridge. There are 3 difficulties for Adventure mode, which are Normal, Advanced, and Expert, which are basically Easy, Normal, Hard.

Adventure mode is basically your standard mode of going through all the stages with a certain set of continues, to get to the end. Beating a stage in adventure mode will unlock it in arcade mode, and THIS is where the fun is to be honest. No continues, single stage, score attack. Beating the stage gives you a nanocode to put on the official website and get yourself on the internet rankings.

You then have challenge mode, where you're given a certain objective to finish on each level, such as beating it in a single life, or getting a certain obscene high score at the end. :) Perfect practice material tbh.

Then there's the multiplayer, which is single cartridge only. You can pick from four multiplayer only stages, and it's basically a timed match to see who can get the highest score. I have yet to try this.

Graphically it's absolutely superb, one of the best looking DS games available at the moment, if not the best. Full 3d, but with tiny bits of slowdown once the going gets hectic. The levels really do look superb, with my favourite so far being the Sunahara Desert.

Sound seems pretty average to me. Nothing really stands out though once again, i'm a fan of the Sunahara Desert music. Blasting things, bullet sounds, etc. Rock on.

Gameplay and scoring is what I love about this game. You have four weapons which can be cycled through using the touch screen. Your standard forward firing laser/vulcan, a side shot, a semi-homing shot, and a lightning lock-on beam. Each of these have their own respective 'Secondary fires' which drain weapon energy.

Weapon energy is replaced by shooting down an entire wave of enemies, and collecting the blue coin that they drop. However, if your weapon energy is on full when you pick it up, then you get a score bonus... These stack. They can be chained together and they multiply for every one you collect on full energy. Thus, if you can go through the level without using your secondary fire, and picking up as many blue coins as possible, it's score aplenty!

Then you've got the end of level bonuses, smart bomb count, ship count, valor bonus, etc...

We'll see how long this lasts me, but for now, i'm still trying to go through the game on Advanced difficulty, and i'm pretty damn addicted to it. :)
A couple of bad points,

The touch screen weapon switching can be awkward at times. It's not a heavy point as you CAN just go through the levels with the same weapon, then switch them at a quiet time. However the ability to quick switch through weapons on the fly would've been nice.

It's possible to shoot enemies off screen. If you're incredibly trigger happy, you can blow them up before they've even appeared in your view by shooting off the top. Once again, it's not that much of a big deal at all as there's only a very small gap, but sometimes it's enough to stop you from getting that last blue coin and it's irritating.