Next Gen Survey In Japan

rabbits with hats posted on Jul 13 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
saintdragon posted on Jul 13 2005 at 04:19 PM said:
who ever thinks bad about the japs fu** u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i will honor and defend my home country!!!!!!!!! practicly racism, i mean how can u stereotype japanese people for being shallow?

Shallow, short and love David Beckham . :lol: :lol:



now you have to start, why yous lot being plonkers? i mean im not racist which i choose not to be and its like me calling you all gay, nigger etc, so if you have a problem well its really just yourself which is the problem really!


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saintdragon said:
why yous lot being plonkers? i mean im not racist which i choose not to be and its like me calling you all gay, nigger etc, so if you have a problem well its really just yourself which is the problem really!
1. "yous" is not a word
2. The wording of your post is amazingly bad
3. It is not like you calling us "gay, nigger etc" as someone made a comment about how the japanese think, although the comment may not be true it was not intended as a racist one, more like a general view (which I agree with).
4. I H8 U!!!11!!1
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finty posted on Jul 14 2005 at 02:04 AM said:
saintdragon said:
why yous lot being plonkers? i mean im not racist which i choose not to be and its like me calling you all gay, nigger etc, so if you have a problem well its really just yourself which is the problem really!
1. "yous" is not a word
2. The wording of your post is amazingly bad
3. It is not like you calling us "gay, nigger etc" as someone made a comment about how the japanese think, although the comment may not be true it was not intended as a racist one, more like a general view (which I agree with).
4. I H8 U!!!11!!1

and im supposed to care, right?

cause i really just dont. :)
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duude, what about the killer gpu by ati that'll power the beast? both the 360 and the ps3 are gonna have awesome graphical power, and the 360 will have good games, so no, it's not just marketing that it's got(well it does, now anyway).

i was dissapointed to read that both the 360 and especially the ps3's cpus are overhyped and won't be as powerful as they are made out to be.
in any case, i'm more interested int the 360 than the others now, and the ps3 is really putting me off with it's funky controller and lack of hard info.
that could all change, though, but i really don't see why there's more interest in the ps3. well, it will have the larger game library in the end i suppose.
spider_jerusalem posted on Jul 14 2005 at 04:48 AM said:
Vimacs posted on Jul 13 2005 at 04:36 AM said:
xbox360 haves nothing special but marketing

totally agree


No, you can change the front panel!!! :lol:
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saintdragon posted on Jul 14 2005 at 01:29 AM said:
finty posted on Jul 14 2005 at 02:04 AM said:
saintdragon said:
why yous lot being plonkers? i mean im not racist which i choose not to be and its like me calling you all gay, nigger etc, so if you have a problem well its really just yourself which is the problem really!
1. "yous" is not a word
2. The wording of your post is amazingly bad
3. It is not like you calling us "gay, nigger etc" as someone made a comment about how the japanese think, although the comment may not be true it was not intended as a racist one, more like a general view (which I agree with).
4. I H8 U!!!11!!1

and im supposed to care, right?

cause i really just dont. :)
Stop corroding the internet.
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I'll grant u that the GPU's for PS3 and Xbox360 are going to be amazing. But we'll have to wait a couple of years before any company can be bothered to shell out millions of $ to use all of the power and i doubt we'll see that many companies doing that. With the revolution, yeh its not going to be as powerful as PS3 or Xbox360 but it'll still be capable of producing the same graphical quality but at a cheaper price for the developers.

p.s. ur also forgetting the most important part of the next gen race. Both microsoft and sony are set to lose bout $100 per next gen console they sell cause of the price to put it together.
Ganepark32 posted on Jul 14 2005 at 06:17 PM said:
I'll grant u that the GPU's for PS3 and Xbox360 are going to be amazing. But we'll have to wait a couple of years before any company can be bothered to shell out millions of $ to use all of the power and i doubt we'll see that many companies doing that. With the revolution, yeh its not going to be as powerful as PS3 or Xbox360 but it'll still be capable of producing the same graphical quality but at a cheaper price for the developers.
Ok man, I know you like Nintendo but you cannot simply ignore what is right infront of you. Joe Public loves graphics and big name brands. At the minute Sony have the biggest name brand and look set to have the best graphics and developers will pay millions to get better graphics as it will benefit them sales wise.

As for the money thing, it does not matter, they can afford to lose that and will eventually make money as they will be selling more games.

Note - I'd like to state again that I do not side with any company. Even if it does look like I side with sony, this is simply because I think they will come out on top in the Next Gen console race, I do not know which I will buy.
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finty posted on Jul 14 2005 at 05:24 PM said:
Ok man, I know you like Nintendo but you cannot simply ignore what is right infront of you. Joe Public loves graphics and big name brands. At the minute Sony have the biggest name brand and look set to have the best graphics and developers will pay millions to get better graphics as it will benefit them sales wise.
I thought this too until I saw that the DS has pretty consistently been outselling the PSP...
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shinneri posted on Jul 15 2005 at 02:30 AM said:
finty posted on Jul 14 2005 at 05:24 PM said:
Ok man, I know you like Nintendo but you cannot simply ignore what is right infront of you. Joe Public loves graphics and big name brands. At the minute Sony have the biggest name brand and look set to have the best graphics and developers will pay millions to get better graphics as it will benefit them sales wise.
I thought this too until I saw that the DS has pretty consistently been outselling the PSP...

I think the primary reason for that is that Joe Public also likes a cheap price.

80 percent of the surveyed gamers said they were most interested in playing sequels of major current titles on the next-generation consoles, and 30 percent said they are looking for remakes of past titles.
<_< So what was that we were saying again about lack of originality in the game industry?

P.S. saintdragon, please stop being so religiously nationalistic. This may be alright in Japan but most Westerners (with the exception of Americans) are a bit repulsed by it because there have been too many attrocities commited in the past and in the present by the attitude that you're displaying. Not everything that is slightly critical of your country is meant to be an attack on the very values you hold dear... try to understand that, despite all the nationalistic pride they may have instilled in you when you were young.
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Esn posted on Jul 15 2005 at 01:06 AM said:
I think the primary reason for that is that Joe Public also likes a cheap price.
Well, it has been speculated the Revolution could retail for $100.. I personally think $150 is more reasonable.

That'll speak to Joe Public pretty nice, won't it?
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Esn posted on Jul 15 2005 at 05:06 AM said:
P.S. saintdragon, please stop being so religiously nationalistic. This may be alright in Japan but most Westerners (with the exception of Americans) are a bit repulsed by it because there have been too many attrocities commited in the past and in the present by the attitude that you're displaying. Not everything that is slightly critical of your country is meant to be an attack on the very values you hold dear... try to understand that, despite all the nationalistic pride they may have instilled in you when you were young.

I think they were being a bit more than slightly critical :p Still nothing to get worked up on, so take it easy saintdragon.

Anyway, if the Revy will be priced at about $150 I'll cop it for sure no matter what.
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ok, im sorry the way i acted, no really i am, it did go out of hand but the last post that rabits with hats sent was just blown out of preportions, i do believe that the post was aimed at me(the atomic bomb) and do u know what even makes it worse? lots of my family died from that bomb because thats where i live in japan(nagasaki)...
saintdragon posted on Jul 15 2005 at 05:09 PM said:
ok, im sorry the way i acted, no really i am, it did go out of hand but the last post that rabits with hats sent was just blown out of preportions, i do believe that the post was aimed at me(the atomic bomb) and do u know what even makes it worse? lots of my family died from that bomb because thats where i live in japan(nagasaki)...


Sorry :(
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rabbits with hats posted on Jul 15 2005 at 07:20 PM said:
saintdragon posted on Jul 15 2005 at 05:09 PM said:
ok, im sorry the way i acted, no really i am, it did go out of hand but the last post that rabits with hats sent was just blown out of preportions, i do believe that the post was aimed at me(the atomic bomb) and do u know what even makes it worse? lots of my family died from that bomb because thats where i live in japan(nagasaki)...


Sorry :(

well u didnt know so its ok, kind off :)
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