What Will You Do On 'the Day'


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Aug 14, 2003
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The day when PSP (or future handhelds) get perfect big screen emulator compatibilty that is better than the GP32, will you sell your GP32 to fund upgrading or keep it forever as your favourite past toy!

(oh, I forgot to say... I'm keeping mine!)
I'll definatley keep it!

but if you were to sell it by then, you probably wouldn't get to much for it ;)
IF, the PSP reaches or surpases the level of the emulators that are available for the GP32, then I will sell my GP32 and buy a PSP. It may be very tempting to keep the GP32 however, because there is a lot of available homebrew stuff for it that I would still want. Also, purchasing a PSP depends a lot on whether or not I could still play up-to-date PSP titles along with the emulation, since emulators would have to be updated for the latest firmwares and a hacked firmware or some sort of mod chip would not allow you to play commercial titles. A lot still needs to be hashed out with the PSP before it is an alternative to the GP32, and Sony is trying very hard to undermine the underground scenes attempts. If a UMD burner is made available and a program to convert over DVDs, then I'll buy it now! My dream... to play emulators, homebrew, DVD movies, and commercial titles such as GT4 on a handheld with a 1 gig memory stick and UMD-R support... I'd trade my GP32 for that..
Unless a backward compatible GP32 #2 comes out the i'll be keeping my gp32_console

i dont sell anything i own :P
and i love the GP32's d-stick/pad/whatever ^^
i got a zodiac and use it moreright now, but at the f-day, i'll have my GP with an empty SMC ready ;)
btw, sad windups is discontinued...with its tools, it could havebeen a good alternative to the palm stuff i really like on the zod .... (secret hint for the devs :D )

Also, i dont think fenix will get to the PSP or DS that fast, and I'm programming a game for it right now (crashes after, like, 0,02 seconds, but the Problem should be easy to solve)

overall a BIG HJUGE No-No to selling my gp32_console :)
psp obviously, sell gp32, n64 emu, psx emu who wouldnt?

Yeah, N64 is a big one that I would like to see get emulated on the PSP. With the dedicated GPU, 333mhz CPU, and 32mb or ram, it MAY be possible. Still a stretch, but it may make it. You would probably need 450-500ish to make it right though. The only reason I would sell my GP32 for a PSP is that I have to justify the expense somehow. I'd probably sell some other junk for it instead though. A good reason to still keep is the same reason i got a FLU instead of a BLU... to play it outside in daylight!
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IF, the PSP reaches or surpases the level of the emulators that are available for the GP32, then I will sell my GP32 and buy a PSP. It may be very tempting to keep the GP32 however, because there is a lot of available homebrew stuff for it that I would still want. Also, purchasing a PSP depends a lot on whether or not I could still play up-to-date PSP titles along with the emulation, since emulators would have to be updated for the latest firmwares and a hacked firmware or some sort of mod chip would not allow you to play commercial titles. A lot still needs to be hashed out with the PSP before it is an alternative to the GP32, and Sony is trying very hard to undermine the underground scenes attempts. If a UMD burner is made available and a program to convert over DVDs, then I'll buy it now! My dream... to play emulators, homebrew, DVD movies, and commercial titles such as GT4 on a handheld with a 1 gig memory stick and UMD-R support... I'd trade my GP32 for that..
its already possible to convert a dvd to psp format, also they have dumped legal games from a psp, only there is no loader for them, but i dont think that will take long...

I think it will depend of what the state of the homebrew is by then, and if I get mucht for my gp32 else I will definitly keep it :).
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i will

tell the mrs to get her hair done and let her have my CC card

whilst she is out geting her hair done i will place an order online for a psp.

suffice to say she'll still be in a good mood when my new play thing turns up
its already possible to convert a dvd to psp format, also they have dumped legal games from a psp, only there is no loader for them, but i dont think that will take long...

I think it will depend of what the state of the homebrew is by then, and if I get mucht for my gp32 else I will definitly keep it :).

Yes, but it is not possible to play the DVDs off of a UMD yet, only the memory stick, and I'm not going to buy all my movies a second time on UMD, that is retarded.

GP32s typically sell for around $150-175ish on ebay.
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Ill kick Sony's ass and continue lovin' my GP - if it is working again.
I don't own a GP32(It's on my to buy list), but even if N64 and PS1 emulation achieve perfection on the PSP, I would still get a GP32 loooong before I get a PSP. Reasons being that the PSP has at current no interesting games available, maintains the PS controls which I have always disliked, and is too large for a handheld. The GP32 on the other hand has plenty of non-emulation stuff, Has the controls and aproximate size of a GBA(A commercial handheld who's only problem was lack of a screen light). Not to mention that a new GP32 with SMC is much cheaper then a PSP with a handful of games.
Since I`m dreaming of having a huge handheld collection one day, I`m definatly not selling my gp32!

I was also sad to sell my GBA to buy a SP and to sell the SP to buy a DS... One day, after they are cheap enough, I`ll buy em again.