Drmd Games List

Here's the contents of my SMC, I've tested all of them and they work at least to a playable level:

Afterburner II (U) [!]
Air Busters (U) [h1]
Alien 3 (JUE) [o1][h1]
Alien Soldier (A)
Another World (E) [h2]
Atomic Robo Kid (U) [h1]
B.O.B (UEJ) [!]
Bad Omen (J) [p1]
Batman Returns (U) [!]
Battle Mania 2 - TS Vintage (JUE) [h5]
Battle Squadron (U) [p1]
Battletech (U) [b1]
Bioship Paladin (JU) [h3]
Blaster Master 2 (U) [h1]
Bonanza Brothers (G-4046) (REV 00) (U) [a1]
California Games (U) [!]
Cannon Fodder (E) [!]
Castlevania - Bloodlines (U) [h2]
Chakan - The Forever Man (U) [!]
Chase HQ 2 (JUE) [!]
Chelnov (J)
Chiki Chiki Boys (U) [!]
Chuck Rock (U) [h2]
Clue (U) [h5]
Columns 3 - Revenge of Columns (J) [h1]
Comix Zone (4) [h3]
Contra - Hard Corps (U) [h2]
Cool Spot (2) - Spot Goes to Hollywood (UE) [h1]
Cool Spot (U) [h4]
Crack Down (J) [!]
Curse (J) [!]
Cyber-Cop (UJ) [b1]
Cyborg Justice (U) [h4]
D&D - Warriors of the Eternal Sun (U) [!]
Dai Makaimura (REV 01) (J)
Dino Land (JU) [!]
Doom Troopers - The Mutant Chronicles (4) [b1]
Dragon's Eye - Shanghai 3 (J)
Dynamite Duke (JU) [h2]
Dynamite Headdy (UE) [c][!]
Earnest Evans (U) [h1]
Earthworm Jim (U) [h1]
Earthworm Jim 2 (E) [h1]
ECCO (U) [h1]
Elemental Master (U) [!]
ESWAT Cyber Police - City Under Siege (JUE) [R-USA][!]
F-22 Interceptor (U) (Sept 1991) [h1]
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge (U) [!]
Fire Mustang (J) [b1]
Fire Shark (U) [b1]
Flashback - The Quest for Identity (E) [o1]
Flicky (JUE) [!]
Forgotten Worlds (REV 00) (JUE) [!]
Fun Car Rally (JUE)
Gadget Twins (U) [!]
Galaxy Force II (REV 00) (J)
Gauntlet 4 (Aug 1993) (UE) [!]
Generations Lost (JUE) [!]
Genghis Khan 2 (U) [!]
Ghostbusters (REV 00) (JUE)
Gley Lancer (J) [h1]
G-Loc Air Battle (JUE) [c][!]
Granada (REV 01) (JU) [b1]
Grand Slam Tennis (E) [!]
Gunstar Heroes (E) [!]
Gynoug (E) [!]
Haunting, The (UEJ) [!]
Heavy Unit (J) [!]
Hellfire (E)
Humans (Introducing The) (U) [!]
James Bond - The Duel (UE) (Electronic Arts)
Jelly Boy (JUE) [b1]
Jungle Strike (UEJ) [p1][!]
Kid Chameleon (JUE) [h1]
King Salmon (U) [c][!]
King's Bounty (U) [!]
Klax (Atari-Tengen) (U) [!]
Kyuukyou Tiger (J) [!]
Legend of Toki - Going Ape Spit, The (UE) [c][!]
Lemmings (REV 01) (JU) [!]
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (U) [!]
Lotus Turbo Challenge (EU) [!]
M.U.S.H.A (U) [!]
Master of Monsters (U) [h1]
Mega Bomberman (JUE) [a1][!]
Mega Lo Mania (REV 01) (E) [h2]
Mega SWIV (E)
Megaman - The Wily Wars (E) [h1]
Mickey Mania - Timeless Adventures of Mickey Mouse (U) [t1]
Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion (U) [!]
Mickey Mouse - World of Illusion (U) [h2]
New Zealand Story, The (J) [b1]
Omega Race (J) [x]
Ooze, The (A)
OutRun (JU) [a1][!]
OutRun 2019 (Feb 1993) (U) [!]
OutRunners (U) [h3]
Panorama Cotton (J) [h1]
Paperboy (JUE) [!]
PGA Tour Golf (REV 02) (U) [o1]
Phantasy Star 3 - Generations of Doom (UE) [o1].bin
Phantasy Star 4 - The End of The Millenium (4) [h2]
Phelios (U) [h2]
Pirates Gold (U) [!]
Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure (U) [h4]
Populous 2 - Two Tribes (E) [h5]
Prince of Persia (U) [!]
Probotector (E)
Pulseman (JUE) [h1]
Puzzle and Action (Tanto) (J) [!]
Raiden Trad (JU) [!]
Rainbow Islands - The Story of Bubble Bobble 2 (JU) [c][!]
Ranger-X (U) [h1]
Ren and Stimpy's Invention (U) [h1]
Revenge of Shinobi, The (REV 02) (JUE) [R-Eur][!]
Rings of Power (U) [!]
Ristar (UE) [!]
Road Blasters (July 1991) (UJE) [!]
Road Rash (U) [h1]
Road Rash 2 (JUE) [h1]
Road Rash 3 (UEJ) [!]
Rock n' Roll Racing (U) [h1]
Rockman X3 (Unl) [f1][h2]
Rolling Thunder 2 (U) [c][!]
Rolling Thunder 3 (U) [b1]
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (U) [!]
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III (U) [b1]
Sagaia (Darius 2) (U) [h1]
Shadow Dancer (JUE) [c][!]
Shadow Run (U) [h5]
Shanghai 2 - Dragon's Eye (U) [!]
Shining in the Darkness (U) [b2]
Shinobi 3 - Return of the Ninja Master (E) [c][!]
Shove It - The Warehouse Game (U) [h1]
Side Pocket (E)
Simpsons, The - Bart vs The Space Mutants (REV 01) (JUE) [!]
Simpsons, The - Krusty's Super Funhouse (REV 00) (JU) [h1]
Snake Rattle 'n' Roll (E) [c][!]
Sol-Deace (U) [h1]
Sonic and Knuckles (JUE) [h1]
Sonic Spinball (E) [!]
Sonic the Hedgehog (JUE) [h3]
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (JUE) [ha]
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (U) [h4]
Space Harrier 2 (JU)
Sparkster (E) [h1]
Spirou (E) [h1]
Star Control (REV 03) (U) [h1]
Star Trek - Deep Space 9 - Crossroads of Time (U) [b2]
Steel Empire, The (UE) [!]
Story of Thor, The (8) (English)
Streets of Rage (JUE) [h1]
Streets of Rage 2 (U) [h5]
Strider (UE) [!]
Sunset Riders (E) [!]
Super Monaco Grand Prix (REV 03) (U) [!]
Super Offroad (U) [!]
Target Earth (U) [h1]
Theme Park (F) [h1]
Thunder Force 3 (JU) [p1]
Tinhead (U) [h3]
Toejam & Earl (REV 00) (U) [!]
Toejam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (U) [h1]
Truxton (JU) [!]
Turbo Outrun (JUE) [h1]
Two Crude Dudes (MK-1141) (J)
Universal Solder (U) [!]
Urban Strike (UEJ) [h2]
Vapor Trail (U) [!]
Virtual Pinball (UEJ) [!]
Volfide (JUE)
Warlock (JUE) [!]
Warsong (U) [h1]
Whip Rush 2222 AD (U) [!]
Wiz 'n' Liz (JUE) [h4]
Wonderboy 5 (MonsterWorld 3) (UE) [!]
Xenon 2 Megablast (E) [c][!]
Zero Wing (E) [h2]
Zombies Ate My Neighbors (U) [h5]
Adams family values - Works Ok
Aerobiz - Works Ok
After burner 2 - Works Ok
Air buster - Works Ok
Aleste full metal fighter - Works Ok
Alex kidd enchanted castle - Works Ok
Alien 3 - Works Ok
Alien storm - Works Ok
American gladiators - Works Ok
Animaniacs - Works Ok
Aquatic games - Works Ok
Arcus odyssey - Works Ok
Ariel the little mermaid - Works Ok
Arrow flash - Works Ok
Art alive - Works Ok
Art of fighting - Works Ok
Asterix and the great rescue - Works but corrupt graphics
Asterix and the power of the gods - Works but thick black lines cover the screen
Atomic robokid - Works Ok
Atomic runner - Works Ok
Bad omen - Works Ok
Bart`s nightmare - Works Ok
Bart vs the space mutants - Works Ok
Beauty and the beast (roar of the beast) - Works Ok
Beyond oasis - Works Ok
Beyond zero tolerance - Music plays but screen stays black
Bio ship paladin - Works Ok
Blades of vengeance - Works Ok
Blaster master 2 - Works Ok
Blockout - Works Ok
Body count - Works Ok
Bonanza bros - Works Ok
Bonkers - Works Ok

More to come.

Ganepark32 posted on Apr 21 2005 at 01:59 AM said:
... i was just wondering if Pulseman was released in english?

Sorry , according to genren 2.05 , Pulseman was only released here in Japan

Looks like a nice game , it looks like Rockman/Megaman , but I have not played it enough yet to say anything else :-)

See ya !
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i think it would be easier to compile a list of non-working/less perfect games since DrMD runs most games now...

Shining Force: Blue dots all over, unplayable
Shining Force 2: Crash after name register
Thunderforce 4: Cannot run, unplayable
Elemental Master: Side info bar kept scrolling
Devil Crash: Playable, but screen cropping error on the right side.
Master of Monsters: Monsters info window cannot be seen
Twinkle Tale: Corrupted colors
Since it doesn't exist yet, I'm thinking of writing a little web based database that people can add, edit DrMD games and their status. Also you can list them by Working, non working and problematic.

What do you all think, any ideas welcomed.
White Demon posted on Apr 21 2005 at 12:16 PM said:
I just tried to go to the old compatability tracker, but it's not there anymore.

SO WarmFluffy, you're quite welcome to make a new one.

Okey Dokey, I might write a basic one this weekend. I might include support for more emu's too.

What I thought of was, allowing the coders or people responsible for the Emus themselves access to update the Emu info, version, comments and link to their download site etc. But give the community access to add/edit games lists and add personal comments about the games themselves. The games could have 3 categories. [1] Working. [2] Working but has probs. [3] Non Working. Obviously, a comment about problems can be added or edited.

Do you think I should restrict access to the games section or open it wide?
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WarmFluffyUK posted on Apr 21 2005 at 11:56 AM said:
White Demon posted on Apr 21 2005 at 12:16 PM said:
I just tried to go to the old compatability tracker, but it's not there anymore.

SO WarmFluffy, you're quite welcome to make a new one.

Okey Dokey, I might write a basic one this weekend. I might include support for more emu's too.

What I thought of was, allowing the coders or people responsible for the Emus themselves access to update the Emu info, version, comments and link to their download site etc. But give the community access to add/edit games lists and add personal comments about the games themselves. The games could have 3 categories. [1] Working. [2] Working but has probs. [3] Non Working. Obviously, a comment about problems can be added or edited.

Do you think I should restrict access to the games section or open it wide?
Wow, that sounds great. What do you mean by the games section though?
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kknd_cf posted on Apr 21 2005 at 01:51 PM said:
Wow, that sounds great. What do you mean by the games section though?

Well I thought if I'm writing this for DrMD and all it's games and their compatability status, I might as well include support for other Emulators as well. So it would work a bit like this.

There will be a section for the actual emulators, this can be administered by people responcible for the Emu, or by anyone community want. They will be allowed to edit the Emus description, version number, date and comments about the Emu. There's also an Emu general comments, almost forum like where anyone will be able to add their own personal comments for the Emu.

The games section is where the list of games for that Emu are located. I'm thinking that the general community can have access to edit and add new games here. You will also be able to search for games in the database too. I thought best to leave this in the hands of the community as we may get a better feel of overall compatabilty. The only point is, should everyone be able to edit the games status (so to speak) i.e. if one person tries it and it's fine, but with another person it crashed their GP32, the latter comment and status about the game may be prevelant one. Did that make sense? I could again give only a few people the ability to edit the games status and description, but give everyone the ability to add a game to the list. I think that makes sense to me.

Let me know, your input is important as I will be able to build that as you all want it!!!!!!

I have already written the MySQL database, I just got to write the interface over the weekend!


P.S. There's also general comments, almost forum like where anyone will be able to add their own personal comments for the games.
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Hi That is a sound idea - I would love to see a public list for DrMD
However here is my 2 pence

1/ Make sure no one provides links to ROMs or ROM sites (just a warning ought to do)

2/ can you average the scores ie 5 people say its good 1 says it fails it stays in the good catagory - conversly 1 says good and 2 say bad it slips into the partial catagory (Or is that just tooooo complex- if so just slap me)

but generally really good idea

Thanks Tarka
Tarka posted on Apr 21 2005 at 05:43 PM said:
Hi That is a sound idea - I would love to see a public list for DrMD
However here is my 2 pence

1/ Make sure no one provides links to ROMs or ROM sites (just a warning ought to do)

2/ can you average the scores ie 5 people say its good 1 says it fails it stays in the good catagory - conversly 1 says good and 2 say bad it slips into the partial catagory (Or is that just tooooo complex- if so just slap me)

but generally really good idea

Thanks Tarka

Actually I don't really want a voteing system, this should be a definitive database of working/non-working games for the emulator.

edit: I agree about no links to roms though, there will be none of that.
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Reesy posted on Apr 21 2005 at 05:54 PM said:
This sounds like a good idea, just try and keep it simple. The best compatiblity list I've seen so far was the one RedMage did for my DrSMS emulator.


Wow, Hi Reesy.

Well I'm working on it as we speak, and yes it will be simple.
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I think adding a voting system would be a good idea as well, obviously you would have to restrict it then to registered users only but at least then the db will serve two purposes instead of one.
frolik posted on Apr 20 2005 at 06:21 PM said:
Sonic Spinball (E) [!]

How well have you gotten Sonic Spinball to work on DrMD? With my file of the game, there are MAJOR graphical glitches that pretty much make it unplayable, like warp holes and barrels sticking on the screen and disappearing paddles.
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I agree with having a voting system, it would definately attract more punters to the site and add another purpose. If you can do it.....
Just a few I've had problems with...

Ys 3- Wanderers from Ys- Minor graphical flaws along the righthand border, more of a distraction than anything. Otherwise runs fine.
Exile- Same as Ys 3
Phantasy Star 2- Runs fine, except the music sounds terrible for some reason. The item shop theme makes my ears bleed.
Phantasy Star 4- The sound is off here too, but not as badly as PS2. The bass and drums from the music are missing.
Wonderboy 6: Monster World 4- Region needs to be manually set to Japan. Otherwise, works fine.
Streets of Rage 2- Works fine from a technical stand point, but I punch one guy and my lives shoot up to nine. This is a problem for those of us who like to play fair.
Valis: The Fantasm Soldier- Nothing but a black screen.
Valis 3- Ditto.