Good Bye Ds

Nova posted on Mar 3 2005 at 10:54 PM said:
the analogue thing is a good point
i love both the consoles, each getting half of my love, but sony made a big faux pas when it came to fps' you need two or at least it should have been under the buttons, whoopsie!
i will probably end up with both, itll take a lot of saving though.
I dont think we can judge a console by size or graphic power.
how can you judge the two, their both aimed at different genres and people.
if you like one of the two get it, just dont have a go at the otherone

just my opinion


btw: an argument about what has the better fmv is stupid. who cares :rolleyes:
You do know that there is only 1 "analogue" (It isn't even true analogue) controller on the DS, right? Do you know how that works for FPS? Pretty much the same as the PSP, the left hand is used to look around while the right hand is used to move forward, backwards and side to side. The shoulder buttons are used to shoot.
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finty101 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 08:22 AM said:
Nova posted on Mar 3 2005 at 10:54 PM said:
the analogue thing is a good point
i love both the consoles, each getting half of my love, but sony made a big faux pas when it came to fps' you need two or at least it should have been under the buttons, whoopsie!
i will probably end up with both, itll take a lot of saving though.
I dont think we can judge a console by size or graphic power.
how can you judge the two, their both aimed at different genres and people.
if you like one of the two get it, just dont have a go at the otherone

just my opinion


btw: an argument about what has the better fmv is stupid. who cares :rolleyes:
You do know that there is only 1 "analogue" (It isn't even true analogue) controller on the DS, right? Do you know how that works for FPS? Pretty much the same as the PSP, the left hand is used to look around while the right hand is used to move forward, backwards and side to side. The shoulder buttons are used to shoot.

i was just pointing out it was in the wrong place

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kotd posted on Mar 4 2005 at 01:46 AM said:
ALL OF YOU LISTEN, IF you HAVE NOT played a DS and a PSP than SHUT THE F*** up, because you don't know what your talking about.

Mario 64 best game of all time? LOL thats a good one, maybe for a 10 yr old. I haven't even played more than one level. Theres so many better games its not funny.
Now that was a stupid comment. Stay consistant with your argument. You are quick to say that mario isn't the best game of all time then go on to say you havn't played even more that 1 level. You write that right after you've said that if you havn't played these consoles shut the hell up.

Mario 64 is widely recognised as a game that revolutionised platforming. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean that it's not one of the best games ever. It's a work of art man. Just because one of the ds' better games doesn't appeal to you doesn't mean it sucks.

There are games that I prefer to mario 64 too, but I'm not so big headed that I think mine is the only oppinion that counts.
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Lets just say that they're both good and can live alongside each other on the market (well maybe if the DS lasts that long cause GBA2 may be better). The DS will have its good games and so will the psp but the future list of DS games is quite good. U have to admit that atleast. I mean meteos, animal crossing DS, mario kart DS, yoshi's touch and go, etc. PSP has some good games coming out too. Midnight Club 3 and others. Cant wait for the US launch of the PSP
kotd posted on Mar 4 2005 at 01:46 AM said:
And your just full of crap. I mean look at your signiture, just marry nintendo and get it over with, I mean come on. Your counter arguments are so lame.

ALL OF YOU LISTEN, IF you HAVE NOT played a DS and a PSP than SHUT THE F*** up, because you don't know what your talking about.

Mario 64 best game of all time? LOL thats a good one, maybe for a 10 yr old. I haven't even played more than one level. Theres so many better games its not funny.

And the graphics and sound thing? You forget gaming is a visual and audio medium as well as interactive. No Graphics and sound do not make games, but they increase the experience immensely. How you can prefer playing ANY DS game over any average PSP game, is beyond me.

You should know gameplay is only one part. Thats what makes crappy games like Doom 3 worth playing. Its never about gameplay only and it never will be. Its an art form not some formulaic crap.

EDIT: Im out of this discussion, its gotten out of hand, I mean people reckon the DS is smaller the the PSP. Stuff it, the DS ROCKS!!!!!! that should make you happy, though i still wont buy one.

Your counter arguments are so lame.
How so? I stated some complete facts which discredited what you said. That's lame how?
How you can prefer playing ANY DS game over any average PSP game, is beyond me.
Because we have enough brain cells to be able to play a game without just going "Ooooh look at da pweety colours!"
You should know gameplay is only one part. Thats what makes crappy games like Doom 3 worth playing.
Doom 3 is crap and is thus not worth playing. If you say it's crap and yet still play it just because of all the pretty pictures, that's pretty sad.
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finty101 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 07:25 PM said:
I don't get how people think that better graphics will mean worse gameplay, it seems stupid to me.
No one thinks that, they just think better graphics doesn't mean better gameplay.
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You should know gameplay is only one part. Thats what makes crappy games like Doom 3 worth playing.

Quotes like that really don't help that view though do they?
kotd, logic and consistency really aren't your strong points are they?

To be honest neither console appeals to me in the slightest, I'm waiting for the GBA2.
finty101 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 07:36 PM said:
But alot of your arguements semm to suggest that, like we all just bought the PSP for better graphics.
Yes, we are suggesting you think better graphics makes better gameplay, whereas we believe it doesn't.
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mr twit posted on Mar 4 2005 at 09:16 PM said:
finty101 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 07:36 PM said:
But alot of your arguements semm to suggest that, like we all just bought the PSP for better graphics.
Yes, we are suggesting you think better graphics makes better gameplay, whereas we believe it doesn't.
So just because I chose to purchase a PSP it means I think graphics are all that matters? What about larger screen? MP3 playback? MP4 playback? Real analogue?
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finty101 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 08:53 PM said:
mr twit posted on Mar 4 2005 at 09:16 PM said:
finty101 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 07:36 PM said:
But alot of your arguements semm to suggest that, like we all just bought the PSP for better graphics.
Yes, we are suggesting you think better graphics makes better gameplay, whereas we believe it doesn't.
So just because I chose to purchase a PSP it means I think graphics are all that matters? What about larger screen? MP3 playback? MP4 playback? Real analogue?
But mr twit's argument is that gameplay is what matter most. Those other things are back seaters.

Also, you can play videos, mp3 etc easily on the ds. And it does have real analogue, just not an analogue stick.
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Ganepark32 posted on Mar 4 2005 at 06:27 PM said:
Lets just say that they're both good and can live alongside each other on the market (well maybe if the DS lasts that long cause GBA2 may be better). The DS will have its good games and so will the psp but the future list of DS games is quite good. U have to admit that atleast. I mean meteos, animal crossing DS, mario kart DS, yoshi's touch and go, etc. PSP has some good games coming out too. Midnight Club 3 and others. Cant wait for the US launch of the PSP

Yay! tis what i was saying

PSP, DS, GP32 and <Im gonna regret this :unsure: > Gizmondo can all live in peace. if you like one better, go and buy it, just dont tell others in a thread "oh i dont like it cos it has crap graphics."
Decent arguments please?
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These are two new systems and so you would expect there graphics to be good.
I mean people keep saying about gameplay but if the people that made games didnt improve the graphics then ytthere would be no point in new consoles ?

I agree that good graphics dont make a good game but they help. Mario 64 ds is good i have about 50 odd stars then got bored as i already played it on the n64 and cant be bothered with it anymore. Sayin its one of the best games ever is probably true but still ive completed it b4 on the n64 and cant be bothered again.
CABBAGES posted on Mar 4 2005 at 09:33 PM said:
These are two new systems and so you would expect there graphics to be good.
I mean people keep saying about gameplay but if the people that made games didnt improve the graphics then ytthere would be no point in new consoles ?

I agree that good graphics dont make a good game but they help. Mario 64 ds is good i have about 50 odd stars then got bored as i already played it on the n64 and cant be bothered with it anymore. Sayin its one of the best games ever is probably true but still ive completed it b4 on the n64 and cant be bothered again.

But i like the ds for its innoventon.
an i like the psp for everything else :P

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it's true, good graphics do not a good game make.

So why are so few people arguing the REAL issue... like... how many of the PSP's games are actually good? In my own oppinion, owning eight and having played 12 of them? They are quite good, regardless of their graphics. They're not all A+ titles, not by a long shot, but there are definately a few gems out there already. Of course, that's all oppinion, and the games I like may not be everyones cup of tea. Or at least, this is what some of you may argue. Then please be sure and also point out, that Mario 64, while usually considered one of the best games ever, may also not be everyone's cup of tea.

now, also owning a DS, and having played six and owned four games (+ 1 demo of course) for it, I have to say, really only Mario is anything special, taken on it's own merits... of course, having played thru the original some 3 times, it's not such a big impact on me as it might of been had I not played it. Other than that, I have yet to play anything really good on the DS. I know there are a couple other good ones out there, of course. I haven't played Wario yet... but I know it's pedigree... Wario Ware on GBA was great, but... very short lived. I expect the same for the DS one. Otherwise... the list of A titles or even B's is quite short at the moment, and this is what most people think is wrong with the DS... not just that it's graphics aren't as good. Graphics don't matter if you're library is terminally short.

Anyways... all I'm getting at is that, speaking as a person who DOES have both, and having approached each of them without bias, I just have to say the PSP has more to offer, at least for RIGHT NOW. But I'm a realist, and know that could change. I don't THINK it will, but I am personally holding onto my DS just in case, because I know, whichever one ends up 'winning', they will both have some FANTASTIC games. I wouldn't say PSP will have better games, or worse games, that's up to the developers and will tell with time. But I do think, statistically, the PSP is likely to have MORE good games to choose from, and more games available in general.

They're both good systems and anyone who doesn't buy both will be missing out on something, if not now, eventually.
Well I started my debate with why in MY opinion I didn't like the DS (as a console), its faults in other words. Than came the false facts the the PSP is bigger than the DS and the shit hit the fan from than on.

I didn't mention games...................
games are what matters! although part of the reason i'm so interested in the psp is that it's chock full of extra capabilities and potential.
and if the DS ends up having as great a games collection as the gba, i'll def have to get one.
Again LOL I was saying why I don't like the console. How can you judge the games when theres like 15 out on each system? If yes well than I say almost every PSP game that I have played is better.
well if you want to argue faults of the actual hardware than make no mistake, the PSP has it's share of faults.