Good Bye Ds

moz posted on Mar 1 2005 at 09:59 PM said:
finty101 posted on Mar 1 2005 at 06:17 PM said:
mr twit posted on Mar 1 2005 at 07:06 PM said:
Congratulations, your penis is a lot bigger than mine because you refuse to play anything without killing in it.
Congratulations, you're a fanboy.

FANBOY finty!
Too true, too true...
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watoto posted on Mar 2 2005 at 12:45 AM said:
DS bashing makes me all warm and fuzzy inside..

That thing with the hamster and the tube makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside... ;)
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Thus are heard the cries of DS owners the world over....

"where are the games!"

Goes to show just how impatient most of us are.

Now the real question is, will the next GBA be backwards compatible with the DS? :D
Mark posted on Mar 1 2005 at 07:53 PM said:
DaveC, why do you have to bash the DS in every thread?

And Sensi, I completly agree.

It is not a "bash". It is just the truth. This system is a stop-gap. Blame Nintendo for obsoleting it with a new handheld next year. It is not my fault.

I have bashed before because I don't think it is that great. The screens are too small, too low resolution, and the games, except for 1 or 2, are very weak. I even have one, it just doesn't do much for me.
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Agreed. Dave C speaks the truth. Nintendo have said from the beginning that the DS was not the inheritor of the Gameboy legacy, that it was not intended as a follow up or even comptetition to the Gameboy line, and that a "real" next Gameboy was already in the works even before the DS released. They have themselves put the DS in a weird position and, IMO, doomed it from the outset. I think the next GBA will be something else and I drool every time I read the rumored specs, and will be first in line to shell out $800-1000 for an import one, you can be sure :D But so far, the DS just isn't doing much... I'll still keep the two I have so I can play Animal Crossing with my wife (I can't wait to leave obscene messages on her bulletin board, chop down her trees and root up all her flowers :D ). As it stands though I still don't see how people are even trying to compare it to the PSP... this is almost literally like comparing the N64 to the PS2... and THAT is a comparison you never really hear anyone make. The two are just in two totally different ballparks......

EDIT: I just read that article at Gamespot. You know... it really comes as no surprise. This is really what Nintendo has said the DS would be intended to do all along. It really is an 'alternative' gaming system. I give them respect for really trying to broaden the market like this. Hey, it got my wife playing games and it's been really hard trying to find games that she'd like, but she LOVES her DS so far. Even if she's playing Puppy Times :D I'm just happy that she's actually into MY hobby now.
The situation is very similar to the 32x, Saturn, Playstation situation. The outcome will be the same.
I really like my ds at the moment. I don't see what people have against them. I'm playing super mario 64ds, wario ware and the minish cap quite a lot at the moment.
Of course, I didn't have anything against the DS till I got the PSP. Its because there always was no choice, Nintendo had a monopoly on the handheld market, hell I preferred the Neo Geo Pocket over the GBA any day.

What I don't like about the DS ( my opinion no need to get offended fanboys, I can write a PSP one as well, but the good of the PSP outweigh the bad so much its not funny...)

1. 2 Screens, small and low resolution. I don't care about innovative but I'd accept it if the screens weren't so crap.

2. Size, sorry too big nuff said. Due to number 1 of course.

3. Low audio quality, it is 2005 I expect CD quality music and effects.

4. No FMV, See above

5. Expensive games (well in Aus at least) seems to be dead on arrival here, will probably sell consoles but no games.

6. Games, not enough of them and most 1st party games will be ports

7. Grahpics, Nintendo has always dumbed down the handheld market. The DS was meant to be 2D before the PSP came out. Nintendo has never made a handheld which they lose money on selling, on the contrary they make a profit off each handheld therefore the hardware is always cheap and crappy. Sony are losing money on each PSP.
kotd posted on Mar 2 2005 at 12:37 PM said:
1. 2 Screens, small and low resolution. I don't care about innovative but I'd accept it if the screens weren't so crap.

2. Size, sorry too big nuff said. Due to number 1 of course.

3. Low audio quality, it is 2005 I expect CD quality music and effects.

4. No FMV, See above

5. Expensive games (well in Aus at least) seems to be dead on arrival here, will probably sell consoles but no games.

6. Games, not enough of them and most 1st party games will be ports

7. Grahpics, Nintendo has always dumbed down the handheld market. The DS was meant to be 2D before the PSP came out. Nintendo has never made a handheld which they lose money on selling, on the contrary they make a profit off each handheld therefore the hardware is always cheap and crappy. Sony are losing money on each PSP.


1,3,4 and 7 are about Graphics and sound. And most, to the reasonable person, are great and don't need addressing.

2-The PSP and DS are a very simular size, plus the DS's clamshell means the screen's are safer.

5-PSP games are more expensive than DS games.

6-Too many ports? No, Mario 64 is an improved port. Ridge Racers DS is a port. Wario Ware, Yoshi's Touch And Go, Crystal Drive etc. are NOT PORTS, they are continuations of a series just as Vampire Chronicles, Ridge Racer and MGS are.

Your argument has no basis in reality.
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ow nintendo are losing money with each sale of the ds are they. Well maybe u should look round some of the game sites and u'll find that sony are losing $50 for every psp sold in japan just trying to compete with the ds's price. And kotd the only reason i can see y anyone would hate 2 screens is that they r retarded and would get confused by them.
edit:- and CABBAGES thats why they released screen protectors. slap one on and instant no scratches on ur touch screen.
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 2 2005 at 07:07 PM said:
ow nintendo are losing money with each sale of the ds are they. Well maybe u should look round some of the game sites and u'll find that sony are losing $50 for every psp sold in japan just trying to compete with the ds's price. And kotd the only reason i can see y anyone would hate 2 screens is that they r retarded and would get confused by them.
edit:- and CABBAGES thats why they released screen protectors. slap one on and instant no scratches on ur touch screen.
You are becoming really annoying, please delete the words DS and PSP from your mind. KThx.
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Mark posted on Mar 2 2005 at 02:19 PM said:
kotd posted on Mar 2 2005 at 12:37 PM said:
1. 2 Screens, small and low resolution. I don't care about innovative but I'd accept it if the screens weren't so crap.

2. Size, sorry too big nuff said. Due to number 1 of course.

3. Low audio quality, it is 2005 I expect CD quality music and effects.

4. No FMV, See above

5. Expensive games (well in Aus at least) seems to be dead on arrival here, will probably sell consoles but no games.

6. Games, not enough of them and most 1st party games will be ports

7. Grahpics, Nintendo has always dumbed down the handheld market. The DS was meant to be 2D before the PSP came out. Nintendo has never made a handheld which they lose money on selling, on the contrary they make a profit off each handheld therefore the hardware is always cheap and crappy. Sony are losing money on each PSP.


1,3,4 and 7 are about Graphics and sound. And most, to the reasonable person, are great and don't need addressing.

2-The PSP and DS are a very simular size, plus the DS's clamshell means the screen's are safer.

5-PSP games are more expensive than DS games.

6-Too many ports? No, Mario 64 is an improved port. Ridge Racers DS is a port. Wario Ware, Yoshi's Touch And Go, Crystal Drive etc. are NOT PORTS, they are continuations of a series just as Vampire Chronicles, Ridge Racer and MGS are.

Your argument has no basis in reality.

Oh I'm sorry if you prefer having inferior sound and graphics. To me the DS does not have "reasonable" graphics and sound. The Sega Saturn had "reasonable" graphics to the PS but not to the N64.

Nope DS is too big, no discussion there. Clamshell design is nasty in my opinion. It like one of those new cool mini laptops. Except they're proper computers with keyboards while the DS is just a slightly smaller N64.

Unless you smack the PSP into the ground, your not going to damage the screen. I've treated my PSP like shit and its holding up fine with no scratches. Bit dirty though.

Actually number 4 is not graphics. Its limitation of the hardware and software.

Mario 64 is still a port, if it was completely changed it would warrant full price, otherwise it should be a budget title. Wario Ware is like the GBA game shifted to the DS.

Of course PSP games are more expensive. I mean, like 4 people could make a DS quality game if they tried, while PSP games have you know productions costs. Its expensive to make games with near PS2 quality graphics, CD quality music and FMV. I doubt DS games cost too much more to make than GBA games.

hell I'll pay $100AU for a PSP game like NFSU Rivals any day, while DS? $50 max for top quality titles.

Anyway this was MY OPINION and obviously you disagree but your counter arguments have "no basis in reality." either.
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the DS isn't too bad to me, but the future games list puts me off big time. I'm not much of a fan of nintendo 1st party titles(cept mario), or res evil/castlevania, etc...
If i was, i'd def pick one up.

kotd, games that have better visuals or sound aren't nessecarily harder to make, although production costs should be higher...
someone could make a shit game with beautiful graphics just cuz they're using a great game engine or production software with prebuilt templates and the like.
btw, are the DS's graphics really n64 caliber???
Ganepark32 posted on Mar 2 2005 at 06:07 PM said:
ow nintendo are losing money with each sale of the ds are they. Well maybe u should look round some of the game sites and u'll find that sony are losing $50 for every psp sold in japan just trying to compete with the ds's price. And kotd the only reason i can see y anyone would hate 2 screens is that they r retarded and would get confused by them.
edit:- and CABBAGES thats why they released screen protectors. slap one on and instant no scratches on ur touch screen.

LOL read marks post and see why I replied to that one and not yours. Also read finity's post. :lol: :rolleyes: You have no idea at all. Sony competing with the DS price? :lol: $100 difference is not competing, my brainless friend

No IMO DS games are nowhere near N64 caliber but i'm being nice :P
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The DS isn't near the size of a N64 it's the same width as the GC.
And why say it's like a "Cool Laptop" when your trying to argue against it's clamshell design.
I love the clamshell design, I find it more comfortable then a flat system.
And 3d graphics is not everything, some games should never have become 3D, like tetris.
Anyway the DS can have 3D on one screen, why would you want more then that, it'll become confusing and irrating to your eyes. Do you want to watch 2 FMV's on 2 screens...