New Computer Componets


chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai chai
Nov 24, 2003
Wrentham, MA
well I was thinking of gettign a new motherboard so I could get a new graphics card and a new processor

I got like $120 I think

and I need a mb with a AGP slot and one taht can take a new processor. I know I don't got enough for a new processor so i can wait on that

was just wondering what you guys think

right now I got a MB w/out a AGP slot but I want one so I can get a better graphics card

right now I got a Petium III 1ghz or Celeron when I boot up it says celeron and some programs that say what it is say pentium III
I guess you are in the usa ?

Do you have a proprietary computer eg a dell, compaq or emachine etc ?.

Well, Just looked on and have come up with this. It not blindingly fasts but alot faster than you current computer, Bearing in mind your on a budget.

Btw: You are going to need some new ram, As i am 100% sure the ram in your currrent machine will not be compatable, As it needs DDR ram.




Memory (Recommend 512mb minimum)

Anyone got better/cheaper options, Feel free.

right now I got 1 512 and 1 128 RAM chips in forget what the diff is

I got a new gfx GeForce FX 5200

thats why I need a new MB

because I thought the little brown slot was a AGP slot but I was wrong

thanks for the reply I'll take a look

I also have harddrives too if that makes any difference
Ok, I`ve updated my post above to reflect the fact you already have a new graphic card. I Have also added some memory this time (512mb), Any thing less is not realy useable.

thanks a lot

I have exactly $141 not counting probably about $10-15 in change

my comp is a custom built one from like 1999 but I don't think that matters too much

what you think I should do w/ my old ram?? jsut sell it on Ebay or soemthing. I pretty sure its SDRAM because I checked my mb handbook
Probably best to sell it, As i am pretty sure it will not be compatable with the mobo i suggested (or come to think of it, Any other modern mobo). If it is, then there is a very good chance it will slow the system down as it is probably DDR 2100 (266 fsb).

Btw: Is there any chance you could have a look at one of you ram chips and tell me what numbers are written at either end of the gold contacts ?.

Just re-read your post, You say it`s sdram, You`ll need DDR dimm`s.

you going with an Athlon XP chip?
I would ( O wait, I already have... )
anyways, posabley the best Athlon XP board of all time is the
not revision 2 or anything, just the nf7-s
Its a great Mobo, loaded with features, and a gift from God if you are into OC'ing
8x AGP , 3 ram slots , onboard 5.1 audio , and has a nice physical build quality to it
I am running this board, and Athlon XP 2400+ and an ATI 7500 A.I.W. on my server/Quake Workstation and it gets 45-55 FPS in Half Life 2 with 1024x768, shader detail high, DX 8.1 forced mode, texture detail high, model detail medium, trillinear Filtering, no reflective water ( that kills old videocards )

you going with an Athlon XP chip?
I would ( O wait, I already have... )
anyways, posabley the best Athlon XP board of all time is the
not revision 2 or anything, just the nf7-s
Its a great Mobo, loaded with features, and a gift from God if you are into OC'ing
8x AGP , 3 ram slots , onboard 5.1 audio , and has a nice physical build quality to it
I am running this board, and Athlon XP 2400+ and an ATI 7500 A.I.W. on my server/Quake Workstation and it gets 45-55 FPS in Half Life 2 with 1024x768, shader detail high, DX 8.1 forced mode, texture detail high, model detail medium, trillinear Filtering, no reflective water ( that kills old videocards )


He has $141 plus a bit of change to spend, On ram, Mobo, Heatsink/fan and processor, And he did`nt say he wanted to run HL2 or "modern games". He just wanted a bit of a faster PC and the option to add an agp graphic card, Which his current mobo does not support.

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you going with an Athlon XP chip?
I would ( O wait, I already have... )
anyways, posabley the best Athlon XP board of all time is the
not revision 2 or anything, just the nf7-s
Its a great Mobo, loaded with features, and a gift from God if you are into OC'ing
8x AGP , 3 ram slots , onboard 5.1 audio , and has a nice physical build quality to it
I am running this board, and Athlon XP 2400+ and an ATI 7500 A.I.W. on my server/Quake Workstation and it gets 45-55 FPS in Half Life 2 with 1024x768, shader detail high, DX 8.1 forced mode, texture detail high, model detail medium, trillinear Filtering, no reflective water ( that kills old videocards )


He has $141 plus a bit of change to spend, On ram, Mobo, Heatsink/fan and processor, And he did`nt say he wanted to run HL2 or "modern games". He just wanted a bit of a faster PC and the option to add an agp graphic card, Which his current mobo does not support.


but could that mobo handle a better processor?

and I'm going to probably order it next week sometime hopefully

I only play Counter-Strike which I get very poor FPS in sometimes usually 45-60 not bad but then sometimes it can drop down to 10-30 for about 15-20 mins and that is useing 640x480 res and HLToolz on lowest settings so everything is all pixilated
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you going with an Athlon XP chip?
I would ( O wait, I already have... )
anyways, posabley the best Athlon XP board of all time is the
not revision 2 or anything, just the nf7-s
Its a great Mobo, loaded with features, and a gift from God if you are into OC'ing
8x AGP , 3 ram slots , onboard 5.1 audio , and has a nice physical build quality to it
I am running this board, and Athlon XP 2400+ and an ATI 7500 A.I.W. on my server/Quake Workstation and it gets 45-55 FPS in Half Life 2 with 1024x768, shader detail high, DX 8.1 forced mode, texture detail high, model detail medium, trillinear Filtering, no reflective water ( that kills old videocards )


He has $141 plus a bit of change to spend, On ram, Mobo, Heatsink/fan and processor, And he did`nt say he wanted to run HL2 or "modern games". He just wanted a bit of a faster PC and the option to add an agp graphic card, Which his current mobo does not support.


but could that mobo handle a better processor?

and I'm going to probably order it next week sometime hopefully

I only play Counter-Strike which I get very poor FPS in sometimes usually 45-60 not bad but then sometimes it can drop down to 10-30 for about 15-20 mins and that is useing 640x480 res and HLToolz on lowest settings so everything is all pixilated

If you mean the motherboard i recommended, Then yes,

"PcChips M848ALU SKT A SIS 748 400 DDR AGPx8 ATA133 6CH Sound/lAN/USB 2.0 will Take Upto a 3.2+ AMD Athlon XP And Sempron CPU's Retail Box."

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okay well Im hopefully going to order this soong so just makign sure and could someoen send me to agood tut or explain this I haven't done this befor but I can probably do it

also someone knew I was getting a new mb and he wanted one too and asked if he would need to reinstall windows I wouldn't think you have but just making sure
DemonStar55 posted on Feb 11 2005 at 10:19 PM said:
okay well Im hopefully going to order this soong so just makign sure  and could someoen send me to agood tut or explain this I haven't done this befor but I can probably do it

also someone knew I was getting a new mb and he wanted one too and asked if he would need to reinstall windows I wouldn't think you have but just making sure

It depends on which version of windows is being used. All versions of windows pre win2k (not sure about winME, If anyone still uses that :blink: ) would just run the hardware wizard and search or ask for the needed drivers. Win2k, WinXP and win2003 are a different kettle of fish as far as i know (Never did a major hardware upgrade/rebuild with any of thoughs, Always did a complete fresh install). I don`t think it is possible with post win2k os`es (unless someone knows different) as all i have seen is the dreaded blue critical stop screen, With no amount of fiddling or booting from the cd and running the repair console etc will correct the problem.

So basically, to sum it up

pre win2k = No re-installation of windows needed.
win2k and newer = Full re-installation need.

As for physically building the system, Its like a very expensive jigsaw puzzle, And not really for the faint hearted, Although it`s not that difficult, Mistakes can easily be made and can turn out costly. If you have never built one before, It`s not the best thing to experiment on such a low budget, I case things DO go wrong, Then have to fork out more cash to replace broken/damaged parts.

Find someone you know who has done this sort of thing before, Just to be on the safe side.

EDIT: If you do go ahead and do it yourself, Here`s a guide.

EDIT2: Here`s a list, Choose one.

And the best of luck. :)

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