Arguable Idiot
nothing you do will make them sell something that will not make them money so just drop the whole idea.
nothing you do will make them sell something that will not make them money so just drop the whole idea.
Well there is a reason that Lik-Sang would be a good place to have the games. If you are in the US for example the cost of buying stuff frome Europe is extremely high because of the exchange rate (thanks Bush :angry: ). I think the HongKong Dollar is tied to the US dollar so there is not this massive upcharge because of the weak dollar.
That said I don't agree with e-mail spamming either.
They have chosen not to sell those games, for their individual reasons that you won't be able to change.
Dear Mr Donjj,
Your post is really strange, of course the solution is not to send a ton of email to Lik sang because they already have dropped the GP32 because it's a non profitable business for them right now.
I guess It was the same thing with play asia 6 months ago.
But the FACT is the guys from lik sang SAY that they want to promote the GP32.
That's why you have a Lik sang banner in each gp32 web site.
Now, we know it's not the truth, it was just a fruitfull business, that's all.
Last but not least, i am personaly interested about commercial games and i am not alone, so please, don't speak for the entire community.
They have chosen not to sell those games, for their individual reasons that you won't be able to change.
As a consumer of course he (though, clearly, not him on his own) has the power to alter what a shop sells, dumb ass. Do you really think that shops just muddle along in their own little world ignoring consumer demand? Of course not, they listen to their patrons (which is why the GC has like two shelves in any games shop...) and alter their stock accordingly.
Last but not least, i am personaly interested about commercial games and i am not alone, so please, don't speak for the entire community.
If you don't want me to call it community, let’s just call it "market". You simply should have done market research before making a commercial GP32 game. If you did market research, then its your own fault that you still went ahead with the project. Your game might be a very cool addition to the world of GP32, but there is no space for commercial GP32 game on the market. Unfortunately you can't change that, nor will Lik Sang or any other reseller be able to change that.
If you put yourself in 6 or 12 month from now, you will still have not sold much more of your games. Try to be an intelligent person and rethink the complete issue. If you release the game for free now, you will make GP32 history in a positive way. If not, you will have spent a big part of your life with a game that flopped.
On the other hand, I can imagine that you have already spent a lot of money (possibly even a loan from the bank) to pay off Gamepark for the initial production of the game. That might at the end be the only reason what keeps you away from releasing it to the public or offer it as a cheap download.
First of all, it's not "My" game, it's just my opinion relating to commercial games.
By the way concerning your shop "Lik sang", if you don't want sell games, it's your problem, but please dont say that you promote the GP32
As you can see, i have not started this thread, so i don't understand your insinuation (fake thread etc..)
By the way, your passion concerning Lik sang is a little bit strange, it's not a problem if you work with them.
I might as well point out that if Blue Angelo was available for download for a fraction of the cost, I'd probably buy it (if it was available boxed here in Toronto, Canada that would be even better, but what are the chances of that?If you want to buy a boxed game, why don't you buy it from Shibuya or whoever sells them? This complete thread was an act of desperation (you can also call it panic) by the makers of Blue Angelo, and we both know it.