Blueangelo : Send A Mail To Liksang !

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I don't think Lik Sang should care about selling a game, when they don't sell the system; I don't blame them for not selling the BLU+ either, since its a disaster for support (ie: commercial games being flaky..) This is exactly the sort of thing that makes store go elsewhere.

So right now, GP32 is at a tough split in the road IMHO..

Well there is a reason that Lik-Sang would be a good place to have the games. If you are in the US for example the cost of buying stuff frome Europe is extremely high because of the exchange rate (thanks Bush :angry: ). I think the HongKong Dollar is tied to the US dollar so there is not this massive upcharge because of the weak dollar.

That said I don't agree with e-mail spamming either.

That's right HK $ is tied to the US $. It has constant exchange rate $1 US = 7.78 but there is no difference for you at all. If you pay for example $US 50 for something in Europe they need to buy this thing for the same amount of money 50 x 7.79 (or less in case of bigger order). But don't forget there is an extra money for shipping it from europe to HK which is later calculated in the final price. So at the end I dont think the final cost (game price + shipping) will be less when buying from HK than buying directly from europe. This is why you also need to pay more for stuff from Asia in general when buying from Europe than buying it directly from HK/Korea or Japan.
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Wow falken!

Do you really think that mass emailing/spamming really is more effective that a Poll? You're joking right? Both are as effective as writing it onto a piece of paper and throwing it in any trash bin available (Well as poll is more effective: it's like dropping the piece of paper into a trash-bin very close to the person it is adressed to). They have chosen not to sell those games, for their individual reasons that you won't be able to change. Maybe they had just "missed" those games, but if so ONE email only by YOU would have been enough. Are you gonna sue Wal*Mart for not selling GP32's? Or spam them? No you don't as most of us live in a free country (not sure about france, though :lol: ) and stores may sell what they want (as long as it's legal stuff!). If it is about politics, protest may be a good thing. But they won't be useful in changing someones personal oppinion. Politicians don't act for THEYR will, but for what they think is best for the society. And if the society tells them they don't want war, normal democratic politicians (Bush NOT included) won't lead any war. But this does not append to shops. They are driven by the oppinion of the owner. If the owner decides only to sell things that don't work, it's his deal. If hes getting broke, we don't care. So the shops have to think carefuly what to sell in order not to get broke. That's what Lik-sang did. They figured "dude, selling those games boxed won't make any profit.", so they won't sell it. Or will you give them money if the get broke
Well, I sent a very nice email, not demanding or anything. I didn't think it would hurt. I've expressed interest in certain products to stores in the past, altho not as part of a group like this situation.

Sorry if it was annoying. <_<

I guess people in the US will have to wait for a downloadable version of the games, or be willing to spend close to $100 each after shipping etc.
I am not even sure why BlueAngelo has been made at the first place. I understand people are making games and soft for GP32 just because it is fun and a challenge. Making a GP32 game for sale in a box given the facts is commercial suicide - especially if you expect to earn some money out of it. And it has been this way for years, not just since yesterday.

People involved into the software and console business will understand because they usually have some talent and brain. The people who made Blue Angelo have clearly not done their homework, they should have asked the GP32 resellers if they will sell their game and how many they expect to sell. If they would have done this, they would have known that the commercial GP32 games were not interesting at all and would have dropped the game right after the concept and have looked for a real job.

Are you actually a programmer or somehow else involved with Blue Angelo falken80? I guess you are.

I am sure you have read our expressions a few weeks ago in another Blue Angelo thread:

Why don't you make the game available for download for free? You must know by now that it was a mistake, so why not just change direction and make it available to support all GP32 users. You can still setup a PayPal donation button on your page, this will for sure bring more money than no more than a handful of people are willing to buy.

If you are not involved, I apologize for believing you are. Why don't we make a petition about making it available for free, this makes much more sense than mass mailing to dealers to sell something they don't.
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Dear Mr Donjj,

Maybe we can also ask to gamepark if they can send us some GP32 units for free.
Or maybe we can use a paypal donation.I pay 1$ for the BLU..
We can also send some email to Sony, i don't want to pay for psp.

Your post is really strange, of course the solution is not to send a ton of email to Lik sang because they already have dropped the GP32 because it's a non profitable business for them right now.
I guess It was the same thing with play asia 6 months ago.

But the FACT is the guys from lik sang SAY that they want to promote the GP32.
That's why you have a Lik sang banner in each gp32 web site.
Now, we know it's not the truth, it was just a fruitfull business, that's all.

By the way, if the game was sold in their web site, the price should be : EUR 30 (39$) because you need to remove VAT and shipping fees from the original european price (EUR 40/45)
Don't forget that the game is "made in Korea"

Last but not least, i am personaly interested about commercial games and i am not alone, so please, don't speak for the entire community.
If enough people express an interest in a product then surely it would make good fiscal sense to stock it? And how how you may ask would one express an interest? Well through email....

Don't spam,don't demand, just express a genuine interest in a product that they currently do not stock. If enough people genuinly are willing to pay for it then this may cause lik sang to reverse their decision, or it may not. Who knows?

They have chosen not to sell those games, for their individual reasons that you won't be able to change.

As a consumer of course he (though, clearly, not him on his own) has the power to alter what a shop sells, dumb ass. Do you really think that shops just muddle along in their own little world ignoring consumer demand? Of course not, they listen to their patrons (which is why the GC has like two shelves in any games shop...) and alter their stock accordingly.
Dear Mr Donjj,


Your post is really strange, of course the solution is not to send a ton of email to Lik sang because they already have dropped the GP32 because it's a non profitable business for them right now.
I guess It was the same thing with play asia 6 months ago.

But the FACT is the guys from lik sang SAY that they want to promote the GP32.
That's why you have a Lik sang banner in each gp32 web site.
Now, we know it's not the truth, it was just a fruitfull business, that's all.


Actually Lik Sang stopped selling the GP32 for now because of the BLU+ dodgy screen, they said so themselves. Too many customers complained that their unit was faulty with white bars. They are waiting to see if it is corrected. If it weren't for the BLU+ they would still be selling them, maybe games too.
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TBH when I say that consumers can change shops stock, its clearly true. But in this case there really won't be enough interest to justify lik sang selling them. Its a pity realy but the gp32 community is pretty small.
Last but not least, i am personaly interested about commercial games and i am not alone, so please, don't speak for the entire community.

If you don't want me to call it community, let’s just call it "market". You simply should have done market research before making a commercial GP32 game. If you did market research, then its your own fault that you still went ahead with the project. Your game might be a very cool addition to the world of GP32, but there is no space for commercial GP32 game on the market. Unfortunately you can't change that, nor will Lik Sang or any other reseller be able to change that.

If you put yourself in 6 or 12 month from now, you will still have not sold much more of your games. Try to be an intelligent person and rethink the complete issue. If you release the game for free now, you will make GP32 history in a positive way. If not, you will have spent a big part of your life with a game that flopped.

On the other hand, I can imagine that you have already spent a lot of money (possibly even a loan from the bank) to pay off Gamepark for the initial production of the game. That might at the end be the only reason what keeps you away from releasing it to the public or offer it as a cheap download.

BTW: Which online or offline stores are selling commercial games anyway?
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They have chosen not to sell those games, for their individual reasons that you won't be able to change.

As a consumer of course he (though, clearly, not him on his own) has the power to alter what a shop sells, dumb ass. Do you really think that shops just muddle along in their own little world ignoring consumer demand? Of course not, they listen to their patrons (which is why the GC has like two shelves in any games shop...) and alter their stock accordingly.

You've got a point there. But they don't actualy do it after demand, but only if it brings profit (in a normal society: Demand=Profit). Lik-Sang doesn't stock those games, because they think its not worth it. I don't know how much a game would cost if Lik-sang stocked them, but I'm sure it would be high (around 60€ I'd guess). Now I ask you: how much of the people who want lik-sang to sell this game will buy it for that price? Not much I guess. And this is the point where Lik-sang will make losses.

oh, and there's no reason to call me a dumb ass!
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Last but not least, i am personaly interested about commercial games and i am not alone, so please, don't speak for the entire community.

If you don't want me to call it community, let’s just call it "market". You simply should have done market research before making a commercial GP32 game. If you did market research, then its your own fault that you still went ahead with the project. Your game might be a very cool addition to the world of GP32, but there is no space for commercial GP32 game on the market. Unfortunately you can't change that, nor will Lik Sang or any other reseller be able to change that.

If you put yourself in 6 or 12 month from now, you will still have not sold much more of your games. Try to be an intelligent person and rethink the complete issue. If you release the game for free now, you will make GP32 history in a positive way. If not, you will have spent a big part of your life with a game that flopped.

On the other hand, I can imagine that you have already spent a lot of money (possibly even a loan from the bank) to pay off Gamepark for the initial production of the game. That might at the end be the only reason what keeps you away from releasing it to the public or offer it as a cheap download.

First of all, it's not "My" game, it's just my opinion relating to commercial games.
By the way concerning your shop "Lik sang", if you don't want sell games, it's your problem, but please dont say that you promote the GP32 ;)
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Yes, I was tired and grouchy. As you'll see from my edit I do agree I just think it's a shame th at a game such as Blue Angelo which looked really cool is unavailable now.
Now I am *really* confused!

If GP32 games are not commercially viable why are so many people paying to download them from the Gamepark site? If you are paying then they are commercial games, albeit not boxed commercial games.

As I understand it the GP32 is available to buy off the shelf in Spain so would it also not make sense that people *may* buy a boxed game or two at the same time? I know that this doesn't help if you don't live in Spain but I imagine the makers of Blue Angelo don't give a flying fig where they are selling units as long as they are selling units.

Finally, what's to stop the makers of Blue Angelo from selling their game themselves? It would cost sod all to set up a simple e-commerce website and sell worldwide. Perhaps an email (and I mean ONE) to the guys responsible for Blue Angelo politely asking where the game can be bought would help.

What I am saying here is that not being able to buy boxed GP32 games from LikSang is not necessarily the end of the world!


EDIT: ...and of course Virtual Spaghetti do actually have a link on their website to buy the game. The link goes to Shibuya's store because Shibuya Interactive are the publishers of Blue Angelo. Note to self - do a little research before talking wank.
First of all, it's not "My" game, it's just my opinion relating to commercial games.
By the way concerning your shop "Lik sang", if you don't want sell games, it's your problem, but please dont say that you promote the GP32 ;)

It appeared to me that you are involved into the game. Your design and pages look very similar to the ones of Shibuya. I also thought that I saw some cross-linking, but you know for sure better than me if you are involved or not. As said in my original post, I could be wrong and apologized in advance if I am.

You must have misunderstood, I did not say that I am promoting the GP32, nor did I say that I am working for Lik Sang. I have personally put a lot of time into the GP32 and into Gamepark, I just loved it. It's now 4 years later, and things are different.

If you want to buy a boxed game, why don't you buy it from Shibuya or whoever sells them? This complete thread was an act of desperation (you can also call it panic) by the makers of Blue Angelo, and we both know it.

The thread starter lists Shibuya as parter on his homepage, and you, akumajo, have been seen around the internet since 2002 to promote Shibuya, calling them "your partner shop".

Shibuya promised a trip to Tokyo including the "most fashionable" restaurant and some other nice things like visiting the Sega Park or something. Is there a winner yet? I hope that this trip is not setup like this fake "tell Lik Sang your interest in boxed games" thread, because if it is it's not only stupid and another chapter how these guys make fools out of themselves, it's fraud.
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first of all,If i want to hide that i already worked with Shibuya for their advertisement design, i don't put this banner...
I am not linked with Blue Angelo, by the way, we also want to get Wanna be a wizard
I am just an objective player (do you know this word? i am not sure).

Furthermore, i really think that there is no reason to panic for the maker because Blue Angelo is one of the best games for GP32.
But maybe the problem is you never pay your game, even if it's commercial games.

As you can see, i have not started this thread, so i don't understand your insinuation (fake thread etc..)
By the way, your passion concerning Lik sang is a little bit strange, it's not a problem if you work with them.

Last but not least, i think we will see in the future if the contest is a fake or not.
So if it's not the truth, it will be a fraud, but actually, you are making libels...

Wait and see
As you can see, i have not started this thread, so i don't understand your insinuation (fake thread etc..)
By the way, your passion concerning Lik sang is a little bit strange, it's not a problem if you work with them.

I would rather say I have a passion to tell people and Shibuya what a mistake it was to think that they can have commercial success with BlueAngelo. As you can see, I am also involved in other BlueAngelo discussions which have nothing todo with Lik Sang - that this thread is about Lik Sang is pure coincidence and came from falken80, not from myself.

I am 100% confident they will send some lucky winner to Japan ;-) They will also release BlueAngelo on the GBA, you know?
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If you want to buy a boxed game, why don't you buy it from Shibuya or whoever sells them? This complete thread was an act of desperation (you can also call it panic) by the makers of Blue Angelo, and we both know it.
I might as well point out that if Blue Angelo was available for download for a fraction of the cost, I'd probably buy it (if it was available boxed here in Toronto, Canada that would be even better, but what are the chances of that? ;) ). I think, donjj, that you are quite wrong in thinking that there is no interest in commercial games by GP32 owners. I'm quite willing to buy a game, but it has to be a good game, and it has to not cost more than a computer game (so I don't feel as if I'm wasting money). I'd buy Gloop DX, or Wanna Be Wizard when it's translated, or Blue Angelo (since I've heard that it's good, although I'm still waiting for a review) if it comes to it.

The point is, I WOULD like this game to be stocked somewhere at a much cheaper price, so perhaps you shouldn't be quite as sure as you seem to be that this thread was a publicity stunt by Shibuya.
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