Rpg Recommendations


Jan 1, 2004
So what good rpg games work on the GP32 (im trying to refind the passion I had for the gp and RPGs sex me up good style). Anyways so far I have:
- Final Fantasy 1 (NES) - Good RPG to play on LJGP runs full speed and all, and the fastforward means you can skip the slow bits.
- Final Fantasy 2 (NES) - As above
- Final Fantasy 3 (NES) - As above but I loves this when I was at my grannies... you get converted into a midget and stuff :D
- Final Fantasy 4 (SNES) - Couldnt get into this.
- Final Fantasy 5 (SNES) - Fun but got bored
- Final Fantasy 6 (SNES) - Played it on PC mostly but its fucking ace
- Chrono Trigger (SNES) - Played it on DC for hours, fun FUN.
- Pokemon Blue (GB) - Good, played it on original hardware more.
- Pokemon TCG (GB) - Good strategic fun
- Pokemon Gold (GBC) - As with blue

Thats all I have so far, Im looking for something with a good story... also is there a good translation patch for front mission and how fast does it play on os9x. Erm boobies.


Phantasy Star IV. (DrMD .. full speed & full sound!)

I'm playing it (again) now ... it absolutely rocks.

(I couldn't afford this game when it first came out ... it was $99 :blink: )
So what good rpg games work on the GP32 (im trying to refind the passion I had for the gp and RPGs sex me up good style). Anyways so far I have:
- Final Fantasy 1 (NES) - Good RPG to play on LJGP runs full speed and all, and the fastforward means you can skip the slow bits.
- Final Fantasy 2 (NES) - As above
- Final Fantasy 3 (NES) - As above but I loves this when I was at my grannies... you get converted into a midget and stuff :D
- Final Fantasy 4 (SNES) - Couldnt get into this.
- Final Fantasy 5 (SNES) - Fun but got bored
- Final Fantasy 6 (SNES) - Played it on PC mostly but its fucking ace
- Chrono Trigger (SNES) - Played it on DC for hours, fun FUN.
- Pokemon Blue (GB) - Good, played it on original hardware more.
- Pokemon TCG (GB) - Good strategic fun
- Pokemon Gold (GBC) - As with blue

Thats all I have so far, Im looking for something with a good story... also is there a good translation patch for front mission and how fast does it play on os9x. Erm boobies.


I believe I have/had the translated of frontmission for the SNES (think is still on my gp32)
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Haven't Tested it but Pokemon Crystal I found to have the best story line of the lot

Also Story of Thor on Dr.MD, full speed and sound (although the sound isn't that great) slight glitch with graphics on the egdes of the screen, occasionally.
(adventure RPG)
If adventure RPG's count there's always Zelda games...well link to the past on Snes.

Can't think of anything else, You've already mention FF6 (playing on pc off and on now)
Live-a-live is one of the fastest running SNES games on the GP32, it is also an awesome rpg by Square, a must try. Gunmans proof is also enjoyable, but doesn't run as fast. Neugier runs great and is a fun action rpg.

Be sure to try Survival kids (Stranded kids as Pal), Harvest Moon (1-3) and Legend of the River King 2 for the GBC. All those are RPGs but with innovative gameplay twists. I especially enjoyed Legend of the River King 2 (not as much the prequal, however). I wasn't going to mention the all too well known games, but if you enjoy those innovations, you may want to consider Mario Tennis and Mario Golf, since they are sport games with an RPG twist. Generally I dislike sport games, but those are great.
The Shining force Series for Gamegear is quite good. Nice Strategic Rpgs. Unfortunately, only the second one was released in english, im not sure if there are any unofficial translations for the others... :)
Front Mission translation is 100%, BUT there are severe transparency issues... the movement/attack range squares don't show up on the battle-map, making it almost unplayable.

Other cool RPGs:

"Console style"

Earthbound (SNES)
Crystalis (NES)
Just Breed (NES - transation patch)
Soleil/Crusader of Centy (MD)
YS 1-3 (MSX)
Breath of Fire 1 & 2 (SNES)
Ranma 1/2 (SNES - translation patch)
Shadowrun (SNES, Genesis - different games)
Lufia 1 & 2 (SNES) -- Lufia 1 gets VERY repetitive though...
Secret of Mana 1 & 2 (SNES)
Dragon Warrior/Quest series (NES & SNES - with translation patches)
SD Snatcher (MSX)
Phantasy Star 2-4 (MD)
Final Fantasy Legend 1-3 (GB)
Final Fantasy Adventure (GB)

"Computer style"

Ultima I-V (c64, NES, MSX, Atari ST)
Bard's Tale 1-3 (c64)
Times of Lore (c64, Atari ST, NES)
Dungeon Master (Atari ST)
Bloodwych (c64)
Wizardry (NES)
Swords & Serpents (NES)
Phantasie III (Atari ST)
Questron II (Atari ST)

There are a few more newly-translated console titles I'm forgetting... also, I'll second how good Neugier, Soul Blazer, Harvest Moon, etc are... plenty to choose from!
i started soleil, but i got suck just in the first hour. i need money to start my sword-training, but i can't find it. any tips?
i started soleil, but i got suck just in the first hour. i need money to start my sword-training, but i can't find it. any tips?

There are coins hidden in the grass, and you can also do the basic (middel) training course multiple times, to get more coins.

But I am stuck a bit later... how can you comunicate with the evil rabbit?
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Anyone tried Seiken Densetsu 3 on GP32?

This was one of the best, last RPG's for SNES in Japan, a great Squaresoft RPG I think a sequel to Secret of Mana but not sure... very good game though and it has a full translation.
Definitely get into the Phantasy Star series. All 4 are fully playable on GP32 now thanks to Reesy.

Use any SMS emu for PS1. DrMD will play PS2, 3 and 4 perfectly. Basically 3 is considered the black sheep of the series, and from my brief time with it I can see why, but it's still decent. The other 3 suck you right in, and are really fun RPG's. 4 is the most sophisticated of the series in terms of graphics and presentation - you can't go wrong with it.
You need to be able to speak with animals to talk to the rabbit. You can do this by visiting the fortune teller in the park to the left of the town you start in. She's in a red tent.

Sorry its a bit vague, ill start playing it now and give a better description if its needed.

Soleil rocks.

I havnt tried any snes games on my GP yet. Does anyone know if Secret of Mana works on it.
You need to be able to speak with animals to talk to the rabbit. You can do this by visiting the fortune teller in the park to the left of the town you start in. She's in a red tent.

Sorry its a bit vague, ill start playing it now and give a better description if its needed.

Soleil rocks.

I havnt tried any snes games on my GP yet. Does anyone know if Secret of Mana works on it.

I guessed so already, but the fortune tellers tent is closed :(
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